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glyphics The Third Discovery
2000 A.D.
Ansichrist ns mceedia@hotmail.com
Avenging Angel avg Cryogenic cg Dissonance d1
balltongue01@hotmail.com mrfluffy99@hotmail.com numbified@hotmail.com
Klumzee kl Knocturnal k1 Nitrifik 3i
brian@oc3.org vesaliscrx@yahoo.com hson@hotmail.com
Pariah par Spearfx sp Teknojunkie tj
fkiper@hotmail.com spear@alienpub.com tjunkie@pobox.org
Toot to
Activity - 8 submitting out of 11 artists 73 activity.
Noted alterations - on the ansi spectrum, a few free agents came our way
during the month. Firstly, Spearfx of former Used management was impressed
and inspired enough to decide to join us. Ansichrist, sporting definitive
mid-school skills, will be adding his creative influence in the future.
To further increase our joy, our ascii department has received a jump start
from two phenomenal artists. Pariah, remembered perhaps from his glory days
in Awe and Teknojunkie, a bedazzling newbie from the cold north are now among
us. Thanks and welcome to all of you!
Those Involved
In exposition, Id first and foremost like to thank you for downloading and
taking the time to enjoy this pack. In doing so youre contributing even a
little part to keeping the art scene healthy. Likewise to the other groups
still active keep it up - although its pointless to attempt to out-do US. :
Within the group as of late, Ive been trying to stress an importance of ascii
and my desire to incorporate ascii artists into our ranks. I personally feel
the two forms of art go hand in hand, and not enough cross-exposure is seen
between them. Ideally, I would like both mediums equally represented in our
showcases, and I hope we can achieve that.
Another possible misconception about Hieroglyphics is that we are strictly a
logo team. This is silly, and if true would prove my previous statements
contradictory. The effort we make is about art and the encouragement of ALL
art, not about placing limits on it.
My last topic doesnt completely relate to this particular group or pack, but
I think it should be mentioned here anyway. I just want to commend the
wonderful effort Pariah is making towards Awards2k and making it a reality.
I think its timing is actually quite special. At such a pivotal time in scene
history, naturally we should take a look back and reflect on the past decade,
which arguably or not has been good to every one of us.
Ill wrap it up for now. Im pleased that were on time, continue browsing the
Misguided Ramblings Courtesy Of Dissonance
Hey, a place for me to rant in. Excellent!
Actually, Id just like to bring up a pet-peeve of mine. That pet-peeve happensto be the fact that people still talk like its 1989 and people still use
TheDraw. Yes, as a logo artist, I am of course talking about the usage of the
word font for a logo. Yes, I know its not really a big deal. But its stilldegrading, damn you. If what we did were fonts, theyd all look exactly the
Now, arguably, a lot of artists logos look like fonts since all their work
looks the same. But thats still no reason. Is a pic not a pic? Then cant a logo be a logo? The scene has always looked down on logoism, basically, and itsabout damn well time that stopped. Im not saying itll save the scene or
anything. The only thing itll change is that I wont get as annoyed when some
high and mighty pic-artist is talking about logos in ans. Dont get me wrong,
Im not anti-pic at all. Im just anti-pic-artist-mentality, so there.
Id also like to take this opportunity to make it known that at least I am glad
that Hiero is growing in size Hey, we cant grow in popularity, everyone loves
us!. Thats because Hiero has been my favorite group to be in, most likely
because some of my best group-work has been in Hiero-packs, but still. Hiero
rocks and you know it!
Ok, so this was rather pointless. But you still read it, sucker! Ok, so Im
wrong. I do have a point dont look down on us logoists, and if you dont
dont talk like you do.
The Last Laugh Courtesy Of Nitrifik
glyphics The Third Discovery
2000 A.D.
Ansichrist ns mceedia@hotmail.com
Avenging Angel avg Cryogenic cg Dissonance d1
balltongue01@hotmail.com mrfluffy99@hotmail.com numbified@hotmail.com
Klumzee kl Knocturnal k1 Nitrifik 3i
brian@oc3.org vesaliscrx@yahoo.com hson@hotmail.com
Pariah par Spearfx sp Teknojunkie tj
fkiper@hotmail.com spear@alienpub.com tjunkie@pobox.org
Toot to
Activity - 8 submitting out of 11 artists 73 activity.
Noted alterations - on the ansi spectrum, a few free agents came our way
during the month. Firstly, Spearfx of former Used management was impressed
and inspired enough to decide to join us. Ansichrist, sporting definitive
mid-school skills, will be adding his creative influence in the future.
To further increase our joy, our ascii department has received a jump start
from two phenomenal artists. Pariah, remembered perhaps from his glory days
in Awe and Teknojunkie, a bedazzling newbie from the cold north are now among
us. Thanks and welcome to all of you!
Those Involved
In exposition, Id first and foremost like to thank you for downloading and
taking the time to enjoy this pack. In doing so youre contributing even a
little part to keeping the art scene healthy. Likewise to the other groups
still active keep it up - although its pointless to attempt to out-do US. :
Within the group as of late, Ive been trying to stress an importance of ascii
and my desire to incorporate ascii artists into our ranks. I personally feel
the two forms of art go hand in hand, and not enough cross-exposure is seen
between them. Ideally, I would like both mediums equally represented in our
showcases, and I hope we can achieve that.
Another possible misconception about Hieroglyphics is that we are strictly a
logo team. This is silly, and if true would prove my previous statements
contradictory. The effort we make is about art and the encouragement of ALL
art, not about placing limits on it.
My last topic doesnt completely relate to this particular group or pack, but
I think it should be mentioned here anyway. I just want to commend the
wonderful effort Pariah is making towards Awards2k and making it a reality.
I think its timing is actually quite special. At such a pivotal time in scene
history, naturally we should take a look back and reflect on the past decade,
which arguably or not has been good to every one of us.
Ill wrap it up for now. Im pleased that were on time, continue browsing the
Misguided Ramblings Courtesy Of Dissonance
Hey, a place for me to rant in. Excellent!
Actually, Id just like to bring up a pet-peeve of mine. That pet-peeve happensto be the fact that people still talk like its 1989 and people still use
TheDraw. Yes, as a logo artist, I am of course talking about the usage of the
word font for a logo. Yes, I know its not really a big deal. But its stilldegrading, damn you. If what we did were fonts, theyd all look exactly the
Now, arguably, a lot of artists logos look like fonts since all their work
looks the same. But thats still no reason. Is a pic not a pic? Then cant a logo be a logo? The scene has always looked down on logoism, basically, and itsabout damn well time that stopped. Im not saying itll save the scene or
anything. The only thing itll change is that I wont get as annoyed when some
high and mighty pic-artist is talking about logos in ans. Dont get me wrong,
Im not anti-pic at all. Im just anti-pic-artist-mentality, so there.
Id also like to take this opportunity to make it known that at least I am glad
that Hiero is growing in size Hey, we cant grow in popularity, everyone loves
us!. Thats because Hiero has been my favorite group to be in, most likely
because some of my best group-work has been in Hiero-packs, but still. Hiero
rocks and you know it!
Ok, so this was rather pointless. But you still read it, sucker! Ok, so Im
wrong. I do have a point dont look down on us logoists, and if you dont
dont talk like you do.
The Last Laugh Courtesy Of Nitrifik
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