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Hieroglyphics News Release 1
A man bearing a message of genesis shall emerge...
With spring comes birth, and following natures guidelines we proudly present
the first Hieroglyphics font collaboration. We are a family concerned less about the intricacies and politics of the underground art scene rather, we are
interested in pushing the limits of our medium, in turn expanding the horizons
of the individual and our scene as a whole. Our focus lies in the goal we share, the goal to innovate and inspire while at the same time upholding a
professional and articulate demeanor.
The ideaology held by myself is reflected in the manner by which the group is
governed. Each member is encouraged to express and share any contributions thatthey wish to bring forth, as communication and openness are essential in any successful family. We are not here to assimilate - every member is appreciated
and admired, and in joining, draws WITH us - not FOR us.
Though we are a structured group, we are flexible in our methods and the
appeasement of everyone in the group is something I will strive for. The
underlying importance is that we are free from the stress of tradition or the
norm and we will grace you with our art as we see fit. : Experimentation is
something I personally view as admirable, and I have much respect for anyone
seeking to stray from conventionalism. In all, that is what Hieroglyphics
encompasses. It is a forum to break boundaries, to forget hesitance or doubt
and simply create.
Roster Alterations
Being a new group, we pretty much were faced with the challenge of starting fromscratch member-wise. Aside from Zedfactor and myself, four skilled artists werecourageous enough to take the plunge and join us in getting Hieroglyphics off the ground.
Crayon - this guy is as motivated as they come. After a lengthly departure fromthe scene, he made his comeback with Klexical where he showcased his craftiness,originality and talent with a Jaded release. Now, hes drawing with us and I couldnt be more excited.
Gloss - known for his brilliant font work in Ice and Awe Lettering, Gloss has
agreed to spike our packs with his unique blend of oldschool and innovation.
Kleenex - combining graf-elements with a pleasing ansi lustre, Kleenex joins us
from Glue. You may also recall his works from older Dark and Awe releases.
Reanimator - a seasoned artist very well-known for his original pictures, his
list of past affiliations ranges from Acid to Legion to his new home, Seven.
Perhaps underrated as a fontist, his contributions to our packs will soon put
that notion to rest.
Heartfelt hugs and kisses to our guests this month: Knocturnal for a fileid.dizat very short notice, thanks also to Count Zero and Grymmjack for their guest
Any interest in our group can be directed to Dissonance or Zedfactor. Inquiriescan be sent to deeone@usa.net as applications are very welcome.
Thanks to those who took the time to skim over the news release. Also, sincere
gratitude to all who helped, provided support or encouragement in the fulfillment of our ideas. Enjoy the introductory pack, now that we are
established we hope to expose some of the neat ideas we have for Hieroglyphics.
On that note, watch for our follow-up next month.
Dissonance - Founder/Administrator, Hieroglyphics
Hieroglyphics News Release 1
A man bearing a message of genesis shall emerge...
With spring comes birth, and following natures guidelines we proudly present
the first Hieroglyphics font collaboration. We are a family concerned less about the intricacies and politics of the underground art scene rather, we are
interested in pushing the limits of our medium, in turn expanding the horizons
of the individual and our scene as a whole. Our focus lies in the goal we share, the goal to innovate and inspire while at the same time upholding a
professional and articulate demeanor.
The ideaology held by myself is reflected in the manner by which the group is
governed. Each member is encouraged to express and share any contributions thatthey wish to bring forth, as communication and openness are essential in any successful family. We are not here to assimilate - every member is appreciated
and admired, and in joining, draws WITH us - not FOR us.
Though we are a structured group, we are flexible in our methods and the
appeasement of everyone in the group is something I will strive for. The
underlying importance is that we are free from the stress of tradition or the
norm and we will grace you with our art as we see fit. : Experimentation is
something I personally view as admirable, and I have much respect for anyone
seeking to stray from conventionalism. In all, that is what Hieroglyphics
encompasses. It is a forum to break boundaries, to forget hesitance or doubt
and simply create.
Roster Alterations
Being a new group, we pretty much were faced with the challenge of starting fromscratch member-wise. Aside from Zedfactor and myself, four skilled artists werecourageous enough to take the plunge and join us in getting Hieroglyphics off the ground.
Crayon - this guy is as motivated as they come. After a lengthly departure fromthe scene, he made his comeback with Klexical where he showcased his craftiness,originality and talent with a Jaded release. Now, hes drawing with us and I couldnt be more excited.
Gloss - known for his brilliant font work in Ice and Awe Lettering, Gloss has
agreed to spike our packs with his unique blend of oldschool and innovation.
Kleenex - combining graf-elements with a pleasing ansi lustre, Kleenex joins us
from Glue. You may also recall his works from older Dark and Awe releases.
Reanimator - a seasoned artist very well-known for his original pictures, his
list of past affiliations ranges from Acid to Legion to his new home, Seven.
Perhaps underrated as a fontist, his contributions to our packs will soon put
that notion to rest.
Heartfelt hugs and kisses to our guests this month: Knocturnal for a fileid.dizat very short notice, thanks also to Count Zero and Grymmjack for their guest
Any interest in our group can be directed to Dissonance or Zedfactor. Inquiriescan be sent to deeone@usa.net as applications are very welcome.
Thanks to those who took the time to skim over the news release. Also, sincere
gratitude to all who helped, provided support or encouragement in the fulfillment of our ideas. Enjoy the introductory pack, now that we are
established we hope to expose some of the neat ideas we have for Hieroglyphics.
On that note, watch for our follow-up next month.
Dissonance - Founder/Administrator, Hieroglyphics
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