this image contains text
a / /
hazmat/cia production / /
by jack phlash
view this pic in 80x50, the rest are in 80x25 i was just bored
colly 16 --- jack phlash --- hazmat!asciiz --- a division of cia
--- notes...
this collection is work from between when i finished my last colly which was
quite sometime before it was released in a hz pack and now. a lot of the ascii
is pretty shitty, its easy to tell my newer ones. much more streamlined, much
better, i should probably have just released them indiviually and said fuck
the colly, but ive got all this shit laying around, so why not.
-jack phlash cia/hazmat/demonic/gutter
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
01jp header colly hazmat
02dorky looking colly 16 header colly hazmat
03colly index ascii colly hazmat
04anti-all zine request
05cia font group remix
06breakdown bbs request
07dead cities box request
08dominance diz group request
09delusions of anarchy bbs request
10gammaray bbs request
11hazmat group promo
12cia group promo
13hazmat group promo
14illusion bbs software request
15infinite darkness bbs request
16karma ascii group promo
17never believe bbs request
18prelude bbs request
19sysfail diz group promo
20sysfail font group promo
21sublime bbs request
22madeira bbs request
23aspire diz group promo
24madeira matrix bbs request
25pledge of allegiance zine request
26quick logon software request
27gutter zine promo
28aspire group joint
29aspire group joint
30hazmat diz colly hazmat
mail requests to jp@demonic.net
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? anti-all /
is? zine
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / // aNTi-aLL
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? cia /
is? group
why? remix jp-clly3.asc
argh, all my headers look the same.
creators of intense art: ninenine
@@@@@ / / , @@@
@@@ / / / / / @@@@
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? breakdown /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
, /: // , / /:jp!hz
:............ .bREAKdOWN!::
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? dead cities /
is? box
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ : :: ::: dEADcITIES ::: :: :
// / /jp!ciA/98
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? dominance diz /
is? group
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
--- d o m i n a n c e ---
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? delusions of anarchy /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / / // / / /jp!cia
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? gammaray /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? hazmat /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
// / /jp
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? cia /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / // / cIA nINEnINE .. . . ..
sEAeYEaYE : :: ::::::::: // // / / /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? hazmat /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
hazmat-- // // - / jp!hzcia -- -
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? illusion /
is? software
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
illusion bbs software // new release by kargus / jack phlash demonic 99
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? infinite darkness /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
. . // / jp!hz/cia
i n f i n i t e d a r k n e s s
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? karma!ascii /
is? group that wouldnt let me join
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / / / / / / / / jp
// / k A R M A ! A / /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? never believe /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ , / / / , nEVER
. / / // . // . / bELIEVE
jp!cia/ // /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? prelude /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
//---/ /.. ....jp/hz
........: // .. ---// ........: pRELUDE --- ---//
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? sysfail diz /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
s y s t e m
jp // // / //
..system failure e-- / mag number sixteen..
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? sysfail font /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
.. / / / // / / / /jp.:
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? sublime /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
jp!/ /-- / /-// // //
------ S U B L i M E ------
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? madeira /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
fe4r the mo0nman m a d e i r a
/ 0 - !Jp//Cia/Asp
/ / b // / /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? aspire diz /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
aspire!ascii - -
- / - - - - / - pack 5
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? madeira matrix /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
logon to madeira /
/ o0
l o g o n / l e a v e
a p p l y n o t e
c h a t
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? poa /
is? zine
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
friendsdonotletfriendspledgeallegiance -- pledgeofallegianc
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? quick logon /
is? software
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ quick logon? yes no
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? gutter /
is? promo
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
o O /
/ / / / /jp
Sometimes I feel really depressed and want to kill myself. I began
wondering if perhaps I should see my doctor and get an some kind of special
perscription. Prozac maybe? This brings up a touching concern... I hear
people who take such drugs act like completely different people when they
have been on them for awhile. Do I really want to be a completely different
person? I think not. My depression is who I am, what Im about and by-god,
im not about to give that up to make anyone else happy!
But my friends and family got the best of me... I went. I told my
doctor of my fears of this potentially personaility altering drug, and he
told me hed give me something new, something experimental, something unique,
something filthy... he calls it Gut-TER-8, and it really works!
Now Im a changed man. No longer do I dress in all black! no longer
do I rip ansis from lordjazz! no longer do I use gif2ansi programs! no longer
do I long to cut my wrists and fill my bird bath up with my own fluids! hell,
I dont fuck my sister anymore!
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? aspire /
is? group
why? joint
argh, all my headers look the same.
original by: esc---------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
finished by: jack phlash-------------------------------------------- --- -- -
/ esc/jpa / /
aspire!ascii 1998--------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? aspire /
is? group
why? joint
argh, all my headers look the same.
original by: jack phlash-------------------------------------------- --- -- -
finished by: esc---------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
aspire!ascii 1998--------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? hazmat diz /
is? colly
why? hazmat!
argh, all my headers look the same.
eof ----
hazmat/cia production / /
by jack phlash
view this pic in 80x50, the rest are in 80x25 i was just bored
colly 16 --- jack phlash --- hazmat!asciiz --- a division of cia
--- notes...
this collection is work from between when i finished my last colly which was
quite sometime before it was released in a hz pack and now. a lot of the ascii
is pretty shitty, its easy to tell my newer ones. much more streamlined, much
better, i should probably have just released them indiviually and said fuck
the colly, but ive got all this shit laying around, so why not.
-jack phlash cia/hazmat/demonic/gutter
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
01jp header colly hazmat
02dorky looking colly 16 header colly hazmat
03colly index ascii colly hazmat
04anti-all zine request
05cia font group remix
06breakdown bbs request
07dead cities box request
08dominance diz group request
09delusions of anarchy bbs request
10gammaray bbs request
11hazmat group promo
12cia group promo
13hazmat group promo
14illusion bbs software request
15infinite darkness bbs request
16karma ascii group promo
17never believe bbs request
18prelude bbs request
19sysfail diz group promo
20sysfail font group promo
21sublime bbs request
22madeira bbs request
23aspire diz group promo
24madeira matrix bbs request
25pledge of allegiance zine request
26quick logon software request
27gutter zine promo
28aspire group joint
29aspire group joint
30hazmat diz colly hazmat
mail requests to jp@demonic.net
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? anti-all /
is? zine
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / // aNTi-aLL
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? cia /
is? group
why? remix jp-clly3.asc
argh, all my headers look the same.
creators of intense art: ninenine
@@@@@ / / , @@@
@@@ / / / / / @@@@
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? breakdown /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
, /: // , / /:jp!hz
:............ .bREAKdOWN!::
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? dead cities /
is? box
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ : :: ::: dEADcITIES ::: :: :
// / /jp!ciA/98
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? dominance diz /
is? group
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
--- d o m i n a n c e ---
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? delusions of anarchy /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / / // / / /jp!cia
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? gammaray /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? hazmat /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
// / /jp
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? cia /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / // / cIA nINEnINE .. . . ..
sEAeYEaYE : :: ::::::::: // // / / /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? hazmat /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
hazmat-- // // - / jp!hzcia -- -
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? illusion /
is? software
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
illusion bbs software // new release by kargus / jack phlash demonic 99
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? infinite darkness /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
. . // / jp!hz/cia
i n f i n i t e d a r k n e s s
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? karma!ascii /
is? group that wouldnt let me join
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ / / / / / / / / jp
// / k A R M A ! A / /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? never believe /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ , / / / , nEVER
. / / // . // . / bELIEVE
jp!cia/ // /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? prelude /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
//---/ /.. ....jp/hz
........: // .. ---// ........: pRELUDE --- ---//
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? sysfail diz /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
s y s t e m
jp // // / //
..system failure e-- / mag number sixteen..
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? sysfail font /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
.. / / / // / / / /jp.:
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? sublime /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
jp!/ /-- / /-// // //
------ S U B L i M E ------
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? madeira /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
fe4r the mo0nman m a d e i r a
/ 0 - !Jp//Cia/Asp
/ / b // / /
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? aspire diz /
is? group
why? promo
argh, all my headers look the same.
aspire!ascii - -
- / - - - - / - pack 5
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? madeira matrix /
is? bbs
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
logon to madeira /
/ o0
l o g o n / l e a v e
a p p l y n o t e
c h a t
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? poa /
is? zine
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
friendsdonotletfriendspledgeallegiance -- pledgeofallegianc
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? quick logon /
is? software
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
/ quick logon? yes no
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? gutter /
is? promo
why? request
argh, all my headers look the same.
o O /
/ / / / /jp
Sometimes I feel really depressed and want to kill myself. I began
wondering if perhaps I should see my doctor and get an some kind of special
perscription. Prozac maybe? This brings up a touching concern... I hear
people who take such drugs act like completely different people when they
have been on them for awhile. Do I really want to be a completely different
person? I think not. My depression is who I am, what Im about and by-god,
im not about to give that up to make anyone else happy!
But my friends and family got the best of me... I went. I told my
doctor of my fears of this potentially personaility altering drug, and he
told me hed give me something new, something experimental, something unique,
something filthy... he calls it Gut-TER-8, and it really works!
Now Im a changed man. No longer do I dress in all black! no longer
do I rip ansis from lordjazz! no longer do I use gif2ansi programs! no longer
do I long to cut my wrists and fill my bird bath up with my own fluids! hell,
I dont fuck my sister anymore!
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? aspire /
is? group
why? joint
argh, all my headers look the same.
original by: esc---------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
finished by: jack phlash-------------------------------------------- --- -- -
/ esc/jpa / /
aspire!ascii 1998--------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? aspire /
is? group
why? joint
argh, all my headers look the same.
original by: jack phlash-------------------------------------------- --- -- -
finished by: esc---------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
aspire!ascii 1998--------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
// colly 16 // hazmat!ascii
what? hazmat diz /
is? colly
why? hazmat!
argh, all my headers look the same.
eof ----
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