this image contains text
hazmat v4.0 information file. status: de-classified
YES! were still around, and were better than ever!
/ // / / : H.AZMAT i
ts/ R.ELEASE 4
- comments from the team leaders /.
wow, quick month for the hazmat drawers of ascii. just re-instating the
fact that.. we aint going away. new to us this month is tesko suicide, and
t-bob. whos this tesko guy anyways? you know him. maybe his old nick rings a
bell astrocreep? astro?? not that guy from mimic? uh huh, and a bit of oh yea.
introducing t-bob for your viewing pleasure. guys got some nice art, youll be
seeing a whole lot more from this guy in packs to come. bad news.. leaving us
this month, was zerostar. he got an invite from remorse, good luck with your
new group. i better see you owning the pack. in nick changes noktor is now knownas schoolkid. and i dont like using capitals is that bad?
- cat-dog
ps - thanks to all the people who guested this month
- hazmatian crew-type agentz /.
team leaders ::
. dark entity de de@kracked.com
. jack phlash jp jp@demonic.net
. cat-dog cd! adoran@hotmail.com
agents ::
. dorm drm dorm69@hotmail.com
. rage rg rage!@hempseed.com
. rippa rp rippa@hotmail.com
. jandor ?? jandor@purg.com
. schoolkid sk chadtech@usa.net
. minister 666 ---------------------
. euphorik u4 jblalick@interconnect.net
. tesko suicide ts korn613@hempseed.com
. t-bob t-bob soconnor@javanet.com
spiez? ::
. kayozz zz mimic
. caster CT mimic
. zerostar zs remorse
. merlin mer remorse
/ nfo ::
how to contact us?
irc hazmat and/or cia efnet
email de@kracked.com / jp@demonic.net
/ adoran@hotmail.com
wanna join us eh? well.... .. .
zip up your best work, email it with some info to
dark entity, jack phlash or cat-dog.. or you could
send via irc to a cia senior.
YES! were still around, and were better than ever!
/ // / / : H.AZMAT i
ts/ R.ELEASE 4
- comments from the team leaders /.
wow, quick month for the hazmat drawers of ascii. just re-instating the
fact that.. we aint going away. new to us this month is tesko suicide, and
t-bob. whos this tesko guy anyways? you know him. maybe his old nick rings a
bell astrocreep? astro?? not that guy from mimic? uh huh, and a bit of oh yea.
introducing t-bob for your viewing pleasure. guys got some nice art, youll be
seeing a whole lot more from this guy in packs to come. bad news.. leaving us
this month, was zerostar. he got an invite from remorse, good luck with your
new group. i better see you owning the pack. in nick changes noktor is now knownas schoolkid. and i dont like using capitals is that bad?
- cat-dog
ps - thanks to all the people who guested this month
- hazmatian crew-type agentz /.
team leaders ::
. dark entity de de@kracked.com
. jack phlash jp jp@demonic.net
. cat-dog cd! adoran@hotmail.com
agents ::
. dorm drm dorm69@hotmail.com
. rage rg rage!@hempseed.com
. rippa rp rippa@hotmail.com
. jandor ?? jandor@purg.com
. schoolkid sk chadtech@usa.net
. minister 666 ---------------------
. euphorik u4 jblalick@interconnect.net
. tesko suicide ts korn613@hempseed.com
. t-bob t-bob soconnor@javanet.com
spiez? ::
. kayozz zz mimic
. caster CT mimic
. zerostar zs remorse
. merlin mer remorse
/ nfo ::
how to contact us?
irc hazmat and/or cia efnet
email de@kracked.com / jp@demonic.net
/ adoran@hotmail.com
wanna join us eh? well.... .. .
zip up your best work, email it with some info to
dark entity, jack phlash or cat-dog.. or you could
send via irc to a cia senior.
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