this image contains text
// colly 14 second hazmat release // hazmat pack two by jack phlash
well... i suck... nuff said, make some requests...
// joint joint by phluid jp/crap
/ / /phd/jp
:.a joint // // /
/ / now i cant read it at all
// aftermath bbs requested/bbs
/ / / / / jp!hz
a f t e r m a t h / / , /
// diz for burn ansi pack one requested/guest pack
// / / , / / /!jp
one // / //
b urn .. stick nifty slogan here
// crisp.. des bbs requested/bbs
, // , // , // /jp
// straight in from mutha fuckin compton :........ , c r i s p
// hazmat ascii promo/info header requested/promo
/ / , / // / , / jp/hz98
/hazmat!/ascii / , / / /
/pack /number /two / /
// infusion installation menu requested/software
i n f u s i o n // i n s t a l l /jp
, install a new copy of infusion... /
install :
: upgrade installation directory:
editorial : C:infusion
: abort .
// mimic ascii bored/promo
// m i m i c ! a s c i i --- two words fellaz... suck it //
// net ident header requested/software
/ / jp!cia
// pej... my tag bored/crap
/ / / /pej98hz
// unf, check me out in 80x50 //
// sysfail header bored/promo
/ / / , /jp
/ / system failure // issue 15
// vivid bbs software diz requested/software
: / / jp
// vivid v1.0 alpha :
+- -- - - by natedogg/demonic .
// covert ops joint by lucid jp/bbs
/ / lc/jp
-- ops -- - /
c o v e r t o p s /
// dore bbs modding joint by lucid jp/promo
, / / /lc
. / / / / jp.
: doRe / :
:.. . dore modding // better than woe! . ..:
// the end of colly 14
well... i suck... nuff said, make some requests...
// joint joint by phluid jp/crap
/ / /phd/jp
:.a joint // // /
/ / now i cant read it at all
// aftermath bbs requested/bbs
/ / / / / jp!hz
a f t e r m a t h / / , /
// diz for burn ansi pack one requested/guest pack
// / / , / / /!jp
one // / //
b urn .. stick nifty slogan here
// crisp.. des bbs requested/bbs
, // , // , // /jp
// straight in from mutha fuckin compton :........ , c r i s p
// hazmat ascii promo/info header requested/promo
/ / , / // / , / jp/hz98
/hazmat!/ascii / , / / /
/pack /number /two / /
// infusion installation menu requested/software
i n f u s i o n // i n s t a l l /jp
, install a new copy of infusion... /
install :
: upgrade installation directory:
editorial : C:infusion
: abort .
// mimic ascii bored/promo
// m i m i c ! a s c i i --- two words fellaz... suck it //
// net ident header requested/software
/ / jp!cia
// pej... my tag bored/crap
/ / / /pej98hz
// unf, check me out in 80x50 //
// sysfail header bored/promo
/ / / , /jp
/ / system failure // issue 15
// vivid bbs software diz requested/software
: / / jp
// vivid v1.0 alpha :
+- -- - - by natedogg/demonic .
// covert ops joint by lucid jp/bbs
/ / lc/jp
-- ops -- - /
c o v e r t o p s /
// dore bbs modding joint by lucid jp/promo
, / / /lc
. / / / / jp.
: doRe / :
:.. . dore modding // better than woe! . ..:
// the end of colly 14
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