this image contains text
lSSSP*---*?P.,..y@@y,.? ?.d/. P ..db.? P P.d / P *?b. ..dP.dbb ? P,P* .yb.? !?d .b.. .d .dP??. . ? .yb,db.*P.d.? ?b .,-*ydSSP*-*?, . .dyyy,.*?P,,y*y..d. b dbyydbdb. .. P bd dyy. / ?P d. . ??b P.* /.d.*****.d* ? . ??y- - . * P .* .y. ., .P *? .,yP ?P l .,d .,yP . .,y /y .,yP .,y.,yP .d .P* .,d* .d? ,. *? .ydb. . ?/?b. P .,yP?b. ?bdP .d. *P*-*?b. d.dydb. */. .P db. d.d. ..dbyydb. .P d/. d. P / ?d. . by.-*. /P*P d .* .. P* dP**? d.y@ . . . .yd .. b,..b..,*P*---*? b. ,y@@y. *y. *!!!* mp. -**-.,*,.b - y. .
.,,. ? l y byyyd
b,. /. P
*?P** /y.
.. .d. .y.
.y/. .P*---*?.b.
P*--? dP P
P* .?P
.P dby . .,yd .?P d
yd . d
: P* l
P* .,y- .P*
. yd .y.
. ?. *** .db.
. ?b,. .,d y b. P ?byyd* P
* P
** s y s t e m f a i l u r e
system failure magazine-for: pinguino/logicbox------ - - - -- fuck you -----
this is for my favorite h/p mag, SYSTEM FAILURE! wow, that mag is so cool, you
better just check it out right now or you might become lame. uh... yeah, so
anyway pinguino or whoever -- cut all this shit off and put whatever stats you
need to put below the font. I didnt put anything in because I wasnt sure
what issue this would be for or how you were gonna use it. peace.
meatpod +o flash traffick, not a fed word to velOcity
.,,. ? l y byyyd
b,. /. P
*?P** /y.
.. .d. .y.
.y/. .P*---*?.b.
P*--? dP P
P* .?P
.P dby . .,yd .?P d
yd . d
: P* l
P* .,y- .P*
. yd .y.
. ?. *** .db.
. ?b,. .,d y b. P ?byyd* P
* P
** s y s t e m f a i l u r e
system failure magazine-for: pinguino/logicbox------ - - - -- fuck you -----
this is for my favorite h/p mag, SYSTEM FAILURE! wow, that mag is so cool, you
better just check it out right now or you might become lame. uh... yeah, so
anyway pinguino or whoever -- cut all this shit off and put whatever stats you
need to put below the font. I didnt put anything in because I wasnt sure
what issue this would be for or how you were gonna use it. peace.
meatpod +o flash traffick, not a fed word to velOcity
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