this image contains text
Its my first month with CIA and Im feeling welcome....
Although i havent been drawing for long, I think that I do ok..
Some people I would like to thank are:
Strike Light: thanks bud
MarkGoh: thanks for all the help with some letters
Mystery: keeping me busy with sending him files D
Silica Avatar: where the fuck are you cous?!?!?
Putrid Carcass: get back and draw bud, you rock!
Count Zero: where did you run to?!?!
Here is the list of Art:
01 The Toxic Dump Toast
02 The World Of Chaos Biohazerd
03 We Want Information Mcarec
04 PRF Diz Mcarec
05 Flatscan BBS -------
06 Toat Ktras
07 Ataraxia Sminded
08 Code One BBS -------
The Toxic Dump
World Of Chaos / / / / /
- - -/- W O R L D -/-//- -/-
,-- O F - // -- - ----
+-- -//- C H//A O S //-
Welcome to...... / /
+WANT/: +
iNFORMATiON/ // / / /
:::::::::: RELEASE NAME :::::::::
- -- - - - - , f l a t s c a n b b s ---.
:. --,. -- -------CasterCiA:
Well.. thats all for this month.. hopefully next month Ill have more
time on my hands.....
Its my first month with CIA and Im feeling welcome....
Although i havent been drawing for long, I think that I do ok..
Some people I would like to thank are:
Strike Light: thanks bud
MarkGoh: thanks for all the help with some letters
Mystery: keeping me busy with sending him files D
Silica Avatar: where the fuck are you cous?!?!?
Putrid Carcass: get back and draw bud, you rock!
Count Zero: where did you run to?!?!
Here is the list of Art:
01 The Toxic Dump Toast
02 The World Of Chaos Biohazerd
03 We Want Information Mcarec
04 PRF Diz Mcarec
05 Flatscan BBS -------
06 Toat Ktras
07 Ataraxia Sminded
08 Code One BBS -------
The Toxic Dump
World Of Chaos / / / / /
- - -/- W O R L D -/-//- -/-
,-- O F - // -- - ----
+-- -//- C H//A O S //-
Welcome to...... / /
+WANT/: +
iNFORMATiON/ // / / /
:::::::::: RELEASE NAME :::::::::
- -- - - - - , f l a t s c a n b b s ---.
:. --,. -- -------CasterCiA:
Well.. thats all for this month.. hopefully next month Ill have more
time on my hands.....
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