this image contains text
armpitpeople!@ penispalaces!
dweizel dw gOop! 6197383850 neatOfunhOuse
mOon man mm black ice 805??????? westernhq
pSionide pS fluxland 4165320601 canadianhq
SuiCyco sui nocturnal dreams 0218871804 s.africanhq
artists@@!@ packeasyplaces@
aventari av tNvhazematrix 6194801814 bulletinboard
gossomer gm ftp://ftp.cts.com /pub/sandman internetftp
frozen shade fz
monarch mo hazeinfo!@!@
mOon man mm
pSionide pS were back with pack004. this pack sucks. and
sandman tsm we admit it, its the worst haze pack yet. but
SuiCyco sui some really cool stuff is happening with the
vertigo vg group. sadly enough, were dropping kokane due
watOr wO to inactivity, and we havent been able to get
ahold of our telcom guy, phractal if youre
coders!@!@!@ reading this call gOop!. but were happy to
have added mOon man, a member from the beginning
mrkite mk to the senior staff. he does a lot. we also
mOon man mm added a new western hq to the lineup, black ice.
we didnt get any new artists but like always
telcom!@!@ were looking for more. the cool stuff: next
month were going to have an awesome new appgen
sandman tsm with new ansis and full mouse support. we will
phractal ph be taking out the hq board portion of the appgen
so get those applications rolling in. we will
also within the next two months have a new state of the art ansi viewer
with more options and cool stuff to do than any other out there. and,
as an added bonus, it will have full lordjazz ansi support. cause he
rules. it will be coded by mrkite mainly known for his coding and ascii
talent, and mOon man, and up and coming coder. we should also have a
really cool web page withing the next two months. and on to other stuff,
this will probably be basically the layout of the infofile for the next
few packs like you guys care, and enhancements will be made. we also
have a NeWP0LiCYkrad on members. to be a member you MUSTcall gOop!
twice a month. once in the middle to check on stuff with haze, and once
at the end of the month to contribute the stuff for the pack. this way
communication will always be there. oh and for the 312423412341th time,
no DISTSITES. is there ANYWHEREin the app that say dist. NO!so quit
calling saying i want to apply for a dist site, i filled out the app.
how could you have? theres nowhere in their for dist sites. oh and we
are looking for small groups with talent to merge with, that are willing
to keep the name haze. just call gOop! if youre interested. ok well
i think thats it for this month. seeya..............................
armpitpeople!@ penispalaces!
dweizel dw gOop! 6197383850 neatOfunhOuse
mOon man mm black ice 805??????? westernhq
pSionide pS fluxland 4165320601 canadianhq
SuiCyco sui nocturnal dreams 0218871804 s.africanhq
artists@@!@ packeasyplaces@
aventari av tNvhazematrix 6194801814 bulletinboard
gossomer gm ftp://ftp.cts.com /pub/sandman internetftp
frozen shade fz
monarch mo hazeinfo!@!@
mOon man mm
pSionide pS were back with pack004. this pack sucks. and
sandman tsm we admit it, its the worst haze pack yet. but
SuiCyco sui some really cool stuff is happening with the
vertigo vg group. sadly enough, were dropping kokane due
watOr wO to inactivity, and we havent been able to get
ahold of our telcom guy, phractal if youre
coders!@!@!@ reading this call gOop!. but were happy to
have added mOon man, a member from the beginning
mrkite mk to the senior staff. he does a lot. we also
mOon man mm added a new western hq to the lineup, black ice.
we didnt get any new artists but like always
telcom!@!@ were looking for more. the cool stuff: next
month were going to have an awesome new appgen
sandman tsm with new ansis and full mouse support. we will
phractal ph be taking out the hq board portion of the appgen
so get those applications rolling in. we will
also within the next two months have a new state of the art ansi viewer
with more options and cool stuff to do than any other out there. and,
as an added bonus, it will have full lordjazz ansi support. cause he
rules. it will be coded by mrkite mainly known for his coding and ascii
talent, and mOon man, and up and coming coder. we should also have a
really cool web page withing the next two months. and on to other stuff,
this will probably be basically the layout of the infofile for the next
few packs like you guys care, and enhancements will be made. we also
have a NeWP0LiCYkrad on members. to be a member you MUSTcall gOop!
twice a month. once in the middle to check on stuff with haze, and once
at the end of the month to contribute the stuff for the pack. this way
communication will always be there. oh and for the 312423412341th time,
no DISTSITES. is there ANYWHEREin the app that say dist. NO!so quit
calling saying i want to apply for a dist site, i filled out the app.
how could you have? theres nowhere in their for dist sites. oh and we
are looking for small groups with talent to merge with, that are willing
to keep the name haze. just call gOop! if youre interested. ok well
i think thats it for this month. seeya..............................
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