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NewsLetter Issue 2
Havok merged with a group by the name of iLLUSiON this month,
they show some pretty good potential and good organization,
and should make a nice addition to the group. Weve also
introduced a new ansi editing program written by Techie, but
upon the authors request, only an unregistered alpha version
has been included with the pack. Id also like to aknowlege
that Mr. Corruption, one of the newly gained senior members
from the iLLUSiON merge, will be adding to the Newsletter
this month.
New Members:
New members include everyone from iLLUSiON, too numerous to
list. Just compare the new member list to the old. :
Members resigning:
One resignation has occured this month, Perkman left to join
Vi, but apparently was not accepted, so his current affiliations
are unknown.
As I said before, Havok is introducing a new ANSi editor,
once that supports 3800 lines of editing, surpassing
Thedraw tm 100 line limit. To top it off, it is written
in pure Assembler, so the editor is a whopping 7k with
the documentation.
An Application form generator has been included this month,
if you have talent, feel free to apply.
In RiP art this month, we have gained a new rip artist from
iLLUSiON, Asrael. So hopefully you will be seeing a lot
more rip art from Havok.
Our VGA department is getting even better with new acquisitions
of several artists from iLLUSiON. Perkman has left Havok, his
current whereabouts is unknown.
Due to some personal problems, The Replicant has only shown
one piece of art this month. Nightbreed showed some outstanding
work again, and is continuing to improve his artwork. The Stalker
has rejoined Havok, and shows that his skills have improved
imensly since he left Havok. Sword Weaver as well had some
personal business to attend to, i.e., filling out college
applications, so his artwork is limited this month, but still
of terrific quality.
The Lit department is again very solid, with Zaphod contributing
another large quantities of work, as well as quality. Destiny
has continued to show her originality, improving her style of
colorful poetry.
As stated before, DarkDraw, the ANSi editor produced by Techie
of Havok Enterprisestm is complete, and an unregistered beta
version is included with this archive. Also, Techie has improved
HavokView, which now has many things to boast. First of all, the
VGA display rate is EXTREMELY noticably faster, and clocks at 4
times faster than the viewer produced by ACiD Productionstm.
Also, the viewer has reduced in size, to be only 1,920 bytes,
or 1k, compared to ACiD Productionstm viewer, that is 1/100th
the size.
Well this has been the update for this month. Any questions
about Havok can be answered by myself on CiPNet or KMANet, my
board, or my voice line 7O8557-2825.
Anyone interested in becoming a site for Havok can apply using
the Application Generator, and uploaded to either The Thieves
Guild 7O8261-1849, or The Acropolis 7O8557-2826.
-Lars Ulrich
NewsLetter Issue 2
Havok merged with a group by the name of iLLUSiON this month,
they show some pretty good potential and good organization,
and should make a nice addition to the group. Weve also
introduced a new ansi editing program written by Techie, but
upon the authors request, only an unregistered alpha version
has been included with the pack. Id also like to aknowlege
that Mr. Corruption, one of the newly gained senior members
from the iLLUSiON merge, will be adding to the Newsletter
this month.
New Members:
New members include everyone from iLLUSiON, too numerous to
list. Just compare the new member list to the old. :
Members resigning:
One resignation has occured this month, Perkman left to join
Vi, but apparently was not accepted, so his current affiliations
are unknown.
As I said before, Havok is introducing a new ANSi editor,
once that supports 3800 lines of editing, surpassing
Thedraw tm 100 line limit. To top it off, it is written
in pure Assembler, so the editor is a whopping 7k with
the documentation.
An Application form generator has been included this month,
if you have talent, feel free to apply.
In RiP art this month, we have gained a new rip artist from
iLLUSiON, Asrael. So hopefully you will be seeing a lot
more rip art from Havok.
Our VGA department is getting even better with new acquisitions
of several artists from iLLUSiON. Perkman has left Havok, his
current whereabouts is unknown.
Due to some personal problems, The Replicant has only shown
one piece of art this month. Nightbreed showed some outstanding
work again, and is continuing to improve his artwork. The Stalker
has rejoined Havok, and shows that his skills have improved
imensly since he left Havok. Sword Weaver as well had some
personal business to attend to, i.e., filling out college
applications, so his artwork is limited this month, but still
of terrific quality.
The Lit department is again very solid, with Zaphod contributing
another large quantities of work, as well as quality. Destiny
has continued to show her originality, improving her style of
colorful poetry.
As stated before, DarkDraw, the ANSi editor produced by Techie
of Havok Enterprisestm is complete, and an unregistered beta
version is included with this archive. Also, Techie has improved
HavokView, which now has many things to boast. First of all, the
VGA display rate is EXTREMELY noticably faster, and clocks at 4
times faster than the viewer produced by ACiD Productionstm.
Also, the viewer has reduced in size, to be only 1,920 bytes,
or 1k, compared to ACiD Productionstm viewer, that is 1/100th
the size.
Well this has been the update for this month. Any questions
about Havok can be answered by myself on CiPNet or KMANet, my
board, or my voice line 7O8557-2825.
Anyone interested in becoming a site for Havok can apply using
the Application Generator, and uploaded to either The Thieves
Guild 7O8261-1849, or The Acropolis 7O8557-2826.
-Lars Ulrich
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