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Hallucigenia Infofile
...November 1998...
In case you were wondering, the dot above is actually a hallucigenia logo
as seen from 10 miles away.. I have a whole bunch of school stuff that needs to
be done by next week so thats all the ansi youre getting out of me today.
Dont worry though, the rest of the pack is MUCH better.
After all the effort we put in last months HAL-o-ween pack, this month hasbeen pretty quiet in Hallucigenia-land. News of note would be that my
co-founder, Happyfish, left Vancouver this month for a nine month, cross-Canada
volunteer program this month called Katimavik. Shes presently stationed in
Red Deer and, at last report, having a grand time. As a result I have taken overcontrol of KitschNet and am now the sole semi-producing member of the lowrez
department--hence the general lack of ansi headers this month. Which brings me
to my next point...
Calling All Artists
This marks our sixth pack and a half a year of solid releases behind us. Ifyoure still with us and still watching our progress, its my hope that weve
made some kind of impression on you. The goal of the first sixth months has
always been to create a stable foundation for ourselves and I think we can
proudly say that weve been able to do that.. now its time for something more.
The first part of this something more is broadening our membership. At
present we have highly productive--and talented--hirez and real world art
departments and part of their success was the assigning of coordinators to thoseareas. Initially I got Komando hirez and Silent Knight real world art for
those departments in an effort to lighten my own workload, but theyve also
been able to strengthen those departments through their presence. It is our
hope that coordinators for Hallucigenias other three departments will have a
similar effect.
Hallucigenia is looking for coordinators for its music department,
lit department and lowrez art ansi/ascii department. Were not looking for
the most talented or the most prestigious names to fill these roles. We want
dedicated people who are willing to take some time to help us build a really
great group. The coordinators main tasks will be recruitment--to just get out
there and make contacts--and to help out with the members in their department.
If this sounds of interest to you, please contact me and well see about
setting you up.
And, of course, were always accepting members to all our departments,
lowrez, hirez, lit, music and real world art. Theres an application file in
the pack and an online application form on our website.
Now with that out of the way, on with the pack...
Members Guests
Our new member this month is Iris of hirez who brings us some faerie filledartwork. Also joining us this month from the Altered Reality club of Simon
Fraser University is Erekose with some very wild-looking black and white
Joint Projects
A couple interesting joint pieces this month. The first, our-tree.jpg,
is from the infamous Catbones of ACiD and our own optikNurv. This piece has
already been released in ACiDs October pack but it didnt quite make the
deadline for last months Hallucigenia pack.. hence, here it is now. Another
joint work is between one of our real world artists, Triana, and the hirez
talents of Pisces3d. At Trianas request her original sketch ti-dragn.jpg has
been included along with the finished piece us-dragn.jpg.
Just a quickie note about the website, we had some difficulties with
Monolith so the old hallucigenia.ml.org doesnt point directly to the new
website. Were in the process of getting a permanent URL but for now, a quicker
way to get there is dfact.ml.org/hallucigenia
Included in this months pack is a new KitschNet infopack which makes note
of the change of host and provides the lastest nodelist for the net.
Nothing Left to Say
Happy pack wandering.
group coordinator of
...November 1998...
In case you were wondering, the dot above is actually a hallucigenia logo
as seen from 10 miles away.. I have a whole bunch of school stuff that needs to
be done by next week so thats all the ansi youre getting out of me today.
Dont worry though, the rest of the pack is MUCH better.
After all the effort we put in last months HAL-o-ween pack, this month hasbeen pretty quiet in Hallucigenia-land. News of note would be that my
co-founder, Happyfish, left Vancouver this month for a nine month, cross-Canada
volunteer program this month called Katimavik. Shes presently stationed in
Red Deer and, at last report, having a grand time. As a result I have taken overcontrol of KitschNet and am now the sole semi-producing member of the lowrez
department--hence the general lack of ansi headers this month. Which brings me
to my next point...
Calling All Artists
This marks our sixth pack and a half a year of solid releases behind us. Ifyoure still with us and still watching our progress, its my hope that weve
made some kind of impression on you. The goal of the first sixth months has
always been to create a stable foundation for ourselves and I think we can
proudly say that weve been able to do that.. now its time for something more.
The first part of this something more is broadening our membership. At
present we have highly productive--and talented--hirez and real world art
departments and part of their success was the assigning of coordinators to thoseareas. Initially I got Komando hirez and Silent Knight real world art for
those departments in an effort to lighten my own workload, but theyve also
been able to strengthen those departments through their presence. It is our
hope that coordinators for Hallucigenias other three departments will have a
similar effect.
Hallucigenia is looking for coordinators for its music department,
lit department and lowrez art ansi/ascii department. Were not looking for
the most talented or the most prestigious names to fill these roles. We want
dedicated people who are willing to take some time to help us build a really
great group. The coordinators main tasks will be recruitment--to just get out
there and make contacts--and to help out with the members in their department.
If this sounds of interest to you, please contact me and well see about
setting you up.
And, of course, were always accepting members to all our departments,
lowrez, hirez, lit, music and real world art. Theres an application file in
the pack and an online application form on our website.
Now with that out of the way, on with the pack...
Members Guests
Our new member this month is Iris of hirez who brings us some faerie filledartwork. Also joining us this month from the Altered Reality club of Simon
Fraser University is Erekose with some very wild-looking black and white
Joint Projects
A couple interesting joint pieces this month. The first, our-tree.jpg,
is from the infamous Catbones of ACiD and our own optikNurv. This piece has
already been released in ACiDs October pack but it didnt quite make the
deadline for last months Hallucigenia pack.. hence, here it is now. Another
joint work is between one of our real world artists, Triana, and the hirez
talents of Pisces3d. At Trianas request her original sketch ti-dragn.jpg has
been included along with the finished piece us-dragn.jpg.
Just a quickie note about the website, we had some difficulties with
Monolith so the old hallucigenia.ml.org doesnt point directly to the new
website. Were in the process of getting a permanent URL but for now, a quicker
way to get there is dfact.ml.org/hallucigenia
Included in this months pack is a new KitschNet infopack which makes note
of the change of host and provides the lastest nodelist for the net.
Nothing Left to Say
Happy pack wandering.
group coordinator of
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