this image contains text
hallucigenia art collective
we arent dyslexic smurfs
Though it may not look the part, this pack was harder to get out than any
of the three earlier ones. I know its late, but you have to appreciate the
minor miracle that got it released at all.
what doesnt kill you...
Yes, Hallucigenia almost died this month... ALMOST, but not quite. I had
anticipated the fact that school would be a serious burden on my life starting
in September and wed done some reorganization last month in an attempt to
lighten my HAL-related workload. However, after my second week of classes I
realized I hadnt been able to lay a finger on my computer all week.. you
can mutter computer-nerd under your breath if you like, but I havent gone
a week without my computer in five years.. and I had a pack to get out
that weekend! How on earth was I going to keep running Hallucigenia??
It struck me as a warning of things to come and I posted a message on our
mailing list saying I was resigning my post as group leader. I suggested a
bunch of options for the future.. someone else taking my place.. merging
with another group.. just fading into the woodwork.. but I was pleasantly
surprised to discover that Hallucigenias will to live was much stronger than I originally thought. Even though the group is still relatively young, no one
was ready to give up on it yet and that finally convinced me that I wasnt
ready to quit either.
So, with further internal juggling and the support of HALs tenacious member
base, we were ready to rumble once again. Sorry, you havent gotten rid of us
quite yet!
great things to come for the webpage
As part of the reorganization I mentioned above, I turned over control of
the groups webpage to Silent Knight who will be moving the webpage to his
server and taking over its operation as of this release. SK has more experience in the webdesign department than I do and will likely be adding some more spice our basic site. Two things that will remain the same though--the packs will
continue to be displayed in full online and the address will remain
members, guests and that whole mess
This month we lost one lit writer and gained another.. Rorshach has requested to be put on inactivity-leave as he works on some lit projects for the 604 BBS, The Jade Monkey, and at the same time we picked up Psycho78, a friend of
optikNurvs, for the lit department. Also this month, we have a guest
appearance from Count Zero of Ice who gave us the HAL logo that appears at the
top of this infofile and the memberlist.
guess thats it
All thats left is to wish you Happy Pack-Wandering and to say that any
rumours of our demise are greatly exagerated.
group coordinator of
hallucigenia art collective
we arent dyslexic smurfs
Though it may not look the part, this pack was harder to get out than any
of the three earlier ones. I know its late, but you have to appreciate the
minor miracle that got it released at all.
what doesnt kill you...
Yes, Hallucigenia almost died this month... ALMOST, but not quite. I had
anticipated the fact that school would be a serious burden on my life starting
in September and wed done some reorganization last month in an attempt to
lighten my HAL-related workload. However, after my second week of classes I
realized I hadnt been able to lay a finger on my computer all week.. you
can mutter computer-nerd under your breath if you like, but I havent gone
a week without my computer in five years.. and I had a pack to get out
that weekend! How on earth was I going to keep running Hallucigenia??
It struck me as a warning of things to come and I posted a message on our
mailing list saying I was resigning my post as group leader. I suggested a
bunch of options for the future.. someone else taking my place.. merging
with another group.. just fading into the woodwork.. but I was pleasantly
surprised to discover that Hallucigenias will to live was much stronger than I originally thought. Even though the group is still relatively young, no one
was ready to give up on it yet and that finally convinced me that I wasnt
ready to quit either.
So, with further internal juggling and the support of HALs tenacious member
base, we were ready to rumble once again. Sorry, you havent gotten rid of us
quite yet!
great things to come for the webpage
As part of the reorganization I mentioned above, I turned over control of
the groups webpage to Silent Knight who will be moving the webpage to his
server and taking over its operation as of this release. SK has more experience in the webdesign department than I do and will likely be adding some more spice our basic site. Two things that will remain the same though--the packs will
continue to be displayed in full online and the address will remain
members, guests and that whole mess
This month we lost one lit writer and gained another.. Rorshach has requested to be put on inactivity-leave as he works on some lit projects for the 604 BBS, The Jade Monkey, and at the same time we picked up Psycho78, a friend of
optikNurvs, for the lit department. Also this month, we have a guest
appearance from Count Zero of Ice who gave us the HAL logo that appears at the
top of this infofile and the memberlist.
guess thats it
All thats left is to wish you Happy Pack-Wandering and to say that any
rumours of our demise are greatly exagerated.
group coordinator of
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