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Hallucigenia: were not illegal August 1998 Infofile In the sweltering heat.. as it radiates off the pavement in searing ripples.. Hallucigenia members slave away in stuffy computer rooms.. wondering at the
cruel, electronic irony that prevents them from working on art while sitting
under the lawn sprinkler..
and now featuring
What can I say about this pack? Well, no ansi/ascii.. I have no excuse this
month and can only say, youll get it when you get it. We do, however,
have an item called Comics That Suck from our own Aylektrique which features
people from around the art scene. No actual scene members were harmed in the
production of this comic and Ive been told by Aylektrique that hes already
working on installment 2. Be afraid.. be very afraid.. We also have two
joint hirez pieces from Spire and Shart Cia, and Silent Knight and Infinite Madness Mistigris.
members come and members go
Joining our merry band this month would be Amberstat Zero hirez, FyffeDawg
lit/hirez, Pv who applied to all the departments and Dominion, who had
been doing some internet work for us and now has decided to contribute some
hirez stuff too. And we say goodbye to Spire, as he returns to Mistigris
taking the much sought-after position of hirez coordinator. Best of luck to
holy faster website, batman!
After getting so many complaints about Geocities, we finally decided to move
to greener pastures.. or at least a faster server. You can now find us in all our glory at hallucigenia.home.ml.org
my apologies
Despite popular belief, group leaders are not perfect.. lets just stomp that nasty little myth right now. This goes doubly for rookie group leaders as I
discovered last month when I accidently didnt release some work of Komando
and Spire. The work was available on the website, it just didnt make it
into the pack. For that reason, Im re-releasing those missed pieces for the
first time here and once again on the website. Sorry about that, guys.
wonders of reorganization
As these last few weeks of summer tick away, many of us are preparing to pack up the sunstop and beach blankets and to unpack the pencils and the books in
preparation for going back to the grind they innocently call school.
Hallucigenia has had it easy these last few releases, since Ive had the time to putter away and essentially run the whole group by myself.. but with
school around the bend--university, in my case--thats something that had to
To that end, we appointed coordinators for the two largest departments,
hirez and real world art. Komando, who has been enthusiastic about helping
out the group from the beginning, takes on the role of hirez coordinator and
Silent Knight, with much organizational and real world experience from his
work on his comic project Dream Factory, becomes the real world art
We also took the opportunity in this organizational mayhem, to assign a block of time on IRC for Hallucigenia members to get together and have dubbed it,
HAL:The Gathering. Thus far its been used to discuss policy, assemble joint
projects between departments--watch for something from hirez and real world
art next month--and make Ivory the Official Soap of Dispensing Justice--err.. dont ask. If youre in the neighbourhood, youll find us at 7pm Pacific
Standard Time Sundays on hallucigenia, EFnet.
thats all folks
Okay, thats enough from me, so go take a look at the pack.. or better yet,
turn off your heat-generating computer, get out of the house and find a
nice cool pond to stick your toes into. It IS summer, after all.
group coordinator of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ansi by Happyfish
cruel, electronic irony that prevents them from working on art while sitting
under the lawn sprinkler..
and now featuring
What can I say about this pack? Well, no ansi/ascii.. I have no excuse this
month and can only say, youll get it when you get it. We do, however,
have an item called Comics That Suck from our own Aylektrique which features
people from around the art scene. No actual scene members were harmed in the
production of this comic and Ive been told by Aylektrique that hes already
working on installment 2. Be afraid.. be very afraid.. We also have two
joint hirez pieces from Spire and Shart Cia, and Silent Knight and Infinite Madness Mistigris.
members come and members go
Joining our merry band this month would be Amberstat Zero hirez, FyffeDawg
lit/hirez, Pv who applied to all the departments and Dominion, who had
been doing some internet work for us and now has decided to contribute some
hirez stuff too. And we say goodbye to Spire, as he returns to Mistigris
taking the much sought-after position of hirez coordinator. Best of luck to
holy faster website, batman!
After getting so many complaints about Geocities, we finally decided to move
to greener pastures.. or at least a faster server. You can now find us in all our glory at hallucigenia.home.ml.org
my apologies
Despite popular belief, group leaders are not perfect.. lets just stomp that nasty little myth right now. This goes doubly for rookie group leaders as I
discovered last month when I accidently didnt release some work of Komando
and Spire. The work was available on the website, it just didnt make it
into the pack. For that reason, Im re-releasing those missed pieces for the
first time here and once again on the website. Sorry about that, guys.
wonders of reorganization
As these last few weeks of summer tick away, many of us are preparing to pack up the sunstop and beach blankets and to unpack the pencils and the books in
preparation for going back to the grind they innocently call school.
Hallucigenia has had it easy these last few releases, since Ive had the time to putter away and essentially run the whole group by myself.. but with
school around the bend--university, in my case--thats something that had to
To that end, we appointed coordinators for the two largest departments,
hirez and real world art. Komando, who has been enthusiastic about helping
out the group from the beginning, takes on the role of hirez coordinator and
Silent Knight, with much organizational and real world experience from his
work on his comic project Dream Factory, becomes the real world art
We also took the opportunity in this organizational mayhem, to assign a block of time on IRC for Hallucigenia members to get together and have dubbed it,
HAL:The Gathering. Thus far its been used to discuss policy, assemble joint
projects between departments--watch for something from hirez and real world
art next month--and make Ivory the Official Soap of Dispensing Justice--err.. dont ask. If youre in the neighbourhood, youll find us at 7pm Pacific
Standard Time Sundays on hallucigenia, EFnet.
thats all folks
Okay, thats enough from me, so go take a look at the pack.. or better yet,
turn off your heat-generating computer, get out of the house and find a
nice cool pond to stick your toes into. It IS summer, after all.
group coordinator of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ansi by Happyfish
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