this image contains text
ity th e b
e c o m i n g
ops: unlimited calibar-
---------------y0.. uC... use this for your last caller s
creen.. or matrix.. or logoff thing..or something.. to ti
dy up your board and make it cooler.. your board.. rules..
just needs some cool ansis.. unfortunately this is about as
cool as I can dobut this isnt that bad.. well enjoy..
ity th e b
e c o m i n g
ops: unlimited calibar-
---------------y0.. uC... use this for your last caller s
creen.. or matrix.. or logoff thing..or something.. to ti
dy up your board and make it cooler.. your board.. rules..
just needs some cool ansis.. unfortunately this is about as
cool as I can dobut this isnt that bad.. well enjoy..
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