this image contains text
heres a little story about a man named john thats me who joined a small lil
group called gravity thats who released this pack and how he came to do this
stupid little logo colly...
chapter one... In the beginning....
in the beginning of the month... the last pack had been released, and there
was nothing left on johns hard drive... so he sat at his desk, loaded up
his trusty ansi drawing program, and did this:
- - -------thegl0be------- - -
chapter 2... Sitting at home doing nothing...
now, he sat back, and looked it over... not bad he said,but thats for your
own board... dont you have a whole sheet filled with requests? Thats when he
sat down and started doodling... out came a c and then an h... hmm... that
could become a logo for Cannibals Chaos A.D. And so it became...
chapter 3... On IRC one day...
Sitting on irc one day, john noticed a small group of people begging for peopleto come to their channel and participate in a logo competition... hey, that
could be fun. said john... so he joined... Everyone picked numbers, and the
winner decided to ask for fonts of poisoned ideaz... so, heck, not being one
to pass up a competition... he drew this:
chapter 4... Another day on IRC
Again, john had nothing to do but get on irc... and AGAIN there were people
begging for him to join their little competition... so... he did.. but this
time, he was lucky enough to win the little drawing thing.. so everyone did
his board, the globe, a logo.. he was so happy.. except he hated the font
he did, but who cares... he got like 5 others from top artists in iCE, Septic,
and Plain...
to be continued...
At the end of the month, that is all that he had accomplished... most people
would have thought to give up the art scene all together... but john decided
that it would be best to continue on... so he did....
heres a little story about a man named john thats me who joined a small lil
group called gravity thats who released this pack and how he came to do this
stupid little logo colly...
chapter one... In the beginning....
in the beginning of the month... the last pack had been released, and there
was nothing left on johns hard drive... so he sat at his desk, loaded up
his trusty ansi drawing program, and did this:
- - -------thegl0be------- - -
chapter 2... Sitting at home doing nothing...
now, he sat back, and looked it over... not bad he said,but thats for your
own board... dont you have a whole sheet filled with requests? Thats when he
sat down and started doodling... out came a c and then an h... hmm... that
could become a logo for Cannibals Chaos A.D. And so it became...
chapter 3... On IRC one day...
Sitting on irc one day, john noticed a small group of people begging for peopleto come to their channel and participate in a logo competition... hey, that
could be fun. said john... so he joined... Everyone picked numbers, and the
winner decided to ask for fonts of poisoned ideaz... so, heck, not being one
to pass up a competition... he drew this:
chapter 4... Another day on IRC
Again, john had nothing to do but get on irc... and AGAIN there were people
begging for him to join their little competition... so... he did.. but this
time, he was lucky enough to win the little drawing thing.. so everyone did
his board, the globe, a logo.. he was so happy.. except he hated the font
he did, but who cares... he got like 5 others from top artists in iCE, Septic,
and Plain...
to be continued...
At the end of the month, that is all that he had accomplished... most people
would have thought to give up the art scene all together... but john decided
that it would be best to continue on... so he did....
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