this image contains text
info file v4.96
kickin the ryhmes...my internet account isn
t working rightIve tried to get on the irc all night
sorry about the pack being so latebut now its here s
o you can masturbate
caffeine X2...
okay.. a new network just came out.. which is sponsored in part
by gravity :
its call jOlt.. or jolt network or whatever.. it show much promise
on being
the next real art network.. so put your apps in.. Ill be waiting
gravity pack is over 100k?...
wow.. isnt it amazing.. I never really cared when people said.
. oh your pack
is only 70k or.. something like that.. well. .who really cares its
whats inside
that counts... although we still retain to be a small group.. we no
w have stuff
like music, a viewer, jolt app, etc.. which builds up the pack size
.. if you
are sad because it takes you a long time to d/l.. well uhh.. the 19
80s just
called they want there old slow modem back..
new faces...
okay.. first person this month I got sloppy joe off the
irc.. to be one of
our coders... then I got on the irc one day.. found out that cancer
had died
well actually it maybe back now.. I dunno.. I cant keep up.. but
I picked
up the night prowler, domino and metalman f
rom x-cancer.. I also got phantax
who has the jazzy ansi ways.. and sorrowful deceit.....
yep.. thanks to the night prowler we now have a really good vie
wer... it makes
me wet when I use it.. check it out.. instead of using your usual v
I think you will like it.. werd..
last words...
Im fucking tired.. I had to work from 5pm - 6am today..and wel
l I just got
back.. so okay... join jOlt netwOrk!. .. join gravity.. and help co
the pet population have your pet spade or nuetered..
info file v4.96
kickin the ryhmes...my internet account isn
t working rightIve tried to get on the irc all night
sorry about the pack being so latebut now its here s
o you can masturbate
caffeine X2...
okay.. a new network just came out.. which is sponsored in part
by gravity :
its call jOlt.. or jolt network or whatever.. it show much promise
on being
the next real art network.. so put your apps in.. Ill be waiting
gravity pack is over 100k?...
wow.. isnt it amazing.. I never really cared when people said.
. oh your pack
is only 70k or.. something like that.. well. .who really cares its
whats inside
that counts... although we still retain to be a small group.. we no
w have stuff
like music, a viewer, jolt app, etc.. which builds up the pack size
.. if you
are sad because it takes you a long time to d/l.. well uhh.. the 19
80s just
called they want there old slow modem back..
new faces...
okay.. first person this month I got sloppy joe off the
irc.. to be one of
our coders... then I got on the irc one day.. found out that cancer
had died
well actually it maybe back now.. I dunno.. I cant keep up.. but
I picked
up the night prowler, domino and metalman f
rom x-cancer.. I also got phantax
who has the jazzy ansi ways.. and sorrowful deceit.....
yep.. thanks to the night prowler we now have a really good vie
wer... it makes
me wet when I use it.. check it out.. instead of using your usual v
I think you will like it.. werd..
last words...
Im fucking tired.. I had to work from 5pm - 6am today..and wel
l I just got
back.. so okay... join jOlt netwOrk!. .. join gravity.. and help co
the pet population have your pet spade or nuetered..
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