this image contains text
gravity information file
march 1996shit?! again..ye
ah.. the pack seems to be late.. but what is on time in the art
scene?! thereare no laws that say you have to be out by a
certain date just sometime in themonth.. plus I was lazy
as usual in this pack...new guys?!..
well with the unfortunate fall of anemia we picked up de
athlok.. it seems Icould have gotten more people but
no one is on ansi anymore because it prettymuch sucks..
and well I have to get shatters an account so he can actually he
lpme.. clorox is always on to help too.. :P..
wow pitt.. your finally gonna release the emag youve been talk
ing about since
august 95?!@.. really no way?!.. thats crazy.. I think you should
wait another
6 months.... yep guys.. its finally coming out.. round middle or e
nd of march
.. and it will come out believe me.. Ive got the articles.. Ive j
ust gotta
finish the reviews which Im not too good at.. jeez.. youve seen
my ansi..:
yeah.. it comes to my attention that ftp.cdrom.com.. when you g
et into the ansi
directory it says this base will be taken down on march 9th 1996..
so I guess
you wont find our packs there.. so when you cant get on arpeggio..
which is
down pretty frequently you can check out the washington university
ftp site..
its local to me so its pretty fast on my end.. dunno bout other p
eoples.. but
check our stuff in .. wuarchive.wustl.edu pub/MSDOSUPLOADS/ansi/g
ravity ..
it seems pretty stable so far..
okay.. a couple groups have asked us to merge with them.. and w
ere sorry but
were prolly not gonna merge because the reason I made this group w
asnt to get
big and fall.. no.. like were big..hahah! .. its for fun!.. some
thing the artscene isnt.. there are no limits.. .. why should
we care about reviews, stats,
or ratings.. the scene has become too.. business like.. its one guy
s the prez
the others just follow.. shit our group has no rules or stuff.. jus
t because
I write the info stuff and crap like that doesnt mean I have more
power than
one of our other members.. blah .. blah. this is a subject that I c
ould go on
and on about.. but Im not..
gravity kills?!..
if you havent noticed our name gravity.. comes from a local st
.louis band
called gravity kills... but last week they became national when the
y released
there self titled cd.. under tvtrecords... and they have a video..
which is
too cool.. and mtv dont play it much.. so check it out because if
they dont
become big Ill blame all of you!.. : .. but seriously they are a
very good
group.. check em.. http://www.tvtrecords.com/albums/gravity.html
okay since Im the guy doing this info file.. what else is new
.. :P Im
gonna include my greetz... okay..
iczer-1 : werd dood.. that vga is leet.. join gravity.. :
glock40 : dooz.. your smoking crack when you picked your new nick..
shatters : gravitykillsgravitykillsgravitykillsgravitykillsgravityk
unlimited calibar : same as above.. :P
....anyone who wants a greet in the next pack uhh.. call the vmb..
thank you?!..
guest appearance by jestOrsOap who made our diz!..thanks jest
.. I lost my
jazzy ways and couldnt get one..
the end?!..
yes it is....
gravity information file
march 1996shit?! again..ye
ah.. the pack seems to be late.. but what is on time in the art
scene?! thereare no laws that say you have to be out by a
certain date just sometime in themonth.. plus I was lazy
as usual in this pack...new guys?!..
well with the unfortunate fall of anemia we picked up de
athlok.. it seems Icould have gotten more people but
no one is on ansi anymore because it prettymuch sucks..
and well I have to get shatters an account so he can actually he
lpme.. clorox is always on to help too.. :P..
wow pitt.. your finally gonna release the emag youve been talk
ing about since
august 95?!@.. really no way?!.. thats crazy.. I think you should
wait another
6 months.... yep guys.. its finally coming out.. round middle or e
nd of march
.. and it will come out believe me.. Ive got the articles.. Ive j
ust gotta
finish the reviews which Im not too good at.. jeez.. youve seen
my ansi..:
yeah.. it comes to my attention that ftp.cdrom.com.. when you g
et into the ansi
directory it says this base will be taken down on march 9th 1996..
so I guess
you wont find our packs there.. so when you cant get on arpeggio..
which is
down pretty frequently you can check out the washington university
ftp site..
its local to me so its pretty fast on my end.. dunno bout other p
eoples.. but
check our stuff in .. wuarchive.wustl.edu pub/MSDOSUPLOADS/ansi/g
ravity ..
it seems pretty stable so far..
okay.. a couple groups have asked us to merge with them.. and w
ere sorry but
were prolly not gonna merge because the reason I made this group w
asnt to get
big and fall.. no.. like were big..hahah! .. its for fun!.. some
thing the artscene isnt.. there are no limits.. .. why should
we care about reviews, stats,
or ratings.. the scene has become too.. business like.. its one guy
s the prez
the others just follow.. shit our group has no rules or stuff.. jus
t because
I write the info stuff and crap like that doesnt mean I have more
power than
one of our other members.. blah .. blah. this is a subject that I c
ould go on
and on about.. but Im not..
gravity kills?!..
if you havent noticed our name gravity.. comes from a local st
.louis band
called gravity kills... but last week they became national when the
y released
there self titled cd.. under tvtrecords... and they have a video..
which is
too cool.. and mtv dont play it much.. so check it out because if
they dont
become big Ill blame all of you!.. : .. but seriously they are a
very good
group.. check em.. http://www.tvtrecords.com/albums/gravity.html
okay since Im the guy doing this info file.. what else is new
.. :P Im
gonna include my greetz... okay..
iczer-1 : werd dood.. that vga is leet.. join gravity.. :
glock40 : dooz.. your smoking crack when you picked your new nick..
shatters : gravitykillsgravitykillsgravitykillsgravitykillsgravityk
unlimited calibar : same as above.. :P
....anyone who wants a greet in the next pack uhh.. call the vmb..
thank you?!..
guest appearance by jestOrsOap who made our diz!..thanks jest
.. I lost my
jazzy ways and couldnt get one..
the end?!..
yes it is....
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