this image contains text
i n f o
Hi Im pitt.. You probably know me as the prez of firm which i
s dead.. or
have seen my art in cia or vapor packs.. well Im back with my
friend shatters
whom you probably remember as Shattershot of shiver.. Well he s
hortened his nameand well hes a good ansi artist.. wow this
info file is boring.. haha.. okay
dooders the reason I want ya to apply to this group is because
its not your
average group.. okay?.. thats what every group says I know.. b
ut this time itstrue.. listen, me and shatters are the found
ers, we put the pack together and
shit and well we also contribute like everyone else.. umm this
group isnt
about an affil or some crap like that.. we are just trying to r
elease quality
art work.. we arent in it for ratings, affils, elite crap or a
nything like
that.. we want people to see our stuff, but we wont care if we
re ranked 1
or 99.. like it really matters what people think.. if I cared
what people thinkId be kissing everyones ass.. well actually
I dont have any enemies in the
scene and plan on never having any.. our group wants to be a pa
rt of the scene
yet we do not want to be.. what I mean is the trend is to start
your group,
people take interest in your group, group merges with bigger gr
oup, many membersare left out of the merger and end up in a c
rappier group.. the scene really
isnt as bad as people think except that people just have bad a
dditudes and makeit seem like the scene sucks, when in realit
y you just wanna think it does
because everyone else thinks that way.. what ever happened to o
well I think its here in gravity.. i know starting a group isn
t that original
but the group itself will be.. our innovative ideas will shock
you all so be
prepared.. oh and one more thing, please apply if you are one o
f these people..
do you wanna be in a dead end group the rest of your life?.. I
hope not..
Because I surely dont.. peace out..
pitt gravity.ss
1-800-241-7337 4451386
greetz go out to:
impact.. whattup foo...liquid dreams is gonna rule
shatters.. man Im glad we dont have senior citizen
day at my work..hehe
demize.. originality dude!!@
prism.. wow, you actually decided to join fbinet?!
nootropic.. youve got original phunk, dooder..
Well, pitt and I basically started this group because in 314
we needed
a group that actually did something. So we decided that afte
r the
failures of fear, crime, and enmity that we would start again
only this time
not make the mistakes that we did last time. I hope to make
this a very
good group and I would encourage any of you ansi artists to a
pply and make
this group even better. I would just like to say first and f
oremost that we
will not be accepting distros of any sort, maybe a few hqs
but that is
invite only so dont ask. We will not be pressuring any of o
ur artists to
produce work in the given month nor will we be upset if you c
ant release
for awhile, I understand because I am a student ad St. Louis
University and
sometimes you just get bogged down with homework, or maybe yo
u just dont feel
like drawing or whatever. Hey, I feel the same way too somet
imes, being an
ansi artist myself. So if you are an ansi artist please appl
y and give this
a group a chance. Thanks.
shatters gravity.ss
greets to:
pitt: I always have to greet you
nootropic: thanks for the ansis man.
impact: j00 n33d t0 st4y 4w4y fr0m th3 cr4ck!
prism: sup fool!
shadow image: damn you can code like a mother fucker whate
ver that is :
mung: you rule! damnit when are we doing that joint
and like some other people.
i n f o
Hi Im pitt.. You probably know me as the prez of firm which i
s dead.. or
have seen my art in cia or vapor packs.. well Im back with my
friend shatters
whom you probably remember as Shattershot of shiver.. Well he s
hortened his nameand well hes a good ansi artist.. wow this
info file is boring.. haha.. okay
dooders the reason I want ya to apply to this group is because
its not your
average group.. okay?.. thats what every group says I know.. b
ut this time itstrue.. listen, me and shatters are the found
ers, we put the pack together and
shit and well we also contribute like everyone else.. umm this
group isnt
about an affil or some crap like that.. we are just trying to r
elease quality
art work.. we arent in it for ratings, affils, elite crap or a
nything like
that.. we want people to see our stuff, but we wont care if we
re ranked 1
or 99.. like it really matters what people think.. if I cared
what people thinkId be kissing everyones ass.. well actually
I dont have any enemies in the
scene and plan on never having any.. our group wants to be a pa
rt of the scene
yet we do not want to be.. what I mean is the trend is to start
your group,
people take interest in your group, group merges with bigger gr
oup, many membersare left out of the merger and end up in a c
rappier group.. the scene really
isnt as bad as people think except that people just have bad a
dditudes and makeit seem like the scene sucks, when in realit
y you just wanna think it does
because everyone else thinks that way.. what ever happened to o
well I think its here in gravity.. i know starting a group isn
t that original
but the group itself will be.. our innovative ideas will shock
you all so be
prepared.. oh and one more thing, please apply if you are one o
f these people..
do you wanna be in a dead end group the rest of your life?.. I
hope not..
Because I surely dont.. peace out..
pitt gravity.ss
1-800-241-7337 4451386
greetz go out to:
impact.. whattup foo...liquid dreams is gonna rule
shatters.. man Im glad we dont have senior citizen
day at my work..hehe
demize.. originality dude!!@
prism.. wow, you actually decided to join fbinet?!
nootropic.. youve got original phunk, dooder..
Well, pitt and I basically started this group because in 314
we needed
a group that actually did something. So we decided that afte
r the
failures of fear, crime, and enmity that we would start again
only this time
not make the mistakes that we did last time. I hope to make
this a very
good group and I would encourage any of you ansi artists to a
pply and make
this group even better. I would just like to say first and f
oremost that we
will not be accepting distros of any sort, maybe a few hqs
but that is
invite only so dont ask. We will not be pressuring any of o
ur artists to
produce work in the given month nor will we be upset if you c
ant release
for awhile, I understand because I am a student ad St. Louis
University and
sometimes you just get bogged down with homework, or maybe yo
u just dont feel
like drawing or whatever. Hey, I feel the same way too somet
imes, being an
ansi artist myself. So if you are an ansi artist please appl
y and give this
a group a chance. Thanks.
shatters gravity.ss
greets to:
pitt: I always have to greet you
nootropic: thanks for the ansis man.
impact: j00 n33d t0 st4y 4w4y fr0m th3 cr4ck!
prism: sup fool!
shadow image: damn you can code like a mother fucker whate
ver that is :
mung: you rule! damnit when are we doing that joint
and like some other people.
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