this image contains text
N o v e m b e r
Senior Members
Elminster Golgotha Overlord
Magicians of the Arts
Ansi VGA
Cyber-X.................. CX Hat
e Breeder............. HB
Forlorn Extender......... FE Jes
ter................... JS
Lord Carnuss............. LC Liq
uid Air............... LA
Pnakotic................. PN Raw
head Rex.............. RR
Random Violence.......... RV
Stranger................. STR Liter
The Evolutionary Shadow.. TES
The Retarded Warrior..... TRW Cyb
ernary................ CY
Vulcan................... VU Dea
thloc................. DL
Sinned Soul Raistlin Razor
Skull Leader Wizard
The Northern Sector...... 416 - Gothic
World HQ - Technical Disrupter
Paradise Lost............ 216 - Gothic
US HQ - Israfel
The Basement Breweries... 905 - Member
Board - Wizard
The Twisted Tower........ 905 - Member
Board - Elminster
Twist of Cain............ 905 - Member
Board - Golgotha
Armageddon Support BBS... 215 - Distrob
ution Site - Lord God Xerobe
Corrosive Poison......... 516 - Distrob
ution Site - Psychotic Fiend
Dead Homies.............. 410 - Distrob
ution Site - Mr. Cadabra
Doom Inc................. 404 - Distrob
ution Site - Insidious
Eleutheria............... 606 - Distrob
ution Site - Soul Rebel
Revolution Number Nine... 305 - Distrob
ution Site - Minor Threat
The Underground Railroad. 905 - Distrob
ution Site - Catalyst
Total Chaos.............. 203 - Distrob
ution Site - Kinayda
Urban Killing Fields..... 301 - Distrob
ution Site - Doc Anarchy
The Vortex............... 413 - Distrob
ution Site - The Overlord
Meanwhile on top of GOTHIC mountain...
...there he stands with his hands on hips and his morning star decorated
fu-manchu blowing in the wind. Handing down ansis to all of the less
fortunate BBSers waiting down below.
N o v e m b e r
Senior Members
Elminster Golgotha Overlord
Magicians of the Arts
Ansi VGA
Cyber-X.................. CX Hat
e Breeder............. HB
Forlorn Extender......... FE Jes
ter................... JS
Lord Carnuss............. LC Liq
uid Air............... LA
Pnakotic................. PN Raw
head Rex.............. RR
Random Violence.......... RV
Stranger................. STR Liter
The Evolutionary Shadow.. TES
The Retarded Warrior..... TRW Cyb
ernary................ CY
Vulcan................... VU Dea
thloc................. DL
Sinned Soul Raistlin Razor
Skull Leader Wizard
The Northern Sector...... 416 - Gothic
World HQ - Technical Disrupter
Paradise Lost............ 216 - Gothic
US HQ - Israfel
The Basement Breweries... 905 - Member
Board - Wizard
The Twisted Tower........ 905 - Member
Board - Elminster
Twist of Cain............ 905 - Member
Board - Golgotha
Armageddon Support BBS... 215 - Distrob
ution Site - Lord God Xerobe
Corrosive Poison......... 516 - Distrob
ution Site - Psychotic Fiend
Dead Homies.............. 410 - Distrob
ution Site - Mr. Cadabra
Doom Inc................. 404 - Distrob
ution Site - Insidious
Eleutheria............... 606 - Distrob
ution Site - Soul Rebel
Revolution Number Nine... 305 - Distrob
ution Site - Minor Threat
The Underground Railroad. 905 - Distrob
ution Site - Catalyst
Total Chaos.............. 203 - Distrob
ution Site - Kinayda
Urban Killing Fields..... 301 - Distrob
ution Site - Doc Anarchy
The Vortex............... 413 - Distrob
ution Site - The Overlord
Meanwhile on top of GOTHIC mountain...
...there he stands with his hands on hips and his morning star decorated
fu-manchu blowing in the wind. Handing down ansis to all of the less
fortunate BBSers waiting down below.
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