this image contains text
,ySSy, yy ,ySSy, y ,ySSy,
?b, y? yd?
i t
TL T ,ySSy, yy T
ySSy, i ?y i ,ySSy
,7?JT t J?7,
j7 tT Tt 7j
HH i i HH
T, ,T
L, ,L
?y, ,Y ,?
7Sy, ,ySSy, ?Syy?
4, ?b, ySSy,
TL i ,j TL
i, iH TL jt7 iH
t, ,7 ySSy, iy ,7
?y,,y7 ,7?JTL ..,y7
?SS? j7 tTI SS?
S HH 7, i, zL
SS T, tT ,7L,
SZ L, ?y,,y ?,
SZ ?, ?SS? ?
SI ?
Ya, yoohoo
...anybody out there ??? Here we are... With our new pain of self-art,
which is growin with time... More power, more expirience more friends...
with a lot of enemies... Its R.E.S.U.R.R.E.C.T.I.O.N...
take a look...
artpain numba 5...
feel it...
!waitin for a new artists...
!watch for a next pack...
greets: hhhmmmmm... to ru.hrg.scene, and all NOT dumb sceners, like a
sucks: no one...yeah no one... the real shit is a shit of reality
p.s. : i think im dumb.... or maybe just happy...
all packs are available at i-net:
- artpack description -
- ASCii part -
zL-atomc.asc - atomiC // zombie lead
zL-baLL.asc - ball.o.n // zombie lead
zL-frnk.asc - frankenstein // zombie lead
zL-galx.asc - galaxy bbs logo // zombie lead
zL-idly.asc - idol of art // zombie lead
zL-info.asc - just a word info // zombie lead
zL-mdiz.asc - diz for a grungesoft muzix releases // zombie lead
zL-mve!.asc - move there! // zombie lead
zL-ugh.asc - underground heaven bbs logo // zombie lead
- HiREZ part -
ant-ab.gif - . 8 . // Anton Chehlov
idl-shwr.jpg - Shower // idler
zl-4bf99.jpg - Zombie... a pic 4 a gfx compo at bf99 // zombie lead
zl-eclps.jpg - total eclipse // zombie lead
zl-eroto.jpg - erotico photo by !unknown! // zombie lead
zl-flowa.jpg - flower // zombie lead
zl-god.jpg - god 100 photopaint mouse drawn // zombie lead
zl-god-.jpg - preview-3 of god 100 photopaint mouse drawn // zombie lead
zl-gs.jpg - grungesoft logo // zombie lead
zl-gslg.jpg - another grungesoft logo // zombie lead
zl-luck.jpg - Leg+fuck // zombie lead
zl-moan.jpg - death!skull - 100 original // zombie lead
zl-psss!.jpg - psss!!! // zombie lead
zl-ucnot.jpg - i can see what you see not // zombie lead
- OTHER part -
fileid.diz - description of an archive. diz by zombie lead
gs.nfo - grungesoft info file
gsrel.nfo - grunesoft release list file
gs-art05.nfo - description of artpain numba 5
good bye all you people, there is nothing
?b, y? yd?
i t
TL T ,ySSy, yy T
ySSy, i ?y i ,ySSy
,7?JT t J?7,
j7 tT Tt 7j
HH i i HH
T, ,T
L, ,L
?y, ,Y ,?
7Sy, ,ySSy, ?Syy?
4, ?b, ySSy,
TL i ,j TL
i, iH TL jt7 iH
t, ,7 ySSy, iy ,7
?y,,y7 ,7?JTL ..,y7
?SS? j7 tTI SS?
S HH 7, i, zL
SS T, tT ,7L,
SZ L, ?y,,y ?,
SZ ?, ?SS? ?
SI ?
Ya, yoohoo
...anybody out there ??? Here we are... With our new pain of self-art,
which is growin with time... More power, more expirience more friends...
with a lot of enemies... Its R.E.S.U.R.R.E.C.T.I.O.N...
take a look...
artpain numba 5...
feel it...
!waitin for a new artists...
!watch for a next pack...
greets: hhhmmmmm... to ru.hrg.scene, and all NOT dumb sceners, like a
sucks: no one...yeah no one... the real shit is a shit of reality
p.s. : i think im dumb.... or maybe just happy...
all packs are available at i-net:
- artpack description -
- ASCii part -
zL-atomc.asc - atomiC // zombie lead
zL-baLL.asc - ball.o.n // zombie lead
zL-frnk.asc - frankenstein // zombie lead
zL-galx.asc - galaxy bbs logo // zombie lead
zL-idly.asc - idol of art // zombie lead
zL-info.asc - just a word info // zombie lead
zL-mdiz.asc - diz for a grungesoft muzix releases // zombie lead
zL-mve!.asc - move there! // zombie lead
zL-ugh.asc - underground heaven bbs logo // zombie lead
- HiREZ part -
ant-ab.gif - . 8 . // Anton Chehlov
idl-shwr.jpg - Shower // idler
zl-4bf99.jpg - Zombie... a pic 4 a gfx compo at bf99 // zombie lead
zl-eclps.jpg - total eclipse // zombie lead
zl-eroto.jpg - erotico photo by !unknown! // zombie lead
zl-flowa.jpg - flower // zombie lead
zl-god.jpg - god 100 photopaint mouse drawn // zombie lead
zl-god-.jpg - preview-3 of god 100 photopaint mouse drawn // zombie lead
zl-gs.jpg - grungesoft logo // zombie lead
zl-gslg.jpg - another grungesoft logo // zombie lead
zl-luck.jpg - Leg+fuck // zombie lead
zl-moan.jpg - death!skull - 100 original // zombie lead
zl-psss!.jpg - psss!!! // zombie lead
zl-ucnot.jpg - i can see what you see not // zombie lead
- OTHER part -
fileid.diz - description of an archive. diz by zombie lead
gs.nfo - grungesoft info file
gsrel.nfo - grunesoft release list file
gs-art05.nfo - description of artpain numba 5
good bye all you people, there is nothing
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