this image contains text
moe money
yyssyyssyysyyssyysyyssyy yyssyyssyysyyssyysyyssyysyyssyysyy yy s
logo colly,
pt. 1
S S S yyS
----------+ mm-7th.asc +--------------------------------------------------------
.: ...,: i:iS i :,... :.
tHE SEV s ENtH .Si sEAl!?
. ascii by SS .s moe money .
--+pat benetar+----------------------------------------------------------------
this was my first good ascii, back when i drew for skism, local yokels. peopleliked it a lot, although i never really seemed to.
--+ mm-dumb.asc +---------------------------------------------------------------
,sLS!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!Sls.
iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii
.s iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii s.
.SssSpSssssS SssSySssssS SssssS SssssS SssssS SssssSySssS.
ascii by moe money skism
---------------+ed mcmahon+-----------------------------------------------------see, i was in skism then. they lack talent. this one was for my neighbor/pal,
cool man/sloppy joe. hehe, he coded for WuNG for a while, this crap warez group
that released virtua fighter remix, even though you just so happened to need a
400 video card to run it. hoo, boy.
----+ mm-dante.asc +------------------------------------------------------------
,oSo,y , . ...,,,y ,. ,sSo,,.. ,y ,,
S ,oSs, ,oSs, Ss, ,oSs, S ,oSs, S
Syy,,,,yssy,,,,yss S yy,,,,yyy,,,,,,,yyy,,,,,,,y
Ss, ,oSs, S ,oSs, S SS
moe money! sss s,,. Ss, Syy
s..,y , ,yy,,,,,,,ySSyy,,,,,,,yy,,,,y s
Ss, ,oSs, ,oSs, ,oSs, Ss,
yy,,,,,,,yyy,,,,,,,yyy,,,,y yy,,,,yy ssss,.
----+ zack morris +-------------------------------------------------------------dantes erection...er, ressurection. me and my man coffee got into an extremelyminor spat over the spelling of resurrection. i won, considering that i had
looked it up before i started the ascii. unfortunately, he didnt before he
went and set up his whole fucking BOARD. well, luck to ya coffee. //
hes a
if youve ever played DOOM r, then you may have seen this boss----- spider.
sONS of aSCii prodiGIes. a quickie ascii by moe money
.oo. SSS
s .oSo.
y,. .oSo. .oSo. .oSo.
s,.. ..,syyyyyyyyyy yyyyyS S
---------------+ ed mcmahon again +---------------------------------------------this ascii kinda sucks. right about this time, i appd for soap, and got voted
down. im not leet enough, i dont do colored ascii, but did do thiscrappy logowrong acronym and all! for em. have a nice day, s0ap.
.,ssy, .,sss. .,sss. .,ssy, .,sss.
s o ss Ss e s
.. ,. r ,. d . ,. r! .
7 order. a quick lil promo done for NO reason, by moe money.
! want one of these asciis? find me as mm on irc or E-mail at: !
: mmoney19@starnetinc.com. please use REQUEST as your topic. :
-----+rick springfield+---------------------------------------------------------at this point i had joined order, and they never released. we were real dis-
organized, and i really hope things are going better for them now. btw, didja
know: pepsi in chinese means bite the wax tadpole! amazing! shut up.
,yy, ,y ,yy, ,yy,
y, y y y y y y y,
y ,y y
yyy yyy
,s**s. ,yy, ,yy, y, ,s**s.
. , y y y . ,
. . ,y . .
------+ratt+--------------------------------------------------------------------in case you havent guessed, im an eighties baby. the empire strikes back +
return of the jedi both came out in the eighties. the death star was a part
of both of these movies. now that it is the nineties, someone requests an asciifrom me that says the death star. and in this colly i elude to many names of
the eighties.cept for zack morris, who is early nineties. COINCIDENCE!?
again, shut up.
sSy, y,
i , i
ii ,.....
,Sy,. y,.S Sy,.S
,.....,,.....,.....,y ......,,..........,
tHE KRYPt! 2 n0DES: +66-2-7588890 +66-2-7588891
co:Sonic Boy , RUNNiNG PCBOARd 15.22/10...2.1 GiG o FiLES...NO WAREZ
y,... ..,yy,.... ..... .. . .. .... ....... ..,y
------------+ culture club featuring boy george +-------------------------------hey, mom, look. a zip comment. woo hoo.
,,,yy mm
,.,yyyy!i!yy,, ,.,yy,,
i:i !ii! S i:i
!ii! yyyyyyyy i:i !ii!
!i! ,., . !i!
,.., y,.,y ,
,., yy
yyssssSS :i. S sssss
: here? here! :::
:. here. corwin of amber!? :
:::.. you can put info here, here, here + here. :
-----+ warrant +----------------------------------------------------------------when i drew this, i really couldnt draw. i was burnt out from all the other
stuff i had drawn. thats why this ascii sucks. btw, join grape. i mean now.
--------------+ mm-tofu.asc +---------------------------------------------------
ssss :::::::::::: gg :::::::::::
i yyyyyy i
! SySySsss !! SyS !
yyy yyssyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy
mm S
akbar + jeffs t0fu hut. 708 369 - 9603
----+ skid row +----------------------------------------------------------------yep, thats my board. and no, its NOT FUCKING UP. but call it voice, chill w/me. after all, its your fucking phone bill. yeah, this ascii sucks too, same
reason as above.
yyssyyssyysyyssyysyyssyy yyssyyssyysyyssyysyyssyysyyssyysyy yy s
logo colly,
pt. 1
S S S yyS
----------+ mm-7th.asc +--------------------------------------------------------
.: ...,: i:iS i :,... :.
tHE SEV s ENtH .Si sEAl!?
. ascii by SS .s moe money .
--+pat benetar+----------------------------------------------------------------
this was my first good ascii, back when i drew for skism, local yokels. peopleliked it a lot, although i never really seemed to.
--+ mm-dumb.asc +---------------------------------------------------------------
,sLS!!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!Sls.
iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii
.s iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii s.
.SssSpSssssS SssSySssssS SssssS SssssS SssssS SssssSySssS.
ascii by moe money skism
---------------+ed mcmahon+-----------------------------------------------------see, i was in skism then. they lack talent. this one was for my neighbor/pal,
cool man/sloppy joe. hehe, he coded for WuNG for a while, this crap warez group
that released virtua fighter remix, even though you just so happened to need a
400 video card to run it. hoo, boy.
----+ mm-dante.asc +------------------------------------------------------------
,oSo,y , . ...,,,y ,. ,sSo,,.. ,y ,,
S ,oSs, ,oSs, Ss, ,oSs, S ,oSs, S
Syy,,,,yssy,,,,yss S yy,,,,yyy,,,,,,,yyy,,,,,,,y
Ss, ,oSs, S ,oSs, S SS
moe money! sss s,,. Ss, Syy
s..,y , ,yy,,,,,,,ySSyy,,,,,,,yy,,,,y s
Ss, ,oSs, ,oSs, ,oSs, Ss,
yy,,,,,,,yyy,,,,,,,yyy,,,,y yy,,,,yy ssss,.
----+ zack morris +-------------------------------------------------------------dantes erection...er, ressurection. me and my man coffee got into an extremelyminor spat over the spelling of resurrection. i won, considering that i had
looked it up before i started the ascii. unfortunately, he didnt before he
went and set up his whole fucking BOARD. well, luck to ya coffee. //
hes a
if youve ever played DOOM r, then you may have seen this boss----- spider.
sONS of aSCii prodiGIes. a quickie ascii by moe money
.oo. SSS
s .oSo.
y,. .oSo. .oSo. .oSo.
s,.. ..,syyyyyyyyyy yyyyyS S
---------------+ ed mcmahon again +---------------------------------------------this ascii kinda sucks. right about this time, i appd for soap, and got voted
down. im not leet enough, i dont do colored ascii, but did do thiscrappy logowrong acronym and all! for em. have a nice day, s0ap.
.,ssy, .,sss. .,sss. .,ssy, .,sss.
s o ss Ss e s
.. ,. r ,. d . ,. r! .
7 order. a quick lil promo done for NO reason, by moe money.
! want one of these asciis? find me as mm on irc or E-mail at: !
: mmoney19@starnetinc.com. please use REQUEST as your topic. :
-----+rick springfield+---------------------------------------------------------at this point i had joined order, and they never released. we were real dis-
organized, and i really hope things are going better for them now. btw, didja
know: pepsi in chinese means bite the wax tadpole! amazing! shut up.
,yy, ,y ,yy, ,yy,
y, y y y y y y y,
y ,y y
yyy yyy
,s**s. ,yy, ,yy, y, ,s**s.
. , y y y . ,
. . ,y . .
------+ratt+--------------------------------------------------------------------in case you havent guessed, im an eighties baby. the empire strikes back +
return of the jedi both came out in the eighties. the death star was a part
of both of these movies. now that it is the nineties, someone requests an asciifrom me that says the death star. and in this colly i elude to many names of
the eighties.cept for zack morris, who is early nineties. COINCIDENCE!?
again, shut up.
sSy, y,
i , i
ii ,.....
,Sy,. y,.S Sy,.S
,.....,,.....,.....,y ......,,..........,
tHE KRYPt! 2 n0DES: +66-2-7588890 +66-2-7588891
co:Sonic Boy , RUNNiNG PCBOARd 15.22/10...2.1 GiG o FiLES...NO WAREZ
y,... ..,yy,.... ..... .. . .. .... ....... ..,y
------------+ culture club featuring boy george +-------------------------------hey, mom, look. a zip comment. woo hoo.
,,,yy mm
,.,yyyy!i!yy,, ,.,yy,,
i:i !ii! S i:i
!ii! yyyyyyyy i:i !ii!
!i! ,., . !i!
,.., y,.,y ,
,., yy
yyssssSS :i. S sssss
: here? here! :::
:. here. corwin of amber!? :
:::.. you can put info here, here, here + here. :
-----+ warrant +----------------------------------------------------------------when i drew this, i really couldnt draw. i was burnt out from all the other
stuff i had drawn. thats why this ascii sucks. btw, join grape. i mean now.
--------------+ mm-tofu.asc +---------------------------------------------------
ssss :::::::::::: gg :::::::::::
i yyyyyy i
! SySySsss !! SyS !
yyy yyssyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy
mm S
akbar + jeffs t0fu hut. 708 369 - 9603
----+ skid row +----------------------------------------------------------------yep, thats my board. and no, its NOT FUCKING UP. but call it voice, chill w/me. after all, its your fucking phone bill. yeah, this ascii sucks too, same
reason as above.
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