this image contains text
a b a b a
, . , a , b a ,adbdbe,,bdbe,,adbdbe,bbdbe,
a a a
a a a a,adbda,
a b d
da e a
a a d a a asg e
aa c
s a c
newsletter, by moka java+squiggle
ok, first thing, maybe a little intro . Ap-, sg atomeka, and i, after
leaving wicked, decided to make a group. a 100 new ascii group. and there
we go with grape. first, yes thats us, we choose the name soup cause
aps board was gonna be called like that. he decided that he wouldnt start
any board up, so we took the name. yah we were anough dumb to have forget
soap in all this. SO BIG APPOLOGIES TO SOAP MEMBERS, cause that wasnt our
intention to steel anything from the best ascii group ever.. no offence to
trank and the other ones.. so here we are with our first paq.
atomic playboy is in alaska right now, and hopefully he will be home in time
to fix up the grapeviewer for the pack.
colorbook here. we got some good members this month, including sassafras with his pics, which i like a lot. mr manson of cia has joined us with his half
ansi/ascii fonts. it is a pleasure to have him with us. alientated testicle of blade has joined us, with his colorful fonts. moe money of acid has joined
with his 200 line colly for us, and a 200 line colly with quality work is out- standing. sound of silence from wicked has joined us with his fonty style.
malevolent terror has joined us with his good ascii skills, and is taking a
break this month, because he joined late in the month. mr winkley, well, we
havent seen much of him, so i dont know what to say here. bizzach also joined a little late, and hopefully he will get some stuff in. dreclipz joined us
to help with the webpage. i thank him for that.
yes already, theres ppl leaving. koden, will take a break of the scene for
the summer... hell still continue to draw, and when he will have sumthin
to release, hell be welcum to release with us. he said he would..
he still wanna be in the memlist, so he aint REALLY leaving.. he just stops
supplying shit for a while.
fill out an app, from the app-gen included in the paq. grapeapp.exe, and send it to squiggle sg on irc, or to anyone in grape, and they will be glad to
send the .app file to squiggle sg.
web page..
as i know, the web page is under construction.. we needed a few vga work, and i think we got some... well its not ready yet, but itll be ready soon. ill let u ppl know..
grp-view/grp-draw/and coding shit...
first thing, grape draw isnt finish, it will maybe be in 2 months or sumthin it shoes great features tough.. like some game, that i cant say the name
right now. for the viewer, it all depends on ap, cause hes gone in alaska. we are waiting for him, so if u see no viewer in the paq, or a like buggy one itll all be fix for the next pack.. with a coll little viewer.
colorbooks leet word.
aight, colorbook here. i just have a couple things to say, and i have noticed moka jova has dont about everything that i was gonna say, but its cool. its
ok tho. we have a wuarchive directory, which is:
you can goto that and download all the packs, and in this case, only this one. not much else to say, we are always looking for new members, and if you would like to apply, goto membership..
squiggle greetz: boOmbastk,kr,ap,mj,lagomorph,cS,grape members,moemoney,
moka java greetz: sg, ap, exulted, grape dudes, mort, ssilence, sindrome,
mr.mansonthanks for ur help, kr, spasm...
, . , a , b a ,adbdbe,,bdbe,,adbdbe,bbdbe,
a a a
a a a a,adbda,
a b d
da e a
a a d a a asg e
aa c
s a c
newsletter, by moka java+squiggle
ok, first thing, maybe a little intro . Ap-, sg atomeka, and i, after
leaving wicked, decided to make a group. a 100 new ascii group. and there
we go with grape. first, yes thats us, we choose the name soup cause
aps board was gonna be called like that. he decided that he wouldnt start
any board up, so we took the name. yah we were anough dumb to have forget
soap in all this. SO BIG APPOLOGIES TO SOAP MEMBERS, cause that wasnt our
intention to steel anything from the best ascii group ever.. no offence to
trank and the other ones.. so here we are with our first paq.
atomic playboy is in alaska right now, and hopefully he will be home in time
to fix up the grapeviewer for the pack.
colorbook here. we got some good members this month, including sassafras with his pics, which i like a lot. mr manson of cia has joined us with his half
ansi/ascii fonts. it is a pleasure to have him with us. alientated testicle of blade has joined us, with his colorful fonts. moe money of acid has joined
with his 200 line colly for us, and a 200 line colly with quality work is out- standing. sound of silence from wicked has joined us with his fonty style.
malevolent terror has joined us with his good ascii skills, and is taking a
break this month, because he joined late in the month. mr winkley, well, we
havent seen much of him, so i dont know what to say here. bizzach also joined a little late, and hopefully he will get some stuff in. dreclipz joined us
to help with the webpage. i thank him for that.
yes already, theres ppl leaving. koden, will take a break of the scene for
the summer... hell still continue to draw, and when he will have sumthin
to release, hell be welcum to release with us. he said he would..
he still wanna be in the memlist, so he aint REALLY leaving.. he just stops
supplying shit for a while.
fill out an app, from the app-gen included in the paq. grapeapp.exe, and send it to squiggle sg on irc, or to anyone in grape, and they will be glad to
send the .app file to squiggle sg.
web page..
as i know, the web page is under construction.. we needed a few vga work, and i think we got some... well its not ready yet, but itll be ready soon. ill let u ppl know..
grp-view/grp-draw/and coding shit...
first thing, grape draw isnt finish, it will maybe be in 2 months or sumthin it shoes great features tough.. like some game, that i cant say the name
right now. for the viewer, it all depends on ap, cause hes gone in alaska. we are waiting for him, so if u see no viewer in the paq, or a like buggy one itll all be fix for the next pack.. with a coll little viewer.
colorbooks leet word.
aight, colorbook here. i just have a couple things to say, and i have noticed moka jova has dont about everything that i was gonna say, but its cool. its
ok tho. we have a wuarchive directory, which is:
you can goto that and download all the packs, and in this case, only this one. not much else to say, we are always looking for new members, and if you would like to apply, goto membership..
squiggle greetz: boOmbastk,kr,ap,mj,lagomorph,cS,grape members,moemoney,
moka java greetz: sg, ap, exulted, grape dudes, mort, ssilence, sindrome,
mr.mansonthanks for ur help, kr, spasm...
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