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1 November 1994
Well, welcome to the first packet from GRiND. I hope you enjoyed looking
at our first attempt at a packet. Yes, its rather small, but I felt that this
month was a good time as any to start releasing packets. GRiND as a whole does
ANSi, VGA in GiF JPG formats, .MODS, and we are currently looking artists
of all kinds.
GRiND began around June of 1994 when I was fed up with a lot of ansi
groups. I tried in vain to get into a few groups Ill name no names because
I dont want to start fights here, and I got extremely pissed off. I felt
that the artwork that a few others and I were doing was good enough to be
released in a group somewhere, so I started my own. It has taken me this
long to finally release our first packet because there really arent that
many artists in my area code. The purpose of GRiND is just to have some fun
for us, and maybe a little recognition for our work.
Hopefully, the group can release packets at a bi-monthly pace. We are just
totally strapped for artists. If you are interested in joining the group, you
need to get a hold of me. If you can draw, CONTACT US!
So, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my dark world of blood and violence.
Weve worked many long hours bringing this to you, so I hope we can give you
a few minutes of enjoyment. Remember, this IS our first packet, so dont take
us too critically, okay?
1 November 1994
Well, welcome to the first packet from GRiND. I hope you enjoyed looking
at our first attempt at a packet. Yes, its rather small, but I felt that this
month was a good time as any to start releasing packets. GRiND as a whole does
ANSi, VGA in GiF JPG formats, .MODS, and we are currently looking artists
of all kinds.
GRiND began around June of 1994 when I was fed up with a lot of ansi
groups. I tried in vain to get into a few groups Ill name no names because
I dont want to start fights here, and I got extremely pissed off. I felt
that the artwork that a few others and I were doing was good enough to be
released in a group somewhere, so I started my own. It has taken me this
long to finally release our first packet because there really arent that
many artists in my area code. The purpose of GRiND is just to have some fun
for us, and maybe a little recognition for our work.
Hopefully, the group can release packets at a bi-monthly pace. We are just
totally strapped for artists. If you are interested in joining the group, you
need to get a hold of me. If you can draw, CONTACT US!
So, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my dark world of blood and violence.
Weve worked many long hours bringing this to you, so I hope we can give you
a few minutes of enjoyment. Remember, this IS our first packet, so dont take
us too critically, okay?
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