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bp g e t a
g r i p 03/95 Grip News Letter
whats that? grip?! hmmm... again? some of you mi
ght question themselves onwhether this is the re-birth
of the ancient grip, or a stupid non-originalgroup simp
ly using the same name. welp, guess any intelligent being reading
this mustve guessed it: its back! actually, were not quite t
he same gang
its mostly because the night prowler was really missing the group. nuf
f said.
this is our first released pack, were not over setting up everythi
ng yet,
but we will, trust me . also, theres not really alot of big news to
say now
but to talk about the people who joined our ranks, and who believe w
ell be
around long enough to get them known.
let me introduce you to the staff, cuvee 03/95... first, i, alon
g with fire
stone, started the group, and named it -crime-. joined with us then
pif, bibitte, and psykobrain. i must say i was quite astonished by th
e ansis
made by both bigge pif and bibitte, considering that they were still a
t their
first tries... psykobrain, welp, i had no idea at the time about his
but some told me he was a good musician. you oughta make em right,
suddenly feeling like id appreciate some help in managing and stuff
, i got
in touch with tnp, who really changed the group drastically. from no
w on we
were -grip-, and the second after we accepted, headless rider, young a
nd cash
got in. so that was it, the boost we needed to officially declare
grip an
upcoming group, soon in a theatre near you g...
it took a couple of weeks to get the rest of the crew, which we joi
ned via
irc, greets go to fire stone, internet and my cd player, whom really
a crucial role in this story.
...space rat
now, lets go on with my part. what the hell happenned with imper
ial? why is
it dead? these are common questions im kinda sick to answer all the t
ime, so
ill take some lines to let you all know what really happenned
and why. first
of all, i was really tired of imperial. we were like, two different
putting out a pack together. we were never talking to each others exce
pt once
per two weeks or even less when the narccissist decided to poll. so as
you may
see, the 604 and 514 parts were pretty much alone. this is not the
type of
group i wanted to be in. so you can guess this mistake wont happen aga
in with
this group, grip.
anyways, this is just a very short rsum of what happenned. i
could write
pages but it would be boring like hell :. lets move on to other stuf
f. one
thing i was really disapointed to see this month is narcolepts ripped
ansi in
the spastic march pack. how can a someone release somethi
ng before the
original artist and pretend he is the original one.. oh well, i was h
appy to
hear he had been kicked out of spastic. i just hope ripping will stop o
ne day.
oh well, see ya in the next one guys..
...the night prowler
g r i p 03/95 Grip News Letter
whats that? grip?! hmmm... again? some of you mi
ght question themselves onwhether this is the re-birth
of the ancient grip, or a stupid non-originalgroup simp
ly using the same name. welp, guess any intelligent being reading
this mustve guessed it: its back! actually, were not quite t
he same gang
its mostly because the night prowler was really missing the group. nuf
f said.
this is our first released pack, were not over setting up everythi
ng yet,
but we will, trust me . also, theres not really alot of big news to
say now
but to talk about the people who joined our ranks, and who believe w
ell be
around long enough to get them known.
let me introduce you to the staff, cuvee 03/95... first, i, alon
g with fire
stone, started the group, and named it -crime-. joined with us then
pif, bibitte, and psykobrain. i must say i was quite astonished by th
e ansis
made by both bigge pif and bibitte, considering that they were still a
t their
first tries... psykobrain, welp, i had no idea at the time about his
but some told me he was a good musician. you oughta make em right,
suddenly feeling like id appreciate some help in managing and stuff
, i got
in touch with tnp, who really changed the group drastically. from no
w on we
were -grip-, and the second after we accepted, headless rider, young a
nd cash
got in. so that was it, the boost we needed to officially declare
grip an
upcoming group, soon in a theatre near you g...
it took a couple of weeks to get the rest of the crew, which we joi
ned via
irc, greets go to fire stone, internet and my cd player, whom really
a crucial role in this story.
...space rat
now, lets go on with my part. what the hell happenned with imper
ial? why is
it dead? these are common questions im kinda sick to answer all the t
ime, so
ill take some lines to let you all know what really happenned
and why. first
of all, i was really tired of imperial. we were like, two different
putting out a pack together. we were never talking to each others exce
pt once
per two weeks or even less when the narccissist decided to poll. so as
you may
see, the 604 and 514 parts were pretty much alone. this is not the
type of
group i wanted to be in. so you can guess this mistake wont happen aga
in with
this group, grip.
anyways, this is just a very short rsum of what happenned. i
could write
pages but it would be boring like hell :. lets move on to other stuf
f. one
thing i was really disapointed to see this month is narcolepts ripped
ansi in
the spastic march pack. how can a someone release somethi
ng before the
original artist and pretend he is the original one.. oh well, i was h
appy to
hear he had been kicked out of spastic. i just hope ripping will stop o
ne day.
oh well, see ya in the next one guys..
...the night prowler
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