this image contains text
ao , ,
a , Tb, , a
, o .o8b , P TPP z a
z P , , P ,d ,b a o ,
a T .o8b P d ,o8 P z , o Tb . b P d i b d a
z d dP dP T i 8 i T ,oP o ,
T T dTb . T I T ,oP T d z
8 T d. ,o, T T d T d
ao d ,o. ,i 8 T T d d i d
8b i P T d ,o d i T ,o
d ,d T ,8 T. d8 T
z T ,T ,o 8 T ,o oa
z a i T 8 oa ,o
a 8 T oa kaz
, d ,o ao ao grill
8 oa
, ,o8o,. ,o@88o, ,o88@o, .,o8o, ,
Tb P Grill Members T dP
Tb dP
oa a Grill Founder a ao
dP ao Kaz oa Tb
,o8P o, ,o T8o,
T Tb Grill Seniors dT T
a o Tb Mart mt - Psychoholic Slag ps dT o a
, o d d o ,
z T Colly Members T z
z a Polygon pg - Phanatik pnk a z
a Caithor c1 a
Pack Members
oa Radical rdl - Meat Pod mp ao
Peltier pi
ao And We Let Him Tag Along oa
, Oatbran ob ,
, ,o8o,. ,o@88o, ,o88@o, .,o8o, ,
Tb P Words From Kaz T dP
Tb dP
oa Welcome, to the new and IMPROVED grill pack. ao
dP Yes, its been two months, but its been well Tb
,o8P worth the wait. If youre looking for profesional T8o,
T ascii makers that know the line of work, that T
a dedicate themselves to asciis, and try to be as a
, o professional as possible, look somewhere else. But o ,
z if you ARE looking for some kicks, and a good z
laugh or two, thats us. If you guys bother um..
yeah, *right* to download our premiere, youll
, see that it was good, but this one shows kinda ,
, ,o8o,. improvement. Joining our lines are Phanatik ex .,o8o, ,
Tb Wicked, when they were in their glory days, dP
Tb and Caithor as colly members, and Meat Pod, dP
oa Radical and Peltier as pack members, and we hope ao
dP to retain our line of work that we have in the Tb
,o8P first two packs. Well, at least we dont lie to T8o,
T everyone and say we made an effort yeah, the E T
a o word. Oh yeah, Treaper gave a guest appearance. o a
, o o ,
z Mart and Psychoholic Slag been promoted to Grill z
Seniors, due to their work on the inet especially
mart recruiting artists, being with Grill from
, the start, and them being friends of mine hehe, I ,
, ,o8o,. had to pick favorites, didnt I? . .,o8o, ,
Tb dP
Tb Special kudos out to Polygon, for showing great dP
oa improvement in his freestyles I told everyone he ao
dP had it in him. And I will bluntly use my position Tb
,o8P as founder to criticize Psychoholic Slag for his T8o,
T shitty fonts, if you ever see him on the i-net, T
a o remind him that he should stick with pics, or hope o a
, o for a gift from God. I let him put all of the o ,
z stuff in his colly because he smokes Lucky Strike, z
and therefor deserves the pitty of all human
beings err, nothing personal.
, ,o8o,. Anyways, if you want to comment about our pack, .,o8o, ,
Tb apply, make guest appearances, have a cool text dP
Tb you think should go in a Grill pack, or make a dP
oa GASP! request, email us at: ao
dP Tb
,o8P o, thegrill@hotmail.com ,o T8o,
T Tb dT T
a o Tb Err, and it better be good ... dT o a
, o d d o ,
z T T z
z a o o a z
a a
, the grill worldwide tribe ,
, ,o8o,. all bbq sites are givven here: .,o8o, ,
Tb dP
Tb Liquid........Whq......+972-4824-5720...oatbran.. dP
oa flash traffik...eHq......guessyewrselph!..radical. ao
dP Psycho Beaver...distro..+972-9832-0175..Riff Raff Tb
,o8P o, Diesel Power..distro..+972-4845-2420.Icepick ,o T8o,
T Tb dT T
a o Tb , , dT o a
, o d o o d o ,
z T T z
a o tssssssssss o a
a , Tb, , a
, o .o8b , P TPP z a
z P , , P ,d ,b a o ,
a T .o8b P d ,o8 P z , o Tb . b P d i b d a
z d dP dP T i 8 i T ,oP o ,
T T dTb . T I T ,oP T d z
8 T d. ,o, T T d T d
ao d ,o. ,i 8 T T d d i d
8b i P T d ,o d i T ,o
d ,d T ,8 T. d8 T
z T ,T ,o 8 T ,o oa
z a i T 8 oa ,o
a 8 T oa kaz
, d ,o ao ao grill
8 oa
, ,o8o,. ,o@88o, ,o88@o, .,o8o, ,
Tb P Grill Members T dP
Tb dP
oa a Grill Founder a ao
dP ao Kaz oa Tb
,o8P o, ,o T8o,
T Tb Grill Seniors dT T
a o Tb Mart mt - Psychoholic Slag ps dT o a
, o d d o ,
z T Colly Members T z
z a Polygon pg - Phanatik pnk a z
a Caithor c1 a
Pack Members
oa Radical rdl - Meat Pod mp ao
Peltier pi
ao And We Let Him Tag Along oa
, Oatbran ob ,
, ,o8o,. ,o@88o, ,o88@o, .,o8o, ,
Tb P Words From Kaz T dP
Tb dP
oa Welcome, to the new and IMPROVED grill pack. ao
dP Yes, its been two months, but its been well Tb
,o8P worth the wait. If youre looking for profesional T8o,
T ascii makers that know the line of work, that T
a dedicate themselves to asciis, and try to be as a
, o professional as possible, look somewhere else. But o ,
z if you ARE looking for some kicks, and a good z
laugh or two, thats us. If you guys bother um..
yeah, *right* to download our premiere, youll
, see that it was good, but this one shows kinda ,
, ,o8o,. improvement. Joining our lines are Phanatik ex .,o8o, ,
Tb Wicked, when they were in their glory days, dP
Tb and Caithor as colly members, and Meat Pod, dP
oa Radical and Peltier as pack members, and we hope ao
dP to retain our line of work that we have in the Tb
,o8P first two packs. Well, at least we dont lie to T8o,
T everyone and say we made an effort yeah, the E T
a o word. Oh yeah, Treaper gave a guest appearance. o a
, o o ,
z Mart and Psychoholic Slag been promoted to Grill z
Seniors, due to their work on the inet especially
mart recruiting artists, being with Grill from
, the start, and them being friends of mine hehe, I ,
, ,o8o,. had to pick favorites, didnt I? . .,o8o, ,
Tb dP
Tb Special kudos out to Polygon, for showing great dP
oa improvement in his freestyles I told everyone he ao
dP had it in him. And I will bluntly use my position Tb
,o8P as founder to criticize Psychoholic Slag for his T8o,
T shitty fonts, if you ever see him on the i-net, T
a o remind him that he should stick with pics, or hope o a
, o for a gift from God. I let him put all of the o ,
z stuff in his colly because he smokes Lucky Strike, z
and therefor deserves the pitty of all human
beings err, nothing personal.
, ,o8o,. Anyways, if you want to comment about our pack, .,o8o, ,
Tb apply, make guest appearances, have a cool text dP
Tb you think should go in a Grill pack, or make a dP
oa GASP! request, email us at: ao
dP Tb
,o8P o, thegrill@hotmail.com ,o T8o,
T Tb dT T
a o Tb Err, and it better be good ... dT o a
, o d d o ,
z T T z
z a o o a z
a a
, the grill worldwide tribe ,
, ,o8o,. all bbq sites are givven here: .,o8o, ,
Tb dP
Tb Liquid........Whq......+972-4824-5720...oatbran.. dP
oa flash traffik...eHq......guessyewrselph!..radical. ao
dP Psycho Beaver...distro..+972-9832-0175..Riff Raff Tb
,o8P o, Diesel Power..distro..+972-4845-2420.Icepick ,o T8o,
T Tb dT T
a o Tb , , dT o a
, o d o o d o ,
z T T z
a o tssssssssss o a
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