this image contains text
g O o 0 1 9 6 -- n e w s l e t t e r n s t u p h
eo PH!@!@!@
pH Shutup eo were live on the newsletter! :
eo Ohhhhhhhh hehe ok..
ds This sucks... Im going to get something to eat
--First Paq------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahh, thanks for coming to see us at gOos premier release.. We were supposed
to release the first pack on December 1st 1995 but things didnt go as planned.
The appgen wasnt done, hollowman wasnt done coding out viewer, And i couldnt get a hold of all the members to get thier submissions. But now here we are this month bringing you an ok pack i guess. Well at least i think the paq was
ok :.
--New Stuph Happenin With gOo------------------------------------------------- Basically everything in this pack is new since its our premier, but
in later newsletters all the new stuph thats happening will go here like: New
version updates in the app or viewer, all new members will go in here + a lil
about them, and other bad/good things that happen will go in here..
--Final Werdz----------------------------------------------------------------- Thats it for this months newsletter.. Join us again next month wich will be
umm shit what will it be? eo 0296 idiot! : woops hehe ok ya itll be 0296
wif a new fresh spankin gOo pack! Thats all... Later!
Greets Fly Outta the Toilet To:
Stone The Crow
Chaos Wizard
Prince of Darkness
Other VERY Coolio People! :
Credits: ethedrool - psychoholic - gOoie membahs ! Later! ! woo!blah!wee!boo Phs spelling errors corrected by: ds
eo PH!@!@!@
pH Shutup eo were live on the newsletter! :
eo Ohhhhhhhh hehe ok..
ds This sucks... Im going to get something to eat
--First Paq------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahh, thanks for coming to see us at gOos premier release.. We were supposed
to release the first pack on December 1st 1995 but things didnt go as planned.
The appgen wasnt done, hollowman wasnt done coding out viewer, And i couldnt get a hold of all the members to get thier submissions. But now here we are this month bringing you an ok pack i guess. Well at least i think the paq was
ok :.
--New Stuph Happenin With gOo------------------------------------------------- Basically everything in this pack is new since its our premier, but
in later newsletters all the new stuph thats happening will go here like: New
version updates in the app or viewer, all new members will go in here + a lil
about them, and other bad/good things that happen will go in here..
--Final Werdz----------------------------------------------------------------- Thats it for this months newsletter.. Join us again next month wich will be
umm shit what will it be? eo 0296 idiot! : woops hehe ok ya itll be 0296
wif a new fresh spankin gOo pack! Thats all... Later!
Greets Fly Outta the Toilet To:
Stone The Crow
Chaos Wizard
Prince of Darkness
Other VERY Coolio People! :
Credits: ethedrool - psychoholic - gOoie membahs ! Later! ! woo!blah!wee!boo Phs spelling errors corrected by: ds
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