the legacy continues. the genuine players advancing into the nine seven. .s#lI .$$Pý"^ .s#SS#s. ;$$$ ,$$Pý""ýT$b ģ ģS#s. b. $$$. . ;$$$; ,$$$; ____ `"Č$$b. d$$. . `$$$, *.`$$$, ~~~~~ ~ $$$; `l$$b. __ d$$$$. b. Ų$$$b,.`$$$$S#s,. :$$l .s#Sl .d$žý"``,$P d$$'T$$,`',s$$$7ÁÁ `$$$`"ýT$S#y._l$$: $$$ ,s$$Ps#Sb.`' d$$'. T$$,d$$ý`.#SS$.`$$$.`,_`"ýT$$$$._ ------- l$$$$Sžý"^`^$$$b.d$$'.$. T$$$$'.$$$$$$$.`$$$.`$$S $$$ýT$S#g._ -------- °°°°°° :$$l',s#S$ :$$$$$$$'.$$$. T$$l.`ČT$$$$$$.`$$$.`$$ :$$l ,.`"ýT$S# °°°°°° $$$ l$$$$ l$$lT$$'.$$$$b.`"ýY$S#g._^ČY$$.`$$$.`$ l$$: l$'.d$$' l$$::$$P'.$$$;`$'.$$$$$$$$Ss,_`"ýT$S#s._` `$$$. :$$l .'.d$$' :$$l $'.Āý"^`,b,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss._`"ýT$$S#$$$b l$$: ~~~~~~~ --------- $$$ ---------------------------------- `"ý$PŲ';$$l ------------------ dy(KWEST) l$$: ~~~~ ~~~~ GO-KWEST!! ---------- Woo, back again. It's so one in kWEST ever draw, but when they do, it's really good! so again, I'm sorry to say, the pack is small, but the quality is waay up there once again. Not to much to yap about this month; I've had a few ideas on where to go with kWEST, one of those being to go all out into the scene competition, but I decided against it. Secondly, was to make it more of a record company type thingy, so I rolled with it a little..and basically, kWEST is just a place for me and ANY of close friends to release in! kind of like a compilation EP, dig? So, instead of pestering you fuckers to give me ascii each month, I'm going to sit back and let you give it to me, and when I feel the pack is cool enough to release, BANG! out it goes; monthly just isn't long enough to get a really good quality\quantity ratio going, so nyeah. One of the arisings that brought me to this conclusion is that The Prodigy, one of my closest carnelles, decided that kWEST had changed to much from the original idea we call came up with, it was starting to become a main- stream group, I apologize for that Neil, that's not what myself, or anyone else in the group was looking for; My bad. The Prodigy is a kWEST alumni now, so dig. And yeah, so..kWEST is just going to be that ascii group that will release an awe inspiring pack every so often, monthly, weekly..whenever we god- damm feel like it =) Some 'Group' News: ------------------ * Acid Jack - Never draws for kwest, what the hell are you thinking? * Baltazar - Back and in good spirit as you can see in this pack! * Black Knight - Packed his bags, and was last seen headed toward #ansi, EEK. * Blindman - Uhh, my nigger; Where in hell are you? * Cain - Still going strong, new style developed hardk0re this month. * Discyple - Hey, graduation is WAAY important, smoke a doob for me Scott! * Discofunk - Packed his bags, and wasn't quite sure where he was headed. * Endless Nameless - Computer is on the fritz, can't do much without RAM. * Haji - Doing in his own funky funky waay, turbanHead. * Mass Murderer - He has drawing cramps, but still managed to release. Word. * Necromancer - I dunno, he must be on his mormon mission? * OmicroN - He never draws, why would you expect him to up and draw now? * Pariah - After a small hiatus to DJ, he's back with a pHAT anscii. * Polypropz/morph - I dunno, he released under Brassic Monk this month `*- someone should get his head checked out, I heard he quit altogether. * theProdigy - Good luck with the independent road bro, your always welcome. * Purify - I dunno, must be the time difference =) * Seraphim - Packed his ACiDdraw up, good journey to a good artist. * The Masked Marauder - Signed his contract, and then dissapeared. * Biogenesis - Signed his contract today, and seems enthusiastic. Word Roger. * Megga Hertz (BUGSY) - Does a guest hit in the 3rd kWEST!a release. * Holocaust - Does a guest hit in this, the 3rd kWEST!a release. * The Prodigy is promoted to Alumnus status. Hooray for you, my man! * We're releasing a week early, cool eh? You must love us by now (ahemEGOahem). * Check out SMOKECOK.JPG, it's dedicated to Discyple, and his mom (har). * That should about do it, this was also a member listing. `*- certain artist are appearing courtesy of remorse 1981, you know whom they are. Don't bug me about permanent guests, because I don't care. CONCLUSION ---------- There you have it, GO-KWEST.ZIP, the 3rd kwest compilation. Again, do not expect kWEST!a to release on a regular basis anymore, because it probably will *not* be happening to regularly that we release a monthly pack. Good Journey, you wonderful ascii pimp. -* Cain, kWEST!a founder, ascii luuver. 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