this image contains text
g l y n i s !
hey there everyone, the last couple months in the scene have
really not been so great, there have been some good things but
not that many. ive know krieg for about 5 years now, he lives
down the street, and we decided to leave spastic and start our
own duo group. we decided to get away from everything else and
draw for the fun of it. we dont care what you think about that,
and we dont care what you think about us P im not trying to be
a total jerk but alot of people object to solo groups and thats
who im directing this to P anyway so here it is, myself and
kriegs first duo pack, we will release whenever we feel like it
but it will usually be a monthly thing ..
please dont ask for a distro site or a HQ for glynis be
there are none and there will never be any, the only members are
krieg and i and the only boards that will be affiliated with our
group will be break on through and shangri-la
, just wanted to
clear that up P .. oh yeah and krieg didnt really release that
much this month because he had alot of schoolwork to do, but he
will release alot more next pack! ..
in some other news ive decided to change the name of my mag
that has been in progress for some time now from acme reality to
aqua and it will be somewhat the glynis mag.. anyw
ay if you want
to submit thatd be great..
oh, just a couple days ago i found out that there was some
dude who was in this group rival whos abbrev was mn also so
to keep confusion out of the picture my abbrev will be mn
merlin can use the mn, just wanted to clear that up
if you would like to request a logo or pic from krieg or
myself you can reach us at the following places ..
break on through 407-487-4489
shangri-la not up yet but we have the line
baermm@gate.net or aqua@free.org fo
r myrddin
aqua@free.org if you want to write krieg
or on irc at ANSi iCE
acid coders trax or
please note that there is a couple other mYrddins on irc so don
just assume that its me. ask if its mYrddin of glynis first P
.. or you can fill out the request form and get it to us somehow.
oh and if i told you that i would make you an ansi for trade or
whatever and its not in this pack it WILL BE IN THE NEXT PACK!
promise, i dont have time to make a billion logos per day
whelp, thats all for the nfo file, if you have any questions,
comments or requests you know where to find us. krieg and i hope
that you enjoy the pack ..
mYrddinglynis!aqua ..
g l y n i s !
hey there everyone, the last couple months in the scene have
really not been so great, there have been some good things but
not that many. ive know krieg for about 5 years now, he lives
down the street, and we decided to leave spastic and start our
own duo group. we decided to get away from everything else and
draw for the fun of it. we dont care what you think about that,
and we dont care what you think about us P im not trying to be
a total jerk but alot of people object to solo groups and thats
who im directing this to P anyway so here it is, myself and
kriegs first duo pack, we will release whenever we feel like it
but it will usually be a monthly thing ..
please dont ask for a distro site or a HQ for glynis be
there are none and there will never be any, the only members are
krieg and i and the only boards that will be affiliated with our
group will be break on through and shangri-la
, just wanted to
clear that up P .. oh yeah and krieg didnt really release that
much this month because he had alot of schoolwork to do, but he
will release alot more next pack! ..
in some other news ive decided to change the name of my mag
that has been in progress for some time now from acme reality to
aqua and it will be somewhat the glynis mag.. anyw
ay if you want
to submit thatd be great..
oh, just a couple days ago i found out that there was some
dude who was in this group rival whos abbrev was mn also so
to keep confusion out of the picture my abbrev will be mn
merlin can use the mn, just wanted to clear that up
if you would like to request a logo or pic from krieg or
myself you can reach us at the following places ..
break on through 407-487-4489
shangri-la not up yet but we have the line
baermm@gate.net or aqua@free.org fo
r myrddin
aqua@free.org if you want to write krieg
or on irc at ANSi iCE
acid coders trax or
please note that there is a couple other mYrddins on irc so don
just assume that its me. ask if its mYrddin of glynis first P
.. or you can fill out the request form and get it to us somehow.
oh and if i told you that i would make you an ansi for trade or
whatever and its not in this pack it WILL BE IN THE NEXT PACK!
promise, i dont have time to make a billion logos per day
whelp, thats all for the nfo file, if you have any questions,
comments or requests you know where to find us. krieg and i hope
that you enjoy the pack ..
mYrddinglynis!aqua ..
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