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Hi. Im leth. The first thing you might notice about this ansi is thattheres no shading. I CANT shade. Thats that. Secondly, no I dont have afish fetish. Now that thats over, I can continue.
Im not really a drawer, Im a coder. But something made me draw this. Idunno what. I drew one fish five months ago, and slowly added fish. Then lastfriday morning my gf broke up with me! : As you can guess, I was UPSET!Basically I felt like shit. I didnt take it too bad though. With my last gfI dropped into major depression, and attempted suicide twice in the last year,and got heavily into drugs and alcohol. But thats in the past. Ansi kindamade me realize you have to work at things to make them good. And sometimestheyre not even good at all. My main purpose for wanting to draw is to keep mymind off things.
Most people will prolly say this ansi sucks. Oh well, its not as if I care.But I do want to encourage everyone to try drawing. Three years ago I neverthought Id be able to do this. The scenes dying, and I dont want that tohappen. I learn about the scene in grade 7, now Im in grade 11. In the sceneI wasnt super popular, but I had friends. In real life I was the biggest geekever. But the way I acted in the scene and in real life was different. Nowboth of those have kind of collided, and Im figuring out who I am. My wholepoint here is that the scene is important, so we cant let it die. Im not thebest motivational speaker, but Im just speaking from my point of view.
Id like to give some greets out to some people. Some of these are gluepeople, or used to be. Others are just people I know from somewhere on irc.Here goes: catch22 you encouraged me to draw among other things, kapheineI miss you, tainted thanks, terrain where did you go, kmdrKow I stillthink your wrong about women, deelOts you should be a psychologist,retributn I dunno where you went either, but I miss you too, dark you madea lot of sense to me that night, hALY no offense, but you wouldnt have beenworth dying over and youve always been there for me, star- your advice soundsa lot like what Id say to myself, even though I didnt follow it, thanksnanodroid pothead, psYch0 and Dice both of you are good friends, I oweyou tons for your help through-out all my problems, aKIRA you could alwaystalk some sense into me, silica you introduced me to my music, and anyoneelse who ever put up with my bullshit. Thanks.
Now that thats over, heres what youve all been waiting for. 313 lines ofpure ansi fun!!
this d00d is fiShin ... d00d fishing line -
dock bobber land L A K E sign O N T A R I O
poles from dock
and these are sOme ..
one fiSh
tWo fish
red fIsh
dEad fish
illegally dumped
barrels radio-active neon-green
ooze from the illegally
hook dumped barrels
I hope you enjoyed that. If you dont get the story line, here it is:The d00d is fishin in Lake Ontario, and being as polluted as it is, theresmutant fish in it. Once in biology we had to dissect a perch, and when wegot the fish it smelled like shit and I looked at the teacher and I was likewhere did you get these fish, lake ontario? and hes like prolly. Anyways,there ya go. Im not gunna have another long bitch here. But if you want tocontact me, Im in glue on EFnet as leth, or email me at jay@hwcn.org oradd me on ICQ at 19945832. Byebye.
Hi. Im leth. The first thing you might notice about this ansi is thattheres no shading. I CANT shade. Thats that. Secondly, no I dont have afish fetish. Now that thats over, I can continue.
Im not really a drawer, Im a coder. But something made me draw this. Idunno what. I drew one fish five months ago, and slowly added fish. Then lastfriday morning my gf broke up with me! : As you can guess, I was UPSET!Basically I felt like shit. I didnt take it too bad though. With my last gfI dropped into major depression, and attempted suicide twice in the last year,and got heavily into drugs and alcohol. But thats in the past. Ansi kindamade me realize you have to work at things to make them good. And sometimestheyre not even good at all. My main purpose for wanting to draw is to keep mymind off things.
Most people will prolly say this ansi sucks. Oh well, its not as if I care.But I do want to encourage everyone to try drawing. Three years ago I neverthought Id be able to do this. The scenes dying, and I dont want that tohappen. I learn about the scene in grade 7, now Im in grade 11. In the sceneI wasnt super popular, but I had friends. In real life I was the biggest geekever. But the way I acted in the scene and in real life was different. Nowboth of those have kind of collided, and Im figuring out who I am. My wholepoint here is that the scene is important, so we cant let it die. Im not thebest motivational speaker, but Im just speaking from my point of view.
Id like to give some greets out to some people. Some of these are gluepeople, or used to be. Others are just people I know from somewhere on irc.Here goes: catch22 you encouraged me to draw among other things, kapheineI miss you, tainted thanks, terrain where did you go, kmdrKow I stillthink your wrong about women, deelOts you should be a psychologist,retributn I dunno where you went either, but I miss you too, dark you madea lot of sense to me that night, hALY no offense, but you wouldnt have beenworth dying over and youve always been there for me, star- your advice soundsa lot like what Id say to myself, even though I didnt follow it, thanksnanodroid pothead, psYch0 and Dice both of you are good friends, I oweyou tons for your help through-out all my problems, aKIRA you could alwaystalk some sense into me, silica you introduced me to my music, and anyoneelse who ever put up with my bullshit. Thanks.
Now that thats over, heres what youve all been waiting for. 313 lines ofpure ansi fun!!
this d00d is fiShin ... d00d fishing line -
dock bobber land L A K E sign O N T A R I O
poles from dock
and these are sOme ..
one fiSh
tWo fish
red fIsh
dEad fish
illegally dumped
barrels radio-active neon-green
ooze from the illegally
hook dumped barrels
I hope you enjoyed that. If you dont get the story line, here it is:The d00d is fishin in Lake Ontario, and being as polluted as it is, theresmutant fish in it. Once in biology we had to dissect a perch, and when wegot the fish it smelled like shit and I looked at the teacher and I was likewhere did you get these fish, lake ontario? and hes like prolly. Anyways,there ya go. Im not gunna have another long bitch here. But if you want tocontact me, Im in glue on EFnet as leth, or email me at jay@hwcn.org oradd me on ICQ at 19945832. Byebye.
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