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glue info
for october 1999
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as
a child but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
- 1 Corinthians 13:11
The above quote is almost the exact opposite of what glue stands for.
Weve evolved most indefinately, that is undisputed. Glue has become something
everyone can agree is stable, and a constant. Weve had our good times and
bad times, our ups and downs, just like any other group. Luckily, we can say
that weve had a lot more good times than bad, but throughout both weve gained
experience. We are constantly learning not only how to exist in this Scene,
but how to live in it. As weve grown, weve increased in quality art
production, fluxuated in quantity of production, and recently added a new
form of media to our production list. Weve released twenty seven packs now,
and weve seen a great deal of groups and artists alike, come and go. Weve
been ridiculed and praised, put on a pedistal and stepped on. Throughout it
all, weve gained experience. What doesnt kill us only makes us stronger.
Its true. But we are still yet a strong child. Although the text in the past
few info files and this paragraph is very serious, glue constantly finds the
fun in every situation. We are a happy family, and never forget that the term
ansi is defined with fun. We may grow to be one of the scenes strongest and
longest living groups, but we will never lose our child like edge.
Last month you may or may not have noticed that the roster had be
sliced, diced, minced, chopped, hacked, raped fever get off my keyboard you
perv .. anyways it was cut down. I explained why in last months info file,
but I will finish it off this month too. Glue has grown a lot, like I said
above, and during that growing process we got a major boner. I mean, we
received a lot of talent, and the roster got really really really big. Give or
take a really. The roster was complete with talent, but for the most part it
was idle talent. Those who were on it were not submitting monthly, which is nota requirement in glue, but releasing every two to three months is. Were not
the type of group you can take home - Sheryl Crow. Wha? Were not the type of
group that sits on our asses and doesnt release ansi. Glues got a rep of
wholesome goodness y0, and heaven forbid me to let that rep slide. So, I got
rid of the couch potatoes, and limited the roster to those who actually releasedon a regular basis, and were going to be dedicated to glue. So, that is the
requirement to becoming a member of glue. Well, one of them : The others
are explained below:
1. All those applying to glue must be able to break dance to country music.
2. In order to show that you are fearless, an applicant must take a picture of
themself running down a street naked and yelling I LOVE GLUE! GET ME A PAPER
3. All applicants must give each current glue member a series of compliments in
order to prove that they can kiss ass when need be.
4. Applicants must draw a 1000 liner for each current glue member with a font
at the bottom that says RULES!@ for example Klumzee RULES!@.
5. All applicants must compile a stupid list such as this in order to attempt tobe funny, when they are actually just making an ass of themself.
There is one who has met the requirements listed above. He has
undergone many ruthless endeavours to come up with the honour and title of
GLUE MEMBER. This individual has put himself in the forefront of new recruits
and singled himself out as glues newest brother - and scenes smartest man.
For only the wise join the clan. Yeah whatever catch. Glue welcomes
Somberlain to the family with open arms. Polygon, do your fly up you
crazy peice of whitetrash - were giving him a hug, not a poke in pelvis.
As well, another wise man has decided to release a guest peice of
art with the glue family. Illusionx has taken it upon himself to submit
an amazing piece of artwork with the best group in the Scene. Thanks illx,
now i know all of that glue sucks shit you said wasnt true. Good thing,
thats considered basphemy in the scene now.
Zerovision fucking owns holy shit shit shit. HOLY SHIT!
Oh yeah, Azreal has also submitted a guest peice of art with the clan.
This ansi was drawn many moons ago in an old ansi group called ACiD. Whispers
of glues forthcoming was known even then, and groups as mighty as ACiD even
feared its unvailing. Azzy took it upon himself to worn all of those around
that glue would one day rock the ansi block. His message is even carried
through today.
Thanks Azreal :
The glue page is in the works, and will once again be located somewhere
on neoncrayon.com for it is the best webhosting, design, page in the world.
The page will be designed by myself, catch22, and will have a somewhat original
design, and will be updated more frequently and kept in better condition than
any other glue page. Why? Because I run glue, and i know wassup all of the
time in glue. I will never leave glue, for obvious reasons. And I care enough
to keep the page up to date. Ill probably even update the design from time
to time,. and introduce new and innovative things to the page. For I am one
crazy fucker.
Unneccesary cuss.
Okay, thats it. Word to leth, kapheine, ttb, warpus, hennifer,
produkt, cyberpunch, and ecliptek. Peace, enjoy the pack,. and expect us to
own you twice as much next month and every month to follow. Hey, like fever
says, dont hate us because were beautiful :
- snatch
glue info
for october 1999
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as
a child but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
- 1 Corinthians 13:11
The above quote is almost the exact opposite of what glue stands for.
Weve evolved most indefinately, that is undisputed. Glue has become something
everyone can agree is stable, and a constant. Weve had our good times and
bad times, our ups and downs, just like any other group. Luckily, we can say
that weve had a lot more good times than bad, but throughout both weve gained
experience. We are constantly learning not only how to exist in this Scene,
but how to live in it. As weve grown, weve increased in quality art
production, fluxuated in quantity of production, and recently added a new
form of media to our production list. Weve released twenty seven packs now,
and weve seen a great deal of groups and artists alike, come and go. Weve
been ridiculed and praised, put on a pedistal and stepped on. Throughout it
all, weve gained experience. What doesnt kill us only makes us stronger.
Its true. But we are still yet a strong child. Although the text in the past
few info files and this paragraph is very serious, glue constantly finds the
fun in every situation. We are a happy family, and never forget that the term
ansi is defined with fun. We may grow to be one of the scenes strongest and
longest living groups, but we will never lose our child like edge.
Last month you may or may not have noticed that the roster had be
sliced, diced, minced, chopped, hacked, raped fever get off my keyboard you
perv .. anyways it was cut down. I explained why in last months info file,
but I will finish it off this month too. Glue has grown a lot, like I said
above, and during that growing process we got a major boner. I mean, we
received a lot of talent, and the roster got really really really big. Give or
take a really. The roster was complete with talent, but for the most part it
was idle talent. Those who were on it were not submitting monthly, which is nota requirement in glue, but releasing every two to three months is. Were not
the type of group you can take home - Sheryl Crow. Wha? Were not the type of
group that sits on our asses and doesnt release ansi. Glues got a rep of
wholesome goodness y0, and heaven forbid me to let that rep slide. So, I got
rid of the couch potatoes, and limited the roster to those who actually releasedon a regular basis, and were going to be dedicated to glue. So, that is the
requirement to becoming a member of glue. Well, one of them : The others
are explained below:
1. All those applying to glue must be able to break dance to country music.
2. In order to show that you are fearless, an applicant must take a picture of
themself running down a street naked and yelling I LOVE GLUE! GET ME A PAPER
3. All applicants must give each current glue member a series of compliments in
order to prove that they can kiss ass when need be.
4. Applicants must draw a 1000 liner for each current glue member with a font
at the bottom that says RULES!@ for example Klumzee RULES!@.
5. All applicants must compile a stupid list such as this in order to attempt tobe funny, when they are actually just making an ass of themself.
There is one who has met the requirements listed above. He has
undergone many ruthless endeavours to come up with the honour and title of
GLUE MEMBER. This individual has put himself in the forefront of new recruits
and singled himself out as glues newest brother - and scenes smartest man.
For only the wise join the clan. Yeah whatever catch. Glue welcomes
Somberlain to the family with open arms. Polygon, do your fly up you
crazy peice of whitetrash - were giving him a hug, not a poke in pelvis.
As well, another wise man has decided to release a guest peice of
art with the glue family. Illusionx has taken it upon himself to submit
an amazing piece of artwork with the best group in the Scene. Thanks illx,
now i know all of that glue sucks shit you said wasnt true. Good thing,
thats considered basphemy in the scene now.
Zerovision fucking owns holy shit shit shit. HOLY SHIT!
Oh yeah, Azreal has also submitted a guest peice of art with the clan.
This ansi was drawn many moons ago in an old ansi group called ACiD. Whispers
of glues forthcoming was known even then, and groups as mighty as ACiD even
feared its unvailing. Azzy took it upon himself to worn all of those around
that glue would one day rock the ansi block. His message is even carried
through today.
Thanks Azreal :
The glue page is in the works, and will once again be located somewhere
on neoncrayon.com for it is the best webhosting, design, page in the world.
The page will be designed by myself, catch22, and will have a somewhat original
design, and will be updated more frequently and kept in better condition than
any other glue page. Why? Because I run glue, and i know wassup all of the
time in glue. I will never leave glue, for obvious reasons. And I care enough
to keep the page up to date. Ill probably even update the design from time
to time,. and introduce new and innovative things to the page. For I am one
crazy fucker.
Unneccesary cuss.
Okay, thats it. Word to leth, kapheine, ttb, warpus, hennifer,
produkt, cyberpunch, and ecliptek. Peace, enjoy the pack,. and expect us to
own you twice as much next month and every month to follow. Hey, like fever
says, dont hate us because were beautiful :
- snatch
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