this image contains text
not22 glue twenty six
info file
this is me following a creative trend. wait, thats
an oxymoron. moron.
I cant even think of anything worth while to type here. The above ansiwas done a month or so ago when I was really bored. I was going to go on about
how this creative abstract trend is exactly that, a trend, and therefore is
not at all creative, and puts those artists on par with the comic rippers
that they tend to cast down. But then I realized, Hey, atleast theyre
drawing ansi. which is exactly what they should be saying about the comic
rippers. Some of us are just more level headed I guess, fortunately Im one
of the level headed ones. And Im really cool and good looking too.
School started this month, incase youre a student and havnt been
going, I figured I should remind you. Im taking graphic design at a local
college, what are you taking? Tell me sometime. Anyways, its a good program,
but challenging, even for an elite artist like myself. I think its really
challenging because were doing a lot of things that I havnt encountered, but
its great to learn. Ahh, this isnt my autobiography, on with glue.
You probably notice that there are submissions from very few artists
this month, which may be a suprise to you since you probably thought glue had
a decent sized roster. We had about 20 members, now we have 6. I cut out a
bunch, some left 2 i think and others have been inactive for many days and
nights. Too many. So I have limited the roster to 6 individuals who are able
to call one another friends, are dedicated to the ansi medium and dedicated
to glue. The suitable are allowed to join, or will be invited. Were not
snobby, were just trying to increase the quality of art production in
The Scene and your scene. If anyone who has been cut from the roster has a
problem with it, email catch22@neoncrayon.com and Ill explain why you were
cut. Although you should know on your own.
Continuing with member news, The Creep Fever and Filth The Destroyer
have been born into the glue family. If this seems to contradict my friends
statement up above, trust me - it doesnt. These are two great guys, and its
about time they hung with glue. : Props to my boys.
The Ruiner is back in action. Schools started, so he has more time to
draw. Studying is no requirement for the brilliant ruiner, so he will now have
more time to amaze you with his ansi talents. Welcome back bro.
One of glues most honourable and pronounced members is taking a break
from the ansi world to catch up with things in other areas of his life.
ZeroVision is hoping to return to the glue family once things sort themselves
out. Hes been a great friend, artist, and a total positive experience to work
with. Hes proved to be his own oxymoron, demonstrating his superior vision
and calling us all to the challenge of doing our best. See you soon zv.
A new member list has been designed, check it out. Kudos to Klumzee
for doing it, you did a great job buddy. Glues webpage is underconstruction
and will surely amaze your web cravings. Although Id personally rather see
those cravings satisfied by some great ansi art, the web has become a great
way to express ourselves creatively as well. Im even starting to get into
webdesign a big myself. For a great webpage view, check out www.wmis.net/feverits really good.
Glues DEAD? Where the hell did that come from? A posting was made
on Acheron.org supposedly by myself, which stated that glue was dead, and that
it was only a matter of time. Look, glue will never die. The fact that
someone took the time to try to tell everyone that glue was dead was just a
bad publicity stunt of some sort, if they want any kind of gratification out of
it , they should just come clean, otherwise it only brought even more attention
to us - and if they want us dead, they just worked themselves into a mild form
of catch22. :
Once again, glue will never die. Infact, were kicking it full force
so WATCHOUT cause we might just turn around and pull another rabbit out of our
Glue has introduced RipScript Art into its bottle of creation. Howeverwe do not accept RIP only artists .. anyone who is in glue or is to perhaps joinglue must also draw ansi. Were an ansi group, but RIP is a lorez medium and
is small and requires many of the same skills to draw as ansi does. Dont
fret though, glue is still an ansi group - but most importantly we are an art
group. You will see some great RipScript art by Polygon, and in the future
from several Glue Tribe artists. As well, check the guest RIPS from Azrael.
Thanks for the submissions bro, theyre greatly appreciated, and your generositywill not be forgotten.
That is about all I have to say this month. Ill let the rest of the
pack speak for itself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Expect to hear
from us again next month, and every month to follow. Take it easy.
- catch
info file
this is me following a creative trend. wait, thats
an oxymoron. moron.
I cant even think of anything worth while to type here. The above ansiwas done a month or so ago when I was really bored. I was going to go on about
how this creative abstract trend is exactly that, a trend, and therefore is
not at all creative, and puts those artists on par with the comic rippers
that they tend to cast down. But then I realized, Hey, atleast theyre
drawing ansi. which is exactly what they should be saying about the comic
rippers. Some of us are just more level headed I guess, fortunately Im one
of the level headed ones. And Im really cool and good looking too.
School started this month, incase youre a student and havnt been
going, I figured I should remind you. Im taking graphic design at a local
college, what are you taking? Tell me sometime. Anyways, its a good program,
but challenging, even for an elite artist like myself. I think its really
challenging because were doing a lot of things that I havnt encountered, but
its great to learn. Ahh, this isnt my autobiography, on with glue.
You probably notice that there are submissions from very few artists
this month, which may be a suprise to you since you probably thought glue had
a decent sized roster. We had about 20 members, now we have 6. I cut out a
bunch, some left 2 i think and others have been inactive for many days and
nights. Too many. So I have limited the roster to 6 individuals who are able
to call one another friends, are dedicated to the ansi medium and dedicated
to glue. The suitable are allowed to join, or will be invited. Were not
snobby, were just trying to increase the quality of art production in
The Scene and your scene. If anyone who has been cut from the roster has a
problem with it, email catch22@neoncrayon.com and Ill explain why you were
cut. Although you should know on your own.
Continuing with member news, The Creep Fever and Filth The Destroyer
have been born into the glue family. If this seems to contradict my friends
statement up above, trust me - it doesnt. These are two great guys, and its
about time they hung with glue. : Props to my boys.
The Ruiner is back in action. Schools started, so he has more time to
draw. Studying is no requirement for the brilliant ruiner, so he will now have
more time to amaze you with his ansi talents. Welcome back bro.
One of glues most honourable and pronounced members is taking a break
from the ansi world to catch up with things in other areas of his life.
ZeroVision is hoping to return to the glue family once things sort themselves
out. Hes been a great friend, artist, and a total positive experience to work
with. Hes proved to be his own oxymoron, demonstrating his superior vision
and calling us all to the challenge of doing our best. See you soon zv.
A new member list has been designed, check it out. Kudos to Klumzee
for doing it, you did a great job buddy. Glues webpage is underconstruction
and will surely amaze your web cravings. Although Id personally rather see
those cravings satisfied by some great ansi art, the web has become a great
way to express ourselves creatively as well. Im even starting to get into
webdesign a big myself. For a great webpage view, check out www.wmis.net/feverits really good.
Glues DEAD? Where the hell did that come from? A posting was made
on Acheron.org supposedly by myself, which stated that glue was dead, and that
it was only a matter of time. Look, glue will never die. The fact that
someone took the time to try to tell everyone that glue was dead was just a
bad publicity stunt of some sort, if they want any kind of gratification out of
it , they should just come clean, otherwise it only brought even more attention
to us - and if they want us dead, they just worked themselves into a mild form
of catch22. :
Once again, glue will never die. Infact, were kicking it full force
so WATCHOUT cause we might just turn around and pull another rabbit out of our
Glue has introduced RipScript Art into its bottle of creation. Howeverwe do not accept RIP only artists .. anyone who is in glue or is to perhaps joinglue must also draw ansi. Were an ansi group, but RIP is a lorez medium and
is small and requires many of the same skills to draw as ansi does. Dont
fret though, glue is still an ansi group - but most importantly we are an art
group. You will see some great RipScript art by Polygon, and in the future
from several Glue Tribe artists. As well, check the guest RIPS from Azrael.
Thanks for the submissions bro, theyre greatly appreciated, and your generositywill not be forgotten.
That is about all I have to say this month. Ill let the rest of the
pack speak for itself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Expect to hear
from us again next month, and every month to follow. Take it easy.
- catch
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