this image contains text
glue info for april 1999
We rule. ive been sitting here for 5 minutes, trying to think of some
great opening line to catch your attention, but it all comes down to the fact
that we simply rule. dont blame me though, blame everyone who contributed
this month. which happens to be the greater majority of the group. i consider
it a good sign that a group is doing well when contributions come from the
group as a whole, and not a select few individuals. the group is supported by
just that, the entire group. its not me, its not psidream and its certainly
NOT warpus. actually, i dont think warpus does anything besides sit on irc
and randomly type im right because im polish. shutup you ignorant non-pole.
Please excuse the tardiness of the pack. First, my monitor broke down.
Then, i cancelled my internet account. Stupidly, i forgot that the cancelation
would be in effect on the 1st of may. So, i had to hack an account up just
to deliver this to you boys and girls. Again, sorry glueys .. its the first
time in 21 packs this has happened though, so gimme a break
I just want to announce to everyone that you are now looking at one
of the newest employees of Sears Canada. you can shake my hand and pat my ass
later. ill settle for a blow now tho. HAH im hilarious.
Oh, the quip changed his nick to Psidream. Personally, i said he shouldchange it to fuckhead because that describes his personality best. then he
said i should change my nick to sally because im a faggot. OUCH.
ahh yeah, Rorshack hooked up with us. zerovision kept showing him
a little leg, and kept puckering up with his lips. rorshack couldnt handle
the temptation, and as soon as he came over to zv to see what was up, zv slippeda little pill into his drink and we took him upstairs for a little fun. needlessto say, rorshack wont be walking correctly for the next couple months.
In the intro i mentioned some bullshit about everyone contributing to
the pack. there were some people on the roster who either havnt been around
in a while, or just werent around much. one of the main ideas behind glue is
being active, and interacting with the group. so i removed grindstone, islayer,and galancer from the roster. However, dissonance left us to persue running hisown group again, kleenex left to re-join dark, and zfact0r went somewhere too.
special PEACE OUT goes to kleenex and zfact0r, cause theyre both cool and have
been with us for quite some time. have fun boys, i hope to still see you around.
You may notice that i dont have dickall in this pack. my monitor is
broke. all the colours are fucked up, and i feel like im on acid writing
this thing right now actually. even though ive never been on acid. hmm.
im huffed lots of glue tho. im hardcore. Propz goes to zerovision for
drawing like a fucking nimpho on my girthy cock and picking up for my slack.
seriously tho, blame the monitor :
Oh, someone submitted a glue distro site to me, and i lost your info.
sorry about that, if you know who you are, email me. you gave me your shit
a couple months ago. And thanks to Snowball for the amazing guest ansi.
I havnt heard of you, and i donno who you are, but youve got mad skillz.
drop me a line sometime.
I almost forgot about the hey i got laid contest. this month,
zerovision adds a point to his list. this one night stand master stuck it in
and never saw the bitch again. thats the way to do it! ruiner and enzo also
got laid AGAIN this month. i hate both of you
enzo: 2
ruiner: 2
zerovision: 1
Ok, i think that abour wraps it up. enjoy the pack, cause i know its
a doozey. im proud of all the glueys. you guys really got together and made
a sweet ass pack as usual whats long, hard, and full of seamen?
a submarine.
glue info for april 1999
We rule. ive been sitting here for 5 minutes, trying to think of some
great opening line to catch your attention, but it all comes down to the fact
that we simply rule. dont blame me though, blame everyone who contributed
this month. which happens to be the greater majority of the group. i consider
it a good sign that a group is doing well when contributions come from the
group as a whole, and not a select few individuals. the group is supported by
just that, the entire group. its not me, its not psidream and its certainly
NOT warpus. actually, i dont think warpus does anything besides sit on irc
and randomly type im right because im polish. shutup you ignorant non-pole.
Please excuse the tardiness of the pack. First, my monitor broke down.
Then, i cancelled my internet account. Stupidly, i forgot that the cancelation
would be in effect on the 1st of may. So, i had to hack an account up just
to deliver this to you boys and girls. Again, sorry glueys .. its the first
time in 21 packs this has happened though, so gimme a break
I just want to announce to everyone that you are now looking at one
of the newest employees of Sears Canada. you can shake my hand and pat my ass
later. ill settle for a blow now tho. HAH im hilarious.
Oh, the quip changed his nick to Psidream. Personally, i said he shouldchange it to fuckhead because that describes his personality best. then he
said i should change my nick to sally because im a faggot. OUCH.
ahh yeah, Rorshack hooked up with us. zerovision kept showing him
a little leg, and kept puckering up with his lips. rorshack couldnt handle
the temptation, and as soon as he came over to zv to see what was up, zv slippeda little pill into his drink and we took him upstairs for a little fun. needlessto say, rorshack wont be walking correctly for the next couple months.
In the intro i mentioned some bullshit about everyone contributing to
the pack. there were some people on the roster who either havnt been around
in a while, or just werent around much. one of the main ideas behind glue is
being active, and interacting with the group. so i removed grindstone, islayer,and galancer from the roster. However, dissonance left us to persue running hisown group again, kleenex left to re-join dark, and zfact0r went somewhere too.
special PEACE OUT goes to kleenex and zfact0r, cause theyre both cool and have
been with us for quite some time. have fun boys, i hope to still see you around.
You may notice that i dont have dickall in this pack. my monitor is
broke. all the colours are fucked up, and i feel like im on acid writing
this thing right now actually. even though ive never been on acid. hmm.
im huffed lots of glue tho. im hardcore. Propz goes to zerovision for
drawing like a fucking nimpho on my girthy cock and picking up for my slack.
seriously tho, blame the monitor :
Oh, someone submitted a glue distro site to me, and i lost your info.
sorry about that, if you know who you are, email me. you gave me your shit
a couple months ago. And thanks to Snowball for the amazing guest ansi.
I havnt heard of you, and i donno who you are, but youve got mad skillz.
drop me a line sometime.
I almost forgot about the hey i got laid contest. this month,
zerovision adds a point to his list. this one night stand master stuck it in
and never saw the bitch again. thats the way to do it! ruiner and enzo also
got laid AGAIN this month. i hate both of you
enzo: 2
ruiner: 2
zerovision: 1
Ok, i think that abour wraps it up. enjoy the pack, cause i know its
a doozey. im proud of all the glueys. you guys really got together and made
a sweet ass pack as usual whats long, hard, and full of seamen?
a submarine.
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