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glue - we make you say wow backwards.
Another month, however a short one. the end of the month kind of crept
up on us this time round. down with february and its 28 days. why dont
they just make february have 30 days, and instead of say, JULY having 31 days,
it could have 30. and then make january have 30 too! that way itd all even
out. man, do i have to come up with EVERYTHING?
glue welcomes some new additions to the roster. first off, bill clintonjoined. he realized glue had a lack of women artists, and figured that hed
be able to get a few ladies to follow us on their hands and knees. *shrug*
as well, glue has gained the ansi stylings of the one and only quip. we all
know and love quip. more so KNOW than love. we were also very lucky to
gain the crazy, multitalented, very flexable, extremely intelligent, and
polish prince himself,. warpus! but thats not all folks. we are TRES
privledged to be able to add kleenex to our roster. this crazy chink is fresh
off the boat, and brings his ansi skills from none other than his native china.
conversing with him on the irc is rather difficult, however when we dont know
what the hell hes talking about, zerovision usually has the guts to speak up
and say shutup and draw you silly chinaman! we have one other addition to
the roster too! a boy named klumzee decided to hop on the glue cart and prove
that he deserves some recognition. this guy really suprised me with his app,
and im sure hes gonna have a few more suprises to knock you lads off your
rockers. as well, we welcome islayer back from a prolonged absence. next time,remember to take off your pants when you wack off instead of just letting your
weiner sit through the zipper hole. weve already seen many die this way, we
dont need to add a glueman to the list! oh yeah, and we say goodbye to
prosthesis - goodbye prosthesis. as well, due to inactivity we are forced to
remove platoonim from the roster. even though he had contacted us to let us
know hes still alive, i think we need to set an example. the roster is growingand not enough is being produced to show for it. email me plat, and well talk
about it. artists who have been inactive for 3 months or more are given warning
in the member list. look there to see if this applies to you. but you should
know if it applies to you or not. we dont boot people for no reason, but we
cant make exceptions for everyone either. ive also just received unfortunate
news that zerovision will no longer be drawing ansi.
glue www is being revamped. tainted is busy fixing it up and making it
actually look GOOD. to tell you the truth, from what i see so far its going
to really rule. hype hype hype. but i dont mind building it up, because i
KNOW youre not gonna be let down. tainted is a man of many talents. next timeyou see him on irc, ask him to send you his pic where hes spinning a moose
on his nose.
as well, were starting up our mailing list this month. were getting
it from the wonderful folks at onelist, so if your group needs a mailing list,
i suggest you go there. glue also has plans for a WHQ in the works. currently,my board kink is going to be our safe haven, however that may change if any
other suggestions happen to pop up. something tells me quip will pop up with a
new suggestion, because certain things of his seem to pop up all the time
anyways. puberty, itll get ya.
glue has also decided to become very strict on who gets in the group
now. no, we dont think were too good for you, but we do think that the
scene needs more than one fully functioning group. and yes, there are quite
a few fully functioning groups out there right now. some would say that a few
of them are even functioning better than glue. i dont think so tho :
anyways, were always up for getting new members, but we dont wanna be the
ones grabbing all of the talent. as well, it seems to me that weve become kindof trendy lately, and i dont really consider that a good thing. the idea of
being popular is very applealing, however being an on again off again fad is
not our goal. longevity and quality is what were aiming for, as well as aidingin the production of a fun and motivational scene. and if we can maintain a
tight group, and a steady group, then its all the better for everyone. guh,
im done babbling.
anyways enjoy the pack. we always do our best to make everyone happy,
and i hope you get a feeling of satisfaction after viewing the pack. if you
dont, then i suggest you go get laid. either way, youre gonna have an orgasm.unless your name is warpus and you have trouble getting it up.
glue - we make you say wow backwards.
Another month, however a short one. the end of the month kind of crept
up on us this time round. down with february and its 28 days. why dont
they just make february have 30 days, and instead of say, JULY having 31 days,
it could have 30. and then make january have 30 too! that way itd all even
out. man, do i have to come up with EVERYTHING?
glue welcomes some new additions to the roster. first off, bill clintonjoined. he realized glue had a lack of women artists, and figured that hed
be able to get a few ladies to follow us on their hands and knees. *shrug*
as well, glue has gained the ansi stylings of the one and only quip. we all
know and love quip. more so KNOW than love. we were also very lucky to
gain the crazy, multitalented, very flexable, extremely intelligent, and
polish prince himself,. warpus! but thats not all folks. we are TRES
privledged to be able to add kleenex to our roster. this crazy chink is fresh
off the boat, and brings his ansi skills from none other than his native china.
conversing with him on the irc is rather difficult, however when we dont know
what the hell hes talking about, zerovision usually has the guts to speak up
and say shutup and draw you silly chinaman! we have one other addition to
the roster too! a boy named klumzee decided to hop on the glue cart and prove
that he deserves some recognition. this guy really suprised me with his app,
and im sure hes gonna have a few more suprises to knock you lads off your
rockers. as well, we welcome islayer back from a prolonged absence. next time,remember to take off your pants when you wack off instead of just letting your
weiner sit through the zipper hole. weve already seen many die this way, we
dont need to add a glueman to the list! oh yeah, and we say goodbye to
prosthesis - goodbye prosthesis. as well, due to inactivity we are forced to
remove platoonim from the roster. even though he had contacted us to let us
know hes still alive, i think we need to set an example. the roster is growingand not enough is being produced to show for it. email me plat, and well talk
about it. artists who have been inactive for 3 months or more are given warning
in the member list. look there to see if this applies to you. but you should
know if it applies to you or not. we dont boot people for no reason, but we
cant make exceptions for everyone either. ive also just received unfortunate
news that zerovision will no longer be drawing ansi.
glue www is being revamped. tainted is busy fixing it up and making it
actually look GOOD. to tell you the truth, from what i see so far its going
to really rule. hype hype hype. but i dont mind building it up, because i
KNOW youre not gonna be let down. tainted is a man of many talents. next timeyou see him on irc, ask him to send you his pic where hes spinning a moose
on his nose.
as well, were starting up our mailing list this month. were getting
it from the wonderful folks at onelist, so if your group needs a mailing list,
i suggest you go there. glue also has plans for a WHQ in the works. currently,my board kink is going to be our safe haven, however that may change if any
other suggestions happen to pop up. something tells me quip will pop up with a
new suggestion, because certain things of his seem to pop up all the time
anyways. puberty, itll get ya.
glue has also decided to become very strict on who gets in the group
now. no, we dont think were too good for you, but we do think that the
scene needs more than one fully functioning group. and yes, there are quite
a few fully functioning groups out there right now. some would say that a few
of them are even functioning better than glue. i dont think so tho :
anyways, were always up for getting new members, but we dont wanna be the
ones grabbing all of the talent. as well, it seems to me that weve become kindof trendy lately, and i dont really consider that a good thing. the idea of
being popular is very applealing, however being an on again off again fad is
not our goal. longevity and quality is what were aiming for, as well as aidingin the production of a fun and motivational scene. and if we can maintain a
tight group, and a steady group, then its all the better for everyone. guh,
im done babbling.
anyways enjoy the pack. we always do our best to make everyone happy,
and i hope you get a feeling of satisfaction after viewing the pack. if you
dont, then i suggest you go get laid. either way, youre gonna have an orgasm.unless your name is warpus and you have trouble getting it up.
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