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glue merry late christmas. burning that glue will getcha high...
pic by ret glue december 1998 info file - cya nintey8. nineteen ninety eight. a terrific, funtastic, and key year for glue. this year we really made our mark,. more so in the later portion of the year. we have proven that we are going to stick around, showing the scene that it is possible for a new group to build themselves up from nothing to something, just like those major groups did back in the day, that still exist today. glue is one of those groups. the way people talk about ice, dark, cia, blade, acid, today, is the way they will talk about glue tomorrow. we have kept our sites set on being the best we can,. and being ourselves. we do not strive to be the next ice. we strive to be glue,. and our presence will be forever felt in the art scene. nOOOW,. on with the rest of the shit. you thoUGHT last month was a big boost for glue? well this month we sparked our second flame, and added some more key talent to the roster. first off, we have gained the talent of the blind bandit himself, zerovision. he exceeds in the skillz of robbery, kraft dinner making, tree planting, and cereal eating. not to mention he ownz y0 ass at ansi too. next, we introduce our smallest member. shrimp. this petite bottom dweller really packs a wallop in the logo department, and is a hUGE asset to our roster. and NO hachi, you cannot dip him in sauce and eat him, we need to use him for his art skillz. as well, boba fett has rejoined our ranks. but he is no longer bobafett,.
he is now GALANACER. when asked the meaning of his nick,. he muttered the
words, it means one who often pretends to be a turtle. but if you remember
correctly,. the TURTLE BEAT THE HARE, SO GET OFF MY BACK. retribution then
muzzled him and we put him back in his cage. nEXT we grabbed gravedancer.
this d00ds got stylez like no other. you may recognize him from the now dead
group function. we found him dancing ontop of functions tombstone singing
all i want is a little glue! ,. we took the hint and threw him in the back
of our truck. on our way out of the graveyard, we found a dead body laying
beside an open grave. tainted said hey, look at that funky smelling
putrid carcass over there! so thats what we called it. putrid carcass. it
doesnt talk, move, or even walk. but it frequently pumps out awesome ansis.
as we have picked up much talent, we have also lost some. casualties of war
are never pretty. especially dislogic, what an ugly fuck. i mean uhh
you know i love you dislogic,. sorry you didnt have time to draw, perhaps
another day. as well, one of my good scene friends has had to take refuge
in his new home permenantly. well miss you dissonance, and we wish you the
best of luck in all your future endeavours. hey, i just realized, that
future endeavours stuff was the exact same thing the librarian at my school
wrote in my year book. how CREEPY. adios Jord, ill cya on irc later tonight
oh yeah, last month after releasing the pack, and taking a look at everyones
stuff, i noticed a few mistakes in the pack. im sure you noticed them too.
but these so called mistakes were done on purpose. i just figured, hey,
this art kicks so much ass, ill put it in there twice! so i just renamed
the files, perhaps even changed the ansi around a bit, and re-released them.
i am so goddamn clever. so dont think i screwed up, because catch22 does NOT
make mistakes. everything i do is right. i never do anything wrong.
1+36. you dont think thats right?! im re-defining math. im telling you,
its right.
recently, i have heard whispers of groups looking to come into some kind of
direct competition with glue. which groups they are, i dont care, and i dont
even want to know,. because one fact remains dominant. glue will kick y0
sorry ass
i just want to talk about the members of glue as of recently. i am so proud,
so excited, and so inspired by this entire group. i have never seen so many
people show so much pride in any group as i have seen the people in this
group demonstrate as of the past couple months. it makes me feel like i have
really accomplished something as the group leader, when i see people talk about
how much glue rocks, and how much they enjoy being in glue. i can only hope
that everyone in the scene can feel the sense of pride in their accomplishments
as the glue family does. keep doing what you do guys,. all of you. we all
help make this group what it is today,. and we will continue to do so from
this day on. i love you guys
shouts out to retribution. this guy is pure motivation. he drew this amazing
info file ansi, did the member list ansi on last minute notice, and is pumping
out pics and fonts like mad. keep up the good work bud, youre quite the
inspiration. as well, thanks to knocturnal for the kickass guest. your
support for this group from day one is hugely appreciated, and i can only hope
to repay your efforts someday.
if anyone would like to see what myself and knocturnal actually look like,
go rent the movie ANGUS. i look like the red hair kid Troy and knocturnal
looks like the main character Angus. were quite the duo.
anyways, thats all folks. thanks for checking out the pack, and i hope you
like what you see. the next couple of months should be pretty interesting,
because i hear that a lot of groups are starting to bust out the quality.
times are a changin ,. for the better. peace out.
pic by ret glue december 1998 info file - cya nintey8. nineteen ninety eight. a terrific, funtastic, and key year for glue. this year we really made our mark,. more so in the later portion of the year. we have proven that we are going to stick around, showing the scene that it is possible for a new group to build themselves up from nothing to something, just like those major groups did back in the day, that still exist today. glue is one of those groups. the way people talk about ice, dark, cia, blade, acid, today, is the way they will talk about glue tomorrow. we have kept our sites set on being the best we can,. and being ourselves. we do not strive to be the next ice. we strive to be glue,. and our presence will be forever felt in the art scene. nOOOW,. on with the rest of the shit. you thoUGHT last month was a big boost for glue? well this month we sparked our second flame, and added some more key talent to the roster. first off, we have gained the talent of the blind bandit himself, zerovision. he exceeds in the skillz of robbery, kraft dinner making, tree planting, and cereal eating. not to mention he ownz y0 ass at ansi too. next, we introduce our smallest member. shrimp. this petite bottom dweller really packs a wallop in the logo department, and is a hUGE asset to our roster. and NO hachi, you cannot dip him in sauce and eat him, we need to use him for his art skillz. as well, boba fett has rejoined our ranks. but he is no longer bobafett,.
he is now GALANACER. when asked the meaning of his nick,. he muttered the
words, it means one who often pretends to be a turtle. but if you remember
correctly,. the TURTLE BEAT THE HARE, SO GET OFF MY BACK. retribution then
muzzled him and we put him back in his cage. nEXT we grabbed gravedancer.
this d00ds got stylez like no other. you may recognize him from the now dead
group function. we found him dancing ontop of functions tombstone singing
all i want is a little glue! ,. we took the hint and threw him in the back
of our truck. on our way out of the graveyard, we found a dead body laying
beside an open grave. tainted said hey, look at that funky smelling
putrid carcass over there! so thats what we called it. putrid carcass. it
doesnt talk, move, or even walk. but it frequently pumps out awesome ansis.
as we have picked up much talent, we have also lost some. casualties of war
are never pretty. especially dislogic, what an ugly fuck. i mean uhh
you know i love you dislogic,. sorry you didnt have time to draw, perhaps
another day. as well, one of my good scene friends has had to take refuge
in his new home permenantly. well miss you dissonance, and we wish you the
best of luck in all your future endeavours. hey, i just realized, that
future endeavours stuff was the exact same thing the librarian at my school
wrote in my year book. how CREEPY. adios Jord, ill cya on irc later tonight
oh yeah, last month after releasing the pack, and taking a look at everyones
stuff, i noticed a few mistakes in the pack. im sure you noticed them too.
but these so called mistakes were done on purpose. i just figured, hey,
this art kicks so much ass, ill put it in there twice! so i just renamed
the files, perhaps even changed the ansi around a bit, and re-released them.
i am so goddamn clever. so dont think i screwed up, because catch22 does NOT
make mistakes. everything i do is right. i never do anything wrong.
1+36. you dont think thats right?! im re-defining math. im telling you,
its right.
recently, i have heard whispers of groups looking to come into some kind of
direct competition with glue. which groups they are, i dont care, and i dont
even want to know,. because one fact remains dominant. glue will kick y0
sorry ass
i just want to talk about the members of glue as of recently. i am so proud,
so excited, and so inspired by this entire group. i have never seen so many
people show so much pride in any group as i have seen the people in this
group demonstrate as of the past couple months. it makes me feel like i have
really accomplished something as the group leader, when i see people talk about
how much glue rocks, and how much they enjoy being in glue. i can only hope
that everyone in the scene can feel the sense of pride in their accomplishments
as the glue family does. keep doing what you do guys,. all of you. we all
help make this group what it is today,. and we will continue to do so from
this day on. i love you guys
shouts out to retribution. this guy is pure motivation. he drew this amazing
info file ansi, did the member list ansi on last minute notice, and is pumping
out pics and fonts like mad. keep up the good work bud, youre quite the
inspiration. as well, thanks to knocturnal for the kickass guest. your
support for this group from day one is hugely appreciated, and i can only hope
to repay your efforts someday.
if anyone would like to see what myself and knocturnal actually look like,
go rent the movie ANGUS. i look like the red hair kid Troy and knocturnal
looks like the main character Angus. were quite the duo.
anyways, thats all folks. thanks for checking out the pack, and i hope you
like what you see. the next couple of months should be pretty interesting,
because i hear that a lot of groups are starting to bust out the quality.
times are a changin ,. for the better. peace out.
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