this image contains text
my swim trunks have a velkro fly.
Glue Info File For September 1998
heres the deal. i got all serious. the info files were serious, the group tried to be serious, or i tried to make it so anyways, i
started to act serious, and im
really a fun loving kinda guy and in the middle of all that crap,
we lost our image. we lost what we
really held to be our own. were fun,. and that was one of the reasons that
glue strived well in the past. not that were not doing well now, its just
that from what i see, the group isnt really working together as a unit. were
more so working individually, and everyone in glue, is actually a stranger to
the other members. i barely even know half the people in the group. this
creates a lack of motivation, and interest in the group. plus it makes me, and
the other members feel kinda GLUM,. chum. soo, well be having more group
get togethers and more fun meets and more unco-ordinated orgies.
mr.wrong had an orgy with 5 girls during a rough game of twister. ph34r.
thext is now the new ansi head. cause dissonance is running awe, and wont havetime to be ansi head here, and awe president there. so he is gonna draw for
us as a regular artist, and still run awe. you can shake his hand and rub his
belly whenever you feel the need to congradulate him.
oh, i know you all hate thext. well most of you anyways. but i love him.
and hes really nice. he does give harsh reviews on OPERATION.ML.ORG but thatsjust his opinion and you shouldnt take it so personally. as well, hes a
kanieving SP? diabolic, sinister, person. thats why i gave him the position.props to thext.
mello out.
lately, the issue of group unity has been something weve all been conserned
with. so i have invited all of the glue members to show up at my house on
october 16th to the 18th. everyone has responded with a i will attend
response. of course, something may come up,. like drs mom wont let him
come. and phoman has made the request to show up with his mom, since he cant
drive, and the only way he can get here is if she drives him. i have allowed
her to come, but she has to either sit in the car the entire time, or make us
some dinner like women are supposed to do. the activities that will take place
are: - arrive at my house.
- play video games on my NES and draw blocks on the computer.
- hack bell canada.
- go horse back riding.
- go downtown london, ontario canada, and pick up girls.
- eat some of my moms home made apple/blueberry/cherry/mince meat pie.
- possibly sleep.
- the next day, well do something else, and the next day too.
this is only a trip for glue members. there may be some sarcastic comments
made in the above paragraph, but the meeting will really be happening. no joke.i ask all glue members to bring their own sleeping bags, toothbrushes, and
pajamas. and no, my mom will not tuck you in at night.
glue members are pimps. we pick up ladies like mad. just because we draw ansi
so well, you wouldnt think that would REALLY attract the ladies. but we all
get some daily. mr.wrong is a 38 year old stud. his girl is a 17 year old
highschool student, who has career aspirations in: gymnastics, horse back ridingtelemarketing, and secretarial work. dissonance has a girl who likes to do it
in public places. hes had her in a telephone booth, a lions cage at Zacks
Zaney Zoo, a prison cafeteria, and a local catholic church. the ruiner has
women from all over the world. he frequently travels from town to town,
getting action wherever he goes. i asked him what his plans were once he
arrived in montreal to see one of his ladies, and well,. lets see his response:
theruiner ill be humping her within 40 minutes of my arrival
theruiner :
there you have it. were all players. for relationship updates on the rest of
glue, tune in next month.
we only gained one member this month. that being a brazillian swamp lizard
named islayer. hes got some great skills, and were happy to add him to the
glue roster. he draws pics and fonts, so this is a total win - win situation.
oh, some people left glue too. well i kicked half of them for inactivity, and
for not talking to me. im sensitive like that. they are anomite, boba fett,
and the riddler. they can come back to glue anytime they feel like it. but
for now, im giving them the cold shoulder.
my friends rash,noktorian and 7up are quitting the scene. i think so anyways. sotheyve been removed from the roster as well. it sucks to see them go, but iveseen quite a few come and go,. this time i only sliced my right arm up because
i couldnt deal with the loss. usually i slice my chest as well.
with a spoon.
as well, drs is no longer drawing ansi. hes decided to show off his vga skillsto the world, and is gonna concentrate on that. youd be impressed with all
the nifty tricks he can do with his hexed version of windows paint.
we dont have many members anymore. so itd be cool if you could join. yeah,
thats right,. YOU. but you need to draw pretty good. we are the best group
in the scene you know, and we do release the best art ever. were better than
the acid of 94/95, and the ice of past and present. we make legion look like
cat puke, and avenge people have nightmares about how much better glue is then
them. so if you wanna join, expect to be respected throughout the scene.
heres an example of the respect people show me :
teegee catch22 is that funny looking fuck
see, everyone loves me.
to apply, check us in glue EFNET, or you can email catch22@multiboard.com OR
thext@total.net . send some of your blocks as well. wed like a few more
pic artists, but fontists are welcome as well. we would also like to have
a pet. if you are, or know an animal interested in becoming glue property,
just let us know. thext prefers chinchillas for some odd reason.
poke me with a fork, im done. and so is this info file. thanks for taking
the time to read it, and i hope you like the pack. if you dont, then youre
obviously ugly, disfigured, and i bet you have a nipple missing.
- catchGLUE22
Glue Info File For September 1998
heres the deal. i got all serious. the info files were serious, the group tried to be serious, or i tried to make it so anyways, i
started to act serious, and im
really a fun loving kinda guy and in the middle of all that crap,
we lost our image. we lost what we
really held to be our own. were fun,. and that was one of the reasons that
glue strived well in the past. not that were not doing well now, its just
that from what i see, the group isnt really working together as a unit. were
more so working individually, and everyone in glue, is actually a stranger to
the other members. i barely even know half the people in the group. this
creates a lack of motivation, and interest in the group. plus it makes me, and
the other members feel kinda GLUM,. chum. soo, well be having more group
get togethers and more fun meets and more unco-ordinated orgies.
mr.wrong had an orgy with 5 girls during a rough game of twister. ph34r.
thext is now the new ansi head. cause dissonance is running awe, and wont havetime to be ansi head here, and awe president there. so he is gonna draw for
us as a regular artist, and still run awe. you can shake his hand and rub his
belly whenever you feel the need to congradulate him.
oh, i know you all hate thext. well most of you anyways. but i love him.
and hes really nice. he does give harsh reviews on OPERATION.ML.ORG but thatsjust his opinion and you shouldnt take it so personally. as well, hes a
kanieving SP? diabolic, sinister, person. thats why i gave him the position.props to thext.
mello out.
lately, the issue of group unity has been something weve all been conserned
with. so i have invited all of the glue members to show up at my house on
october 16th to the 18th. everyone has responded with a i will attend
response. of course, something may come up,. like drs mom wont let him
come. and phoman has made the request to show up with his mom, since he cant
drive, and the only way he can get here is if she drives him. i have allowed
her to come, but she has to either sit in the car the entire time, or make us
some dinner like women are supposed to do. the activities that will take place
are: - arrive at my house.
- play video games on my NES and draw blocks on the computer.
- hack bell canada.
- go horse back riding.
- go downtown london, ontario canada, and pick up girls.
- eat some of my moms home made apple/blueberry/cherry/mince meat pie.
- possibly sleep.
- the next day, well do something else, and the next day too.
this is only a trip for glue members. there may be some sarcastic comments
made in the above paragraph, but the meeting will really be happening. no joke.i ask all glue members to bring their own sleeping bags, toothbrushes, and
pajamas. and no, my mom will not tuck you in at night.
glue members are pimps. we pick up ladies like mad. just because we draw ansi
so well, you wouldnt think that would REALLY attract the ladies. but we all
get some daily. mr.wrong is a 38 year old stud. his girl is a 17 year old
highschool student, who has career aspirations in: gymnastics, horse back ridingtelemarketing, and secretarial work. dissonance has a girl who likes to do it
in public places. hes had her in a telephone booth, a lions cage at Zacks
Zaney Zoo, a prison cafeteria, and a local catholic church. the ruiner has
women from all over the world. he frequently travels from town to town,
getting action wherever he goes. i asked him what his plans were once he
arrived in montreal to see one of his ladies, and well,. lets see his response:
theruiner ill be humping her within 40 minutes of my arrival
theruiner :
there you have it. were all players. for relationship updates on the rest of
glue, tune in next month.
we only gained one member this month. that being a brazillian swamp lizard
named islayer. hes got some great skills, and were happy to add him to the
glue roster. he draws pics and fonts, so this is a total win - win situation.
oh, some people left glue too. well i kicked half of them for inactivity, and
for not talking to me. im sensitive like that. they are anomite, boba fett,
and the riddler. they can come back to glue anytime they feel like it. but
for now, im giving them the cold shoulder.
my friends rash,noktorian and 7up are quitting the scene. i think so anyways. sotheyve been removed from the roster as well. it sucks to see them go, but iveseen quite a few come and go,. this time i only sliced my right arm up because
i couldnt deal with the loss. usually i slice my chest as well.
with a spoon.
as well, drs is no longer drawing ansi. hes decided to show off his vga skillsto the world, and is gonna concentrate on that. youd be impressed with all
the nifty tricks he can do with his hexed version of windows paint.
we dont have many members anymore. so itd be cool if you could join. yeah,
thats right,. YOU. but you need to draw pretty good. we are the best group
in the scene you know, and we do release the best art ever. were better than
the acid of 94/95, and the ice of past and present. we make legion look like
cat puke, and avenge people have nightmares about how much better glue is then
them. so if you wanna join, expect to be respected throughout the scene.
heres an example of the respect people show me :
teegee catch22 is that funny looking fuck
see, everyone loves me.
to apply, check us in glue EFNET, or you can email catch22@multiboard.com OR
thext@total.net . send some of your blocks as well. wed like a few more
pic artists, but fontists are welcome as well. we would also like to have
a pet. if you are, or know an animal interested in becoming glue property,
just let us know. thext prefers chinchillas for some odd reason.
poke me with a fork, im done. and so is this info file. thanks for taking
the time to read it, and i hope you like the pack. if you dont, then youre
obviously ugly, disfigured, and i bet you have a nipple missing.
- catchGLUE22
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