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glue artistic enterprises by toons xilion MY EPIC 98
Introduction ..
Another month has passed, and glue is still at it. The month has been
somewhat boring, except for the usual conflicts with that group :.
Besides that, all is good and production is still at large, as well,
the quality of our output has increased a large amount. Glue has been
around for approx eight months now, and is doing quite well consider-
ing our small member roster, but once again.. its all good, weve
never been one for large organizations anyhow.
Monthly Mayhem
This month, a few wacky things have occured. Once again
weve had to put up with the gluesociety conflicts, and both
organizations are pretty sick of the childish and immature behavior
from both sides. On the other hand, Catch22, our fearless and all
powerful master has been.. er.. taking a break from his computer and
spending more time concentrating on school issues to bring up his
marks so he can overwhelm us with his all powerful knowledge
So because of his short absence, Ive taken some time out of my
*cough* busy life, to put together this pack for yall :
As for the ruiner, rumour has it that he has a life now, so we
havent seen much production from him as usual BUT, tis all
Da Rostah
Weve had a few additions and losses this month, but all is well.
The all powerful fontist, Fobeeuh, has moved on with his life and
wont be doodling for Glue any longer, but we wish him luck where-
ever he may go. As for additions, We have Boba Fett, which brings
us his great pic skills, which will come in quite handy here in
Glue. Also, we have picked up Subsonic, who brings us a funky ass
toonish style, which will go along nicely :
Glue Internet
Ho, white man. Web team DID NOT WORK AND REALLY SUCKED. Thats r-
ight, no one wanted to help us ohmuhgoodness. I got a whole 1 em-
ail about it hawhawcopyright 1998, drs inc. Soo, *I* drs will
beat the shit out of a new design yeh thas right my nefro friends
? !@@!. My lovely design firm wants customers too erhrm, here go-
es my lovely discreet plug, *d*i*v*8*.home.ml.org. !@!@ byebye,
waznicht to yer dog, yer cat, yer gramma, yer inbred wife, and of
course yew. here is tainted again, he has more boring stuff.
oh yah, watch damon, that show is funny as shit. so was booty ca-
ll, so go watch that tew.
Final Words
If anyone wishes to contact glue, they may do so by joining glue
on EFnet, or by emailing glu3@hotmail.com . Any personal messages
can be emailed to the individual artists.
Its been a great month guys, keep it up!
- Taintedx
Introduction ..
Another month has passed, and glue is still at it. The month has been
somewhat boring, except for the usual conflicts with that group :.
Besides that, all is good and production is still at large, as well,
the quality of our output has increased a large amount. Glue has been
around for approx eight months now, and is doing quite well consider-
ing our small member roster, but once again.. its all good, weve
never been one for large organizations anyhow.
Monthly Mayhem
This month, a few wacky things have occured. Once again
weve had to put up with the gluesociety conflicts, and both
organizations are pretty sick of the childish and immature behavior
from both sides. On the other hand, Catch22, our fearless and all
powerful master has been.. er.. taking a break from his computer and
spending more time concentrating on school issues to bring up his
marks so he can overwhelm us with his all powerful knowledge
So because of his short absence, Ive taken some time out of my
*cough* busy life, to put together this pack for yall :
As for the ruiner, rumour has it that he has a life now, so we
havent seen much production from him as usual BUT, tis all
Da Rostah
Weve had a few additions and losses this month, but all is well.
The all powerful fontist, Fobeeuh, has moved on with his life and
wont be doodling for Glue any longer, but we wish him luck where-
ever he may go. As for additions, We have Boba Fett, which brings
us his great pic skills, which will come in quite handy here in
Glue. Also, we have picked up Subsonic, who brings us a funky ass
toonish style, which will go along nicely :
Glue Internet
Ho, white man. Web team DID NOT WORK AND REALLY SUCKED. Thats r-
ight, no one wanted to help us ohmuhgoodness. I got a whole 1 em-
ail about it hawhawcopyright 1998, drs inc. Soo, *I* drs will
beat the shit out of a new design yeh thas right my nefro friends
? !@@!. My lovely design firm wants customers too erhrm, here go-
es my lovely discreet plug, *d*i*v*8*.home.ml.org. !@!@ byebye,
waznicht to yer dog, yer cat, yer gramma, yer inbred wife, and of
course yew. here is tainted again, he has more boring stuff.
oh yah, watch damon, that show is funny as shit. so was booty ca-
ll, so go watch that tew.
Final Words
If anyone wishes to contact glue, they may do so by joining glue
on EFnet, or by emailing glu3@hotmail.com . Any personal messages
can be emailed to the individual artists.
Its been a great month guys, keep it up!
- Taintedx
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