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glue 1997/98 newyears eve info file
b ack so soon?
oh were back alright. but i dont think back is quite the right word
to use here. considering we never really left in the first place. then
what was this GLUE IS DEAD shit? , you ask. it was a decoy. a way out of
a serious jam, and an escape route from some of the dumbest shit the scene
has seen in quite some time. to start off,glue was formed to kick out some
awesome art, and have a fun time doing it. somthing you think most sceners
would appreciate. weve constantly declared our troubles with society,and
their troubles finally ended up costing glue a lot of suffering. constant
takeovers of our channel was how they would ruin us, or atleast try to.for
2 months glue was taken from our giddy little hands, and for 2 months we
lost communication with half our members, lost members because they were
fed up with fighting with society, and lost face,due to lack of irc skills
we are an art group, we dont function around irc. we function around our
colored blocks. anyhow, me and ruiner got fed up with it, things were
going so well, and then society jumped in. but we werent going to give up
everything we worked so hard for just because some acid wannabes took our
channel. nooOO, we wouldnt GIVE IN to their poop! we faced the fear, and
laughed at it, like this, mWAHAHAHAHAH!@!. and then we faked our death
this SMART tactic eventually gained us back our channel, our members, and
our attitude. and i know we told you that we were really dead,thats only
because suprises kick ass,. hope youre suprised. now on with the show!@!
m embers?!@!!
oh, OHHH OHHH!@ we got some talent on the roster this time BABYEE@!
as always,theres catch22 and the ruiner doing our leader type THANG. then
theres dr seuss, who we made as a super senior staff guy,giving him the
abbreviation SSS!@ also we gained some MAJOR logo talent with the return
of the all mighty plazz, the AWEsome knocturnal, the originator himself,
hitek, the ascii lord pariah, and the ever talented malformed. short but
i nternet CRUD.
well drs is at work on the glue homepage, which will be small but full
of information, packs, and an online app gen i think. we have a url for it
at glue2098.home.ml.org but its not done. also we have gained back control
of our channel, glue on EFNET. meet us there for some barely legal porn.
s hort indian girl.
i got flashed by a short indian girl while driving by her house. well
she had her bra on, but it still aroused me. so its a semi flash. but i
loved it. thank you short indian girl.
i wanted to write this whole info file, but i had to go to
quebec. i get to snowboard. phear.
anyways, glue is back. amazing huh? i think plazz said it
best with we knew glue was coming back, i mean what sorta dead
group keeps a bot in their channel? well ya.we always meant to
come back, the only reason we killed it was for a break and to
make society go away. which they did., so mUHAHAHHAHE phear our
leet passive haxorness. but were back now, and were pretty
much the same, excpet tainted is gone and our new senior is drs
we like to have three, because then we get uneven votes,unless
drs votes maybe, which he might just do, cause hes a spaz
id also like to mention something about fraud, acidjerks
stupid mega retard meet. i went to toronto. i waited in grand
union station, i made a fool of myself approaching ppl, asking
if they knew where i could find my irc friends. but no one came
i was not amused. i must say i would like to be re-imbursed. it
cost me 14 in gas, 5 to park and 2 for the hotdog i bought.
so, 4thds/axiom/acidjazz you guys owe me. you can pay me in
canadian tire money, i dont care, but you hafta pay me back, or
ill sue. and dont think i wont! er
one last thing before i go. last thing.
-+ theruinerglewe
g uest art!
glue usually does get atleast one guest artists each month. somtimes
we might not, so dont always expect it, its just somthing that seems to
happen so this month we recieved some spectacular guest art from noah of
nerp. thanks a TON noah, we really appreciate you doing this for us.
t he end.
well thats it for this month. hope you enjoy the pack, i think its
a dandy one myself. i hope i explained the fake death clear enough for you
boys and girls to understand. if i didnt, WE WERE NEVER DEAD, WE JUST
FAKED IT should clear things up. oh, and i wanna say that nerp rocks.keep
it up guys. oh, and ruiners birthday was on the 26th which is boxing day
for us canadians. so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MIKE!@!@ and i hope everyone
has a happy new years, im planning on getting laid. but well see i guess
anyways ciao.
glue 1997/98 newyears eve info file
b ack so soon?
oh were back alright. but i dont think back is quite the right word
to use here. considering we never really left in the first place. then
what was this GLUE IS DEAD shit? , you ask. it was a decoy. a way out of
a serious jam, and an escape route from some of the dumbest shit the scene
has seen in quite some time. to start off,glue was formed to kick out some
awesome art, and have a fun time doing it. somthing you think most sceners
would appreciate. weve constantly declared our troubles with society,and
their troubles finally ended up costing glue a lot of suffering. constant
takeovers of our channel was how they would ruin us, or atleast try to.for
2 months glue was taken from our giddy little hands, and for 2 months we
lost communication with half our members, lost members because they were
fed up with fighting with society, and lost face,due to lack of irc skills
we are an art group, we dont function around irc. we function around our
colored blocks. anyhow, me and ruiner got fed up with it, things were
going so well, and then society jumped in. but we werent going to give up
everything we worked so hard for just because some acid wannabes took our
channel. nooOO, we wouldnt GIVE IN to their poop! we faced the fear, and
laughed at it, like this, mWAHAHAHAHAH!@!. and then we faked our death
this SMART tactic eventually gained us back our channel, our members, and
our attitude. and i know we told you that we were really dead,thats only
because suprises kick ass,. hope youre suprised. now on with the show!@!
m embers?!@!!
oh, OHHH OHHH!@ we got some talent on the roster this time BABYEE@!
as always,theres catch22 and the ruiner doing our leader type THANG. then
theres dr seuss, who we made as a super senior staff guy,giving him the
abbreviation SSS!@ also we gained some MAJOR logo talent with the return
of the all mighty plazz, the AWEsome knocturnal, the originator himself,
hitek, the ascii lord pariah, and the ever talented malformed. short but
i nternet CRUD.
well drs is at work on the glue homepage, which will be small but full
of information, packs, and an online app gen i think. we have a url for it
at glue2098.home.ml.org but its not done. also we have gained back control
of our channel, glue on EFNET. meet us there for some barely legal porn.
s hort indian girl.
i got flashed by a short indian girl while driving by her house. well
she had her bra on, but it still aroused me. so its a semi flash. but i
loved it. thank you short indian girl.
i wanted to write this whole info file, but i had to go to
quebec. i get to snowboard. phear.
anyways, glue is back. amazing huh? i think plazz said it
best with we knew glue was coming back, i mean what sorta dead
group keeps a bot in their channel? well ya.we always meant to
come back, the only reason we killed it was for a break and to
make society go away. which they did., so mUHAHAHHAHE phear our
leet passive haxorness. but were back now, and were pretty
much the same, excpet tainted is gone and our new senior is drs
we like to have three, because then we get uneven votes,unless
drs votes maybe, which he might just do, cause hes a spaz
id also like to mention something about fraud, acidjerks
stupid mega retard meet. i went to toronto. i waited in grand
union station, i made a fool of myself approaching ppl, asking
if they knew where i could find my irc friends. but no one came
i was not amused. i must say i would like to be re-imbursed. it
cost me 14 in gas, 5 to park and 2 for the hotdog i bought.
so, 4thds/axiom/acidjazz you guys owe me. you can pay me in
canadian tire money, i dont care, but you hafta pay me back, or
ill sue. and dont think i wont! er
one last thing before i go. last thing.
-+ theruinerglewe
g uest art!
glue usually does get atleast one guest artists each month. somtimes
we might not, so dont always expect it, its just somthing that seems to
happen so this month we recieved some spectacular guest art from noah of
nerp. thanks a TON noah, we really appreciate you doing this for us.
t he end.
well thats it for this month. hope you enjoy the pack, i think its
a dandy one myself. i hope i explained the fake death clear enough for you
boys and girls to understand. if i didnt, WE WERE NEVER DEAD, WE JUST
FAKED IT should clear things up. oh, and i wanna say that nerp rocks.keep
it up guys. oh, and ruiners birthday was on the 26th which is boxing day
for us canadians. so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MIKE!@!@ and i hope everyone
has a happy new years, im planning on getting laid. but well see i guess
anyways ciao.
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