this image contains text
Glue -/ Putrid Carcass
glue october 1997 info
- were not too shy to kiss our mothers in public -
its my turn to write the info this month, and what a lucky
R.I.P little whipper snapper i am, because this month was HUGE!@!@
yes, thats right, the month actually grew and got larger just
hello kids! for us. i kept feeding it cake, while the ruiner patted its
ass saying whoooaa there blue. needless to say, this month
was JAM packed with goodies, so read on. please.
ok, so you wanna know what happened this month in the lives of
R.I.P glue? well dr. ruiner went into a coma after his evil twin bro
tainted shot him in the back, and had pationate sex with his
glue news sister/mom/wife, and he also had an affair with plazz, who was
married to internals mom. seems like tainted was pretty busy
this month. so since he was being such a slick guy, we awarded
him with the position of senior staff. and on the senior staff
subject, spear left. i think hes quitting all of his current
groups and is about to indulge into somthing new and special!!
we wish you luck spear, and may your flowers ever bloom. also
this month, TOONS XILION joined glue. he decided to come back
to the scene, and on his comback return hes showing off his
fancy skills here in glue. this month glue also developed a
little webpage, for your surfing pleasure. if your eyes can
handle it, goto: www.glue2097.home.ml.org and be prepared to
see exactly what drs can do. thanks again drseuss hm, what
else is there? oh yeah,we have a huge ascii release this month
thanks to paradox. oh, i dont mean to plug groups, but you
just HAVE to check out odelay! they suprised the hell out of
my ansi ass, and im sure theyll do the same to yours. hail
odelay. ok thats enough.
ok, this month was that HUGE contest we were having. if you
R.I.P have no idea what were talking about, check out the last pack
anyways, we got a total of 2 entries hopefully things will
the contest turn out better next month. the participants were quip of laz
and putrid carcass of dark. we spent many moons and sex filled
nights to decide on a winner. both entires were so spectacular
to the naked eye,that the judges had to put on special glasses
just to view them. anyways, the winner is,. drum roll please,
ahem, the WIENNER IS i had to do that,PUTRID CARCASS of dark
we used the wienners, AHEM, winners font for the newsletter,
which well prolly end up doing for every wIEnners font. so,
pcarcass, youll be getting a nice juicy joint from me and
the ruiner, while quip recieves yet another header for his
board by tHERUIN3r. gIDDY UP boys!
i wasnt around much this month.lots of shit going on outside
R.I.P of the scene how familiar does that sound but hopefully every
thing is good now. so ill be back more. and ya. we lost spear
tHERUIN3R this month. i wish we hadnt, for all our differences and all
the fights we got into,spear was a cool guy.have fun in lazarus
yankee shit head. : anyways.welcome to toonsxilion and tainted
who joined early this month.and id just really like to say how
much i hate society. all the members can kiss my ass and ya, aa
everyone in the scene hates you, have a nice day.
I have some concerns towards the scene. Many people that I have
R.I.P talked to lately have informed me that they are going to give up drawing or whatever they do because they think the scene tainted is dead. Reasons for this being, is that they say that all the
decent artists are leaving or have left already, and that many
art groups are gone as well. It has been brought to my attention that these people arent helping the cause any by
following the footsteps of others. I beleive that there will be
more great artists to come, as well as the ones that are still
around.. as well as great groups. If you really have a concern
towards our surroundings, do something to help out, instead of
complain about what others have done.
we have stopped feeding the month of october now, just to get
R.I.P it ready for all that FAT halloween candy its gonna get. so
that ends october for us here at glue,since WE RELEASE ON TIME
the end i just want to thank everyone for their great support so far,
and i wanna say hello to theknight who has supported me, and i
know hes been so kind to a lot of other artists and groups,so
I LOVE YOU TK! oh shit i forgot to mention somthing. on a sad
note a great artist died. he went by the name of night daemon
and was a groovey guy. i know ill miss him, R I P levi dedi.
now back to the joy! ok thats it, game over,the fat lady has
sang her last note, er just for the month,. dont worry,i know
well be back for sure. glue will last for ever and ever and
ever and ever and,. ahh shutup. oh, and have a happy halloween
my little munchkins.
+- catch22
I was wondering what the mouse-trap was
for, said Alice. It isnt very likely there
would be any mice on the horses back.
Not very likely, perhaps, said the Knight
but, if they do come, I dont choose to
have them running all about.
You see, he went on after a pause, its as
well to be provided for everything....
- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-glass
glue october 1997 info
- were not too shy to kiss our mothers in public -
its my turn to write the info this month, and what a lucky
R.I.P little whipper snapper i am, because this month was HUGE!@!@
yes, thats right, the month actually grew and got larger just
hello kids! for us. i kept feeding it cake, while the ruiner patted its
ass saying whoooaa there blue. needless to say, this month
was JAM packed with goodies, so read on. please.
ok, so you wanna know what happened this month in the lives of
R.I.P glue? well dr. ruiner went into a coma after his evil twin bro
tainted shot him in the back, and had pationate sex with his
glue news sister/mom/wife, and he also had an affair with plazz, who was
married to internals mom. seems like tainted was pretty busy
this month. so since he was being such a slick guy, we awarded
him with the position of senior staff. and on the senior staff
subject, spear left. i think hes quitting all of his current
groups and is about to indulge into somthing new and special!!
we wish you luck spear, and may your flowers ever bloom. also
this month, TOONS XILION joined glue. he decided to come back
to the scene, and on his comback return hes showing off his
fancy skills here in glue. this month glue also developed a
little webpage, for your surfing pleasure. if your eyes can
handle it, goto: www.glue2097.home.ml.org and be prepared to
see exactly what drs can do. thanks again drseuss hm, what
else is there? oh yeah,we have a huge ascii release this month
thanks to paradox. oh, i dont mean to plug groups, but you
just HAVE to check out odelay! they suprised the hell out of
my ansi ass, and im sure theyll do the same to yours. hail
odelay. ok thats enough.
ok, this month was that HUGE contest we were having. if you
R.I.P have no idea what were talking about, check out the last pack
anyways, we got a total of 2 entries hopefully things will
the contest turn out better next month. the participants were quip of laz
and putrid carcass of dark. we spent many moons and sex filled
nights to decide on a winner. both entires were so spectacular
to the naked eye,that the judges had to put on special glasses
just to view them. anyways, the winner is,. drum roll please,
ahem, the WIENNER IS i had to do that,PUTRID CARCASS of dark
we used the wienners, AHEM, winners font for the newsletter,
which well prolly end up doing for every wIEnners font. so,
pcarcass, youll be getting a nice juicy joint from me and
the ruiner, while quip recieves yet another header for his
board by tHERUIN3r. gIDDY UP boys!
i wasnt around much this month.lots of shit going on outside
R.I.P of the scene how familiar does that sound but hopefully every
thing is good now. so ill be back more. and ya. we lost spear
tHERUIN3R this month. i wish we hadnt, for all our differences and all
the fights we got into,spear was a cool guy.have fun in lazarus
yankee shit head. : anyways.welcome to toonsxilion and tainted
who joined early this month.and id just really like to say how
much i hate society. all the members can kiss my ass and ya, aa
everyone in the scene hates you, have a nice day.
I have some concerns towards the scene. Many people that I have
R.I.P talked to lately have informed me that they are going to give up drawing or whatever they do because they think the scene tainted is dead. Reasons for this being, is that they say that all the
decent artists are leaving or have left already, and that many
art groups are gone as well. It has been brought to my attention that these people arent helping the cause any by
following the footsteps of others. I beleive that there will be
more great artists to come, as well as the ones that are still
around.. as well as great groups. If you really have a concern
towards our surroundings, do something to help out, instead of
complain about what others have done.
we have stopped feeding the month of october now, just to get
R.I.P it ready for all that FAT halloween candy its gonna get. so
that ends october for us here at glue,since WE RELEASE ON TIME
the end i just want to thank everyone for their great support so far,
and i wanna say hello to theknight who has supported me, and i
know hes been so kind to a lot of other artists and groups,so
I LOVE YOU TK! oh shit i forgot to mention somthing. on a sad
note a great artist died. he went by the name of night daemon
and was a groovey guy. i know ill miss him, R I P levi dedi.
now back to the joy! ok thats it, game over,the fat lady has
sang her last note, er just for the month,. dont worry,i know
well be back for sure. glue will last for ever and ever and
ever and ever and,. ahh shutup. oh, and have a happy halloween
my little munchkins.
+- catch22
I was wondering what the mouse-trap was
for, said Alice. It isnt very likely there
would be any mice on the horses back.
Not very likely, perhaps, said the Knight
but, if they do come, I dont choose to
have them running all about.
You see, he went on after a pause, its as
well to be provided for everything....
- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-glass
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