this image contains text
w elcome!@
howdy, and welcome to glues premiere pack. some of you are
sighing and moaning not ANOTHER group! but we have something
to say to you.,. . bOO!
t hings you should know.
glue started one sunny afternoon when tainted,catch22 and i
thought it would be neet to start a group.unfortunately tainted
was shot in the back by an unknown assailant after many heated
arguments concerning the group name. he is no longer with us.
we release at the end of the month, just because i think it
makes more sense.why would you put out a july pack on the first
of july when the month hasnt even happened? in the info file
you end up talking about june and that just isnt right. its a
form of false advertising, and thats a felony i think.
the group name is gLUE. we are not affiliated in any way
with coca-cola inc. or and other products using slightly sticky
substances. say that 5 times fast
we only accept ansi and ascii artists.hi-res artists please
do not apply.
m embers.
currently glue has only a handful of members.but well grow
and then youll see. heres a list of current members:
catch22 - founder, ansi artist, specializing in the drawing
of half naked women with large breasts.
deelots - a very nice man.our chief irc idler/internet co-
ordinating pimp.
divine - joined up with us at the last minute. he quit so-
ciety to jump over to our team. we welcome him with open arms.
mafesto - also joined up at the last minute, and ALSO quit
society to be with us. hes a spiffy niffty internet guy plus
hell be drawing once and a while too!!@
sarcasm - some niphty ansi artist, who draws.
sirdeath - formerly of eclipse fame.,. .he has lowered his
standards and now draws for US!!@
spear - some guy we seduced into joining our ranks by whis-
pering sweet nothings in his ear in lazarus.
tHERUIN3r - the guy who wrote the info file.
xymox - he distributes our packs, cuz hes neet.
those are our members to date. blackknight had joined us
we think he quit. if your still out there bk, let us know where
you went. we love you.
also, a boy named menace joined us,but to our complete shoq
and AWE, he turned into tna and flew away.
c atch22s words
bonjour. yes, it is i the infamous catch22. infamous? you
prolly havnt even heard of me before, and if you have, well im
honoured. welcome to glue. i am the co-founder person thingy
and i like the group lots. well of course i do, what did you
expect me to say i hate it?!@ of course not. anyways i think
were gonna be a pretty decent group. i mean we have a roster
of talented artists already, and i hope that those of you who
like what we do here will join up too. we like to have fun, do
art, and talk about organized crime. psst, tHERUIN3r secretly
runs a scene wide mafia. using his connections we plan to take
over the scene and use it for our own twisted purposes. so if
youre interested in joining fill out the application form that
is included in the pack and well take a looksy. ok , well i
think im starting to blabber, so ill stop. enjoy the pack!!!
i n closing.
theres not much left to say, except we hope you enjoy our
art as much as we enjoyed drawing it. and if youre interested
in joining contact us on glue or email us at glu3@hotmail.com
- info file by tHERUIN3r
w elcome!@
howdy, and welcome to glues premiere pack. some of you are
sighing and moaning not ANOTHER group! but we have something
to say to you.,. . bOO!
t hings you should know.
glue started one sunny afternoon when tainted,catch22 and i
thought it would be neet to start a group.unfortunately tainted
was shot in the back by an unknown assailant after many heated
arguments concerning the group name. he is no longer with us.
we release at the end of the month, just because i think it
makes more sense.why would you put out a july pack on the first
of july when the month hasnt even happened? in the info file
you end up talking about june and that just isnt right. its a
form of false advertising, and thats a felony i think.
the group name is gLUE. we are not affiliated in any way
with coca-cola inc. or and other products using slightly sticky
substances. say that 5 times fast
we only accept ansi and ascii artists.hi-res artists please
do not apply.
m embers.
currently glue has only a handful of members.but well grow
and then youll see. heres a list of current members:
catch22 - founder, ansi artist, specializing in the drawing
of half naked women with large breasts.
deelots - a very nice man.our chief irc idler/internet co-
ordinating pimp.
divine - joined up with us at the last minute. he quit so-
ciety to jump over to our team. we welcome him with open arms.
mafesto - also joined up at the last minute, and ALSO quit
society to be with us. hes a spiffy niffty internet guy plus
hell be drawing once and a while too!!@
sarcasm - some niphty ansi artist, who draws.
sirdeath - formerly of eclipse fame.,. .he has lowered his
standards and now draws for US!!@
spear - some guy we seduced into joining our ranks by whis-
pering sweet nothings in his ear in lazarus.
tHERUIN3r - the guy who wrote the info file.
xymox - he distributes our packs, cuz hes neet.
those are our members to date. blackknight had joined us
we think he quit. if your still out there bk, let us know where
you went. we love you.
also, a boy named menace joined us,but to our complete shoq
and AWE, he turned into tna and flew away.
c atch22s words
bonjour. yes, it is i the infamous catch22. infamous? you
prolly havnt even heard of me before, and if you have, well im
honoured. welcome to glue. i am the co-founder person thingy
and i like the group lots. well of course i do, what did you
expect me to say i hate it?!@ of course not. anyways i think
were gonna be a pretty decent group. i mean we have a roster
of talented artists already, and i hope that those of you who
like what we do here will join up too. we like to have fun, do
art, and talk about organized crime. psst, tHERUIN3r secretly
runs a scene wide mafia. using his connections we plan to take
over the scene and use it for our own twisted purposes. so if
youre interested in joining fill out the application form that
is included in the pack and well take a looksy. ok , well i
think im starting to blabber, so ill stop. enjoy the pack!!!
i n closing.
theres not much left to say, except we hope you enjoy our
art as much as we enjoyed drawing it. and if youre interested
in joining contact us on glue or email us at glu3@hotmail.com
- info file by tHERUIN3r
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