this image contains text
artist :
title :
record label :
year :
genre :
release-date :
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----------------------- T R A C K L i S T --------------------------
-------------------- R E L E A S E i N F O ------------------------
---------------------- G R O U P i N F O -------------------------
Tronik is a group that consistently that focuses on releasing strict
quality underground dance music up front, old and new. To many,
Tronik has become the only true, and dedicated group, pushing the frontier
of quality, excelling beyond the expected. Full of desire to be the
best, it takes the efforts of the many to do the jobs right and truly
work as a group. If you think you are ready to be a part of Tronik, do
not hesitate to contact the op at Tronik on Efnet. We are always
looking for rippers.
We are currently looking for:
- Supportive rippers and promos suppliers.
- Individuals who believe they can help make Tronik a better group
Last Updated: xx/xx/xx// //ascii by Grim Fandango
----------------------/T R O N i K/------------------------
artist :
title :
record label :
year :
genre :
release-date :
ripped by :
source :
format :
----------------------- T R A C K L i S T --------------------------
-------------------- R E L E A S E i N F O ------------------------
---------------------- G R O U P i N F O -------------------------
Tronik is a group that consistently that focuses on releasing strict
quality underground dance music up front, old and new. To many,
Tronik has become the only true, and dedicated group, pushing the frontier
of quality, excelling beyond the expected. Full of desire to be the
best, it takes the efforts of the many to do the jobs right and truly
work as a group. If you think you are ready to be a part of Tronik, do
not hesitate to contact the op at Tronik on Efnet. We are always
looking for rippers.
We are currently looking for:
- Supportive rippers and promos suppliers.
- Individuals who believe they can help make Tronik a better group
Last Updated: xx/xx/xx// //ascii by Grim Fandango
----------------------/T R O N i K/------------------------
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