this image contains text
,db db,
dPb dPb
dP b dP b
Cold day, its dP P b autumn. I was si
tting, listeni ng to our lector
, everyone was b d kidding, laughin
g and smiling. b d Aha, lunch break
but suddenly o b dP ne girl said ver
y loudly: Group b dP352002, give the g
roupleader money f b dPor StudentCards! I
i rised my head from b dP the table and... And I
fell in love. And now we ?b dP like to remember that day,
day when we found each othe ?b dP r. WE, we are together...
?b dP
grim fandango
dPb dPb
dP b dP b
Cold day, its dP P b autumn. I was si
tting, listeni ng to our lector
, everyone was b d kidding, laughin
g and smiling. b d Aha, lunch break
but suddenly o b dP ne girl said ver
y loudly: Group b dP352002, give the g
roupleader money f b dPor StudentCards! I
i rised my head from b dP the table and... And I
fell in love. And now we ?b dP like to remember that day,
day when we found each othe ?b dP r. WE, we are together...
?b dP
grim fandango
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