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ice -- twilight -- mistigris -- Production
logo by
quip mist
Along the spreading fog banks
down beside the River Thames
stands a model of precision kit
no one questions or condemns.
Amid the gargoyles grimaces
its face shines in the night
Precise reliability
among a pit of spite.
Undaunted by reality
not marred by trivial need.
Relentless in its purpose -
never sows a barren seed.
A beacon of eternity,
stalwart against the dark
in accuracy paragon -
its always on the mark.
The cycles of the city
match this undisputed rhythm.
Its movements push the hands extremes
but never come to schism.
It counts a beat unstoppable
its cant cant be undone.
The tattoo is the pulse of life,
from the heart of Clockwork London.
by Cthulu ldyblu
Ansi by
KitiaraiCE and
Stone the Crow twilig
ht you figure out
who did what
c l o c k w o r k l o n d o n
+o Seraphim
logo by
quip mist
Along the spreading fog banks
down beside the River Thames
stands a model of precision kit
no one questions or condemns.
Amid the gargoyles grimaces
its face shines in the night
Precise reliability
among a pit of spite.
Undaunted by reality
not marred by trivial need.
Relentless in its purpose -
never sows a barren seed.
A beacon of eternity,
stalwart against the dark
in accuracy paragon -
its always on the mark.
The cycles of the city
match this undisputed rhythm.
Its movements push the hands extremes
but never come to schism.
It counts a beat unstoppable
its cant cant be undone.
The tattoo is the pulse of life,
from the heart of Clockwork London.
by Cthulu ldyblu
Ansi by
KitiaraiCE and
Stone the Crow twilig
ht you figure out
who did what
c l o c k w o r k l o n d o n
+o Seraphim
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