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The Girl With Electric Fingers
Shes the girl with electric fingers,
Holds your mind through holding hands
Your brain goes numb through hormone stingers
Become enslaved, you cant withstand.
The merest touch produces shivers,
The merest glance a surge of joy
Anything she wants, you give her,
Youre her little servant boy.
I like that line a lot!
Yeah, shes the girl with electric fingers,
Makes ya want her more than anythingelse
Even when shes gone, the chokehold lingers,
Hormones rage and logic quells.
You never knew that you could purr,
But purr you do, and fetch as well,
Youd do anything you could to please her,
Increduously happy in this private Hell.
Yeah,shes the girl with electric fingers,
But Ive got my own defense
She may have electric fingers,
But Im the guy with electric pants.
And so we go enslave each other,
The two of us ensnared through pleasure
There are no masters, only lovers,
Slavery becomes our treasure.
THATs supposed to be
Eoanya?? --
This poem goes out to all those who havent fallen in love yet... youwill
And it will produce an indescribable and uncomparable thrill...
It may be tormenting waiting for that special someone to call,
But I wouldnt trade it for anything in the world, anything at all.
Cthulu of Mistigris
- Ansi by Darkforce of Integrity / April 1995 -
Shes the girl with electric fingers,
Holds your mind through holding hands
Your brain goes numb through hormone stingers
Become enslaved, you cant withstand.
The merest touch produces shivers,
The merest glance a surge of joy
Anything she wants, you give her,
Youre her little servant boy.
I like that line a lot!
Yeah, shes the girl with electric fingers,
Makes ya want her more than anythingelse
Even when shes gone, the chokehold lingers,
Hormones rage and logic quells.
You never knew that you could purr,
But purr you do, and fetch as well,
Youd do anything you could to please her,
Increduously happy in this private Hell.
Yeah,shes the girl with electric fingers,
But Ive got my own defense
She may have electric fingers,
But Im the guy with electric pants.
And so we go enslave each other,
The two of us ensnared through pleasure
There are no masters, only lovers,
Slavery becomes our treasure.
THATs supposed to be
Eoanya?? --
This poem goes out to all those who havent fallen in love yet... youwill
And it will produce an indescribable and uncomparable thrill...
It may be tormenting waiting for that special someone to call,
But I wouldnt trade it for anything in the world, anything at all.
Cthulu of Mistigris
- Ansi by Darkforce of Integrity / April 1995 -
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