this image contains text
Doomsday befalls, awakened by sirens, the fifteen-minute warning.
ICBMs scream from their silos into the sky.
Warheads detonate over their targets.
Nuclear blasts incinerrate city after city, swept away by rhe shock of explosions.
Humankind dies in agony.
Ash blocks the sun from penetrating the choked atmosphere.
The global tempereture drops into nuclear winter.
Below, radiation-poisoned air, soil and water is all thats to be
By what is left of who is left.
Fires burn through the haze of a darkened world.
Charred skin hangs from the bones of survivors.
As they struggle through leveled rubble.
Past gutted buildings and unburied bodies hell rages on the face of
the earth.
All creation lays at the mercy of madmen.
Whose commands could cast us into worldwarIII.
If the keys turn from the press of a switch all life as we know it
shall cease to exist.
Cease to exist.
g e n u i n e
.ansi by sephiroth sadist, guesting in genuine.
ICBMs scream from their silos into the sky.
Warheads detonate over their targets.
Nuclear blasts incinerrate city after city, swept away by rhe shock of explosions.
Humankind dies in agony.
Ash blocks the sun from penetrating the choked atmosphere.
The global tempereture drops into nuclear winter.
Below, radiation-poisoned air, soil and water is all thats to be
By what is left of who is left.
Fires burn through the haze of a darkened world.
Charred skin hangs from the bones of survivors.
As they struggle through leveled rubble.
Past gutted buildings and unburied bodies hell rages on the face of
the earth.
All creation lays at the mercy of madmen.
Whose commands could cast us into worldwarIII.
If the keys turn from the press of a switch all life as we know it
shall cease to exist.
Cease to exist.
g e n u i n e
.ansi by sephiroth sadist, guesting in genuine.
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