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l o g o a r t b y n O a h o f g e n u i n e
okey, here it goes. another year, another genuine pack. this past few
months was kinda hard, some artists were pretty lazy and other stuff.
i cant say i have been that much of a leader either, but it seems im
pretty much alone right now. noah is not really that active anymore..
so im doing all the hard work, as before, just that hes not around
that much anymore. thats sort of sad, beacause hes one of my best
friend in the scene. but, theres some light at the end of the tunnel.
rawlock has joined.. hes also a good friend of mine and hell help
me out with the group.. well. move on. the scene is changing every day
and so is everything else. new groups come and die, some old are being
revived and so on. the same with artists, some new guys come around for
a while and then they suddenly dissapear, and some old dudes are coming
back and sometimes with a bangHI CRAYON!:. irc. the scene needs it.
and now theres another choice then ansi.. ans is here, and it is damn
good too. try it out. and then we have www. the scene needs it too, but
not as much. but i must say that acheron is a place to go.. should be
more updated i think anyways. ohh.. lots of bullshit here. well, nevermind
noone will read this shit anyway. okey. done. end.
greetings to the following people, for guesting:
big yellow man, crayon, chronicc, brane, prst, dyingsoul, sephiroth
l o g o a r t b y n O a h o f g e n u i n e
okey, here it goes. another year, another genuine pack. this past few
months was kinda hard, some artists were pretty lazy and other stuff.
i cant say i have been that much of a leader either, but it seems im
pretty much alone right now. noah is not really that active anymore..
so im doing all the hard work, as before, just that hes not around
that much anymore. thats sort of sad, beacause hes one of my best
friend in the scene. but, theres some light at the end of the tunnel.
rawlock has joined.. hes also a good friend of mine and hell help
me out with the group.. well. move on. the scene is changing every day
and so is everything else. new groups come and die, some old are being
revived and so on. the same with artists, some new guys come around for
a while and then they suddenly dissapear, and some old dudes are coming
back and sometimes with a bangHI CRAYON!:. irc. the scene needs it.
and now theres another choice then ansi.. ans is here, and it is damn
good too. try it out. and then we have www. the scene needs it too, but
not as much. but i must say that acheron is a place to go.. should be
more updated i think anyways. ohh.. lots of bullshit here. well, nevermind
noone will read this shit anyway. okey. done. end.
greetings to the following people, for guesting:
big yellow man, crayon, chronicc, brane, prst, dyingsoul, sephiroth
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