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s.s s.s cHICKEN
another month has gone by.. and school is here.. .. the pack is
out too.. on time .. and this month has been a good one.. i think
anyways.. we signed up DEE FIVE again, and got DOMINATRIX to give
us even MORE ansis that say gel.. i dont think we will run out..
to my knowledge, domatrix moved.. im not sure.. but she sayd that
she was.. then she never called my board again.. .. well.. thats
normal i guess .. uhmm.. i made gelview better.. and it looks
cool too .. . i hope we dont die out from school.. . i doubt we
will.. but just know that we will never die.. and as much as you do
not like us.. we just say this.. ah well. none of us can draw like
count zero.. but who cares??,.. i mean not like its gonna make us
money.. wait.. it does if people wanna set up a board.. humm.. well
it aint like its gonna get us a girlfriend.. .. there.. ok..fine.
hehe.. anyways.. see yah next month!@
another month has gone by.. and school is here.. .. the pack is
out too.. on time .. and this month has been a good one.. i think
anyways.. we signed up DEE FIVE again, and got DOMINATRIX to give
us even MORE ansis that say gel.. i dont think we will run out..
to my knowledge, domatrix moved.. im not sure.. but she sayd that
she was.. then she never called my board again.. .. well.. thats
normal i guess .. uhmm.. i made gelview better.. and it looks
cool too .. . i hope we dont die out from school.. . i doubt we
will.. but just know that we will never die.. and as much as you do
not like us.. we just say this.. ah well. none of us can draw like
count zero.. but who cares??,.. i mean not like its gonna make us
money.. wait.. it does if people wanna set up a board.. humm.. well
it aint like its gonna get us a girlfriend.. .. there.. ok..fine.
hehe.. anyways.. see yah next month!@
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