this image contains text
the gL wh0res ar3 back!@
alright.. uhm.. i guess this is da fifth pack from us.. and i think
that we are getting smaller.. or
maybe that is an illusion.. and
i just got rid of the lazy, or
non productive members.. i think
its that. also i hope to see
more people wanting to apply..
all i wanna do is get bigger so
if you love drawing ansi.. lemme
know.. and you can be a member..
as long as you arent a lamer like
xenophobe. my board whq is up
do you want the money finally so call it.. 648-6795..
or should i shove it its near eH?!.. like.. close..
directly up your fat uhmm.. i guess we dropped out of
ass? the stupid html scene.. if we were
ever in it.. only in the first pak and dark stalker is back in gel... + pacK numbAH fiVE!@ + so welcome d5.. latez.
w1th an0ther damn pack!@
alright.. uhm.. i guess this is da fifth pack from us.. and i think
that we are getting smaller.. or
maybe that is an illusion.. and
i just got rid of the lazy, or
non productive members.. i think
its that. also i hope to see
more people wanting to apply..
all i wanna do is get bigger so
if you love drawing ansi.. lemme
know.. and you can be a member..
as long as you arent a lamer like
xenophobe. my board whq is up
do you want the money finally so call it.. 648-6795..
or should i shove it its near eH?!.. like.. close..
directly up your fat uhmm.. i guess we dropped out of
ass? the stupid html scene.. if we were
ever in it.. only in the first pak and dark stalker is back in gel... + pacK numbAH fiVE!@ + so welcome d5.. latez.
w1th an0ther damn pack!@
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