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t r a s h p r o d yikes...... shit...... oh no...... gosh....... yuck! this ansi sucks! it makes me feel sick! the shadings is all wrong.. who the fuck cares? well, its my first Trash ANSi.. the hair is all fuckd up coz the shadings.... yeah.........
if u wanna do a request from me just write
a mezz on the big net. or find me on the IRC. greetz goes out to.. MiCoLAUs, sike, fearicon, ghostface, WHiZZTER, Thy PyrOo and every one who PRiPStrash deserve it! a big fuck goes out to all nazi assholes
if u wanna do a request from me just write
a mezz on the big net. or find me on the IRC. greetz goes out to.. MiCoLAUs, sike, fearicon, ghostface, WHiZZTER, Thy PyrOo and every one who PRiPStrash deserve it! a big fuck goes out to all nazi assholes
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