this image contains text
Garbage is the ART sub-division of tRASH!
- Supergrass got kicked because extreme lameness.
- Ragoezi left.
- Prips joined and got kicked some days later
- Simon the Sorcerer joined as ascii artist...
hiphip... 8-
- this will be the last GARBAGE pack, all multi-
group members will be kicked, and the artsection
will continue under tRASH...
NEW members are welcome 1 GROUP ONLY!
...back to the roots!...
- our ansi-viewer is on the way! stay tuned!
coding by some HIGH company dude... choochoo!
::::::::::::::::members of GARBAGE:::::::::::::::::
sike - senior/gfx/ascii/anski
tormentor - senior/gfx/ansi/ascii
peter garrett - ascii
kriz - ascii
thorin - ascii
zorlac - ascii/anski
orc/x - ascii/anski
ortega - freelance/ansi
frot - 3ds/ascii
chairman - 3ds/gfx/animation
kreetz - 3ds/gfx
kthulu - 3ds/gfx
proteus - 3ds/gfx
* simon the sorcerer - ascii
* NEW member since last release
::::::::tRASH+gARBAGE! affiliated boardzlist:::::::
whq .oOO.aSYLUm.OOo. - + 32-59-324o94 sike
+ 32-59-333335
ehq equalizer + 33-1-45251923 thorin
fhq the deadline - + 33-1-46486763 number 6
ahq anda-k-gar! - + 54-1-5o3-5292 aiz kiub
shq the early burp - + 41-52-2337737 blaze
ghq tnhwhq - + 49-7o2-244929 black griffin
gchq armageddon - + 49-211-4790058 filis
dist toc 2 - + 54-1-652-1523 xose
dist sacred grounds - + 32-11-273ooo speed freak
dist legends - + 32-56-426415 ortega
::::::::::::::::::tRASH hOMEPAGE!::::::::::::::::::
WWW - http://www.dma.be/p/bewoner/Trash/index.htm
FTP - ftp.geanet.it/Scream/groups/trash
e-mail Sike - Trash@www.dma.be
e-mail Kriz - kcastelein@unicall.be
- Supergrass got kicked because extreme lameness.
- Ragoezi left.
- Prips joined and got kicked some days later
- Simon the Sorcerer joined as ascii artist...
hiphip... 8-
- this will be the last GARBAGE pack, all multi-
group members will be kicked, and the artsection
will continue under tRASH...
NEW members are welcome 1 GROUP ONLY!
...back to the roots!...
- our ansi-viewer is on the way! stay tuned!
coding by some HIGH company dude... choochoo!
::::::::::::::::members of GARBAGE:::::::::::::::::
sike - senior/gfx/ascii/anski
tormentor - senior/gfx/ansi/ascii
peter garrett - ascii
kriz - ascii
thorin - ascii
zorlac - ascii/anski
orc/x - ascii/anski
ortega - freelance/ansi
frot - 3ds/ascii
chairman - 3ds/gfx/animation
kreetz - 3ds/gfx
kthulu - 3ds/gfx
proteus - 3ds/gfx
* simon the sorcerer - ascii
* NEW member since last release
::::::::tRASH+gARBAGE! affiliated boardzlist:::::::
whq .oOO.aSYLUm.OOo. - + 32-59-324o94 sike
+ 32-59-333335
ehq equalizer + 33-1-45251923 thorin
fhq the deadline - + 33-1-46486763 number 6
ahq anda-k-gar! - + 54-1-5o3-5292 aiz kiub
shq the early burp - + 41-52-2337737 blaze
ghq tnhwhq - + 49-7o2-244929 black griffin
gchq armageddon - + 49-211-4790058 filis
dist toc 2 - + 54-1-652-1523 xose
dist sacred grounds - + 32-11-273ooo speed freak
dist legends - + 32-56-426415 ortega
::::::::::::::::::tRASH hOMEPAGE!::::::::::::::::::
WWW - http://www.dma.be/p/bewoner/Trash/index.htm
FTP - ftp.geanet.it/Scream/groups/trash
e-mail Sike - Trash@www.dma.be
e-mail Kriz - kcastelein@unicall.be
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