this image contains text
One of the secrets to writing a successful infof
ile is to make it
catchy, and right away. That is why we have brought upon t
he unique humour
of one Tincat, a former Mistigris ansi artist.
Never open your mouth while cycling.
Welcome to the first release of Function. This
is not an art pack,
but a way to advertise and promote ourselves, and to let th
e scene know that
were here. Just for the hell of it, we are going to write
this infofile in
the form of an interview. It has totally been done
before see every Eclipse
pack infofile, but we do not really care.
Oh, and before we start the interview, we would like to
thank several
people: Haquisaq, for the excellent logo at the top
of this file, and the diz
which he provided to us under absolutely no hassling at all
Dark Soul, who
drew the ascii which were using as the zip comment Ma
festo, who provided us
with an ftp site, and gave us space for a web page and
n-t1d3, who runs the
function bot.
Scene: Thank you for agreeing to to appear
on the show tonight, Function.
Function: Its my pleasure.
Scene: Well, with formalities out of the wa
y, let us begin. Im sure all of
our viewers would love to know what exactly you
Function: I am a group founded by warpu
s and Quip.
Scene: I see. What then, is your p
Function: My purpose, as Ive been told by
the founders, is to release packs
every month. These packs will contain ansi art
drawn by my artists.
Scene: Ansi art? Is that the only med
ium your artists will endorse?
Function: Although my artists are not
discouraged to explore other mediums,
they will focus on ansi. This is not wri
tten in stone however,
and exceptions will be made if the seniors decide
that a change
would benefit myself.
Scene: What a brilliant idea! Now then, wh
at sets you apart from all the
other groups in the scene today?
Function: Well, as far as I know, I am the
only group in the scene that has
an individuality. I can think for myself, m
ake decisions based on
available data, and even converse with such entities a
s yourself.
Scene: Do you have any hobbies?
Function: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
I really enjoy skydiving.
Scene: Excellent. Let us get back to the f
ounders, Quip and Warpus. What
sort of role do they play within you?
Function: Aside from releasing
art work in the packs I have told you about
earlier, they also manage me. They are b
asically the members who
make sure that everything is running smoothly
, and that Im
functioning at my peak potential.
Scene: Those sound like very import
ant jobs. Are the founders qualified?
Function: Of course, otherwise I would not
let them take care of me. warpus
was in charge of such things as Septic an
d Blender, and Quip
was a Mistigris senior for over a year. Thats
enough experience
as far as I am concerned.
Scene: Lovely. Are you in any way at all r
elated to the late Lazarus?
Function: Yes, he was my uncle. I
try not to think of him much though he
was a practicing communist, and Im total
ly against that sort of
Scene: Does the fact that you are a rather
small group discourage you
in any way?
Function: Not at all! I was born i
n march, what do you expect? True, many
groups are born big, but Im against obesity, and
I really am
happy with the way I turned out. I will grow,
thats for sure.
Scene: OK, one last question. Do you belie
ve in life after death?
Function: Im not quite sure. Ive heard o
f groups coming back to life
before, but they always died right after. Pe
rsonally, I think
its all a scam.
Scene: Well, that pretty much wraps it all
up. Would you like to many any
closing statements, remarks, or anything
of that nature?
Function: Yes, if I could. Id like to men
tion that a small, yet informative
and very user friendly web page is being
designed about me as we
speak. Furthermore, if you would like to join me
, or have any
questions about me, you can contact either
Quip or Warpus their
email addresses are at the bottom of this doc
ument. Lastly, the
first function artpack will be released on the
1st of may, 1998,
which is in about 2 weeks. Dont forget to check it
Scene: Well, there you have it ladies and g
entelmen. Function, the group
that can talk.
And now, not so random, formatted, informative informat
Function function
galaxy - bot, maint
ained by n-t1de
ftp neoncrayon.ml.org/anonymous/pub/art
@warpus warpus@g
hax0rs519, dark,
@Quip quip@tjm
, mist
The Jade Monkey
- 604730-2467
If you have any questions about Function
, please refer to one or more
of the contact methods listed above, and we will pr
ovide you with the relevant
A to-date memberlist has been included in this a
rchive as
members.ans, so check it out. Remember, this pack
is our first route of
advertisement, so the memberlist is very small.
Quip and wa
One of the secrets to writing a successful infof
ile is to make it
catchy, and right away. That is why we have brought upon t
he unique humour
of one Tincat, a former Mistigris ansi artist.
Never open your mouth while cycling.
Welcome to the first release of Function. This
is not an art pack,
but a way to advertise and promote ourselves, and to let th
e scene know that
were here. Just for the hell of it, we are going to write
this infofile in
the form of an interview. It has totally been done
before see every Eclipse
pack infofile, but we do not really care.
Oh, and before we start the interview, we would like to
thank several
people: Haquisaq, for the excellent logo at the top
of this file, and the diz
which he provided to us under absolutely no hassling at all
Dark Soul, who
drew the ascii which were using as the zip comment Ma
festo, who provided us
with an ftp site, and gave us space for a web page and
n-t1d3, who runs the
function bot.
Scene: Thank you for agreeing to to appear
on the show tonight, Function.
Function: Its my pleasure.
Scene: Well, with formalities out of the wa
y, let us begin. Im sure all of
our viewers would love to know what exactly you
Function: I am a group founded by warpu
s and Quip.
Scene: I see. What then, is your p
Function: My purpose, as Ive been told by
the founders, is to release packs
every month. These packs will contain ansi art
drawn by my artists.
Scene: Ansi art? Is that the only med
ium your artists will endorse?
Function: Although my artists are not
discouraged to explore other mediums,
they will focus on ansi. This is not wri
tten in stone however,
and exceptions will be made if the seniors decide
that a change
would benefit myself.
Scene: What a brilliant idea! Now then, wh
at sets you apart from all the
other groups in the scene today?
Function: Well, as far as I know, I am the
only group in the scene that has
an individuality. I can think for myself, m
ake decisions based on
available data, and even converse with such entities a
s yourself.
Scene: Do you have any hobbies?
Function: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
I really enjoy skydiving.
Scene: Excellent. Let us get back to the f
ounders, Quip and Warpus. What
sort of role do they play within you?
Function: Aside from releasing
art work in the packs I have told you about
earlier, they also manage me. They are b
asically the members who
make sure that everything is running smoothly
, and that Im
functioning at my peak potential.
Scene: Those sound like very import
ant jobs. Are the founders qualified?
Function: Of course, otherwise I would not
let them take care of me. warpus
was in charge of such things as Septic an
d Blender, and Quip
was a Mistigris senior for over a year. Thats
enough experience
as far as I am concerned.
Scene: Lovely. Are you in any way at all r
elated to the late Lazarus?
Function: Yes, he was my uncle. I
try not to think of him much though he
was a practicing communist, and Im total
ly against that sort of
Scene: Does the fact that you are a rather
small group discourage you
in any way?
Function: Not at all! I was born i
n march, what do you expect? True, many
groups are born big, but Im against obesity, and
I really am
happy with the way I turned out. I will grow,
thats for sure.
Scene: OK, one last question. Do you belie
ve in life after death?
Function: Im not quite sure. Ive heard o
f groups coming back to life
before, but they always died right after. Pe
rsonally, I think
its all a scam.
Scene: Well, that pretty much wraps it all
up. Would you like to many any
closing statements, remarks, or anything
of that nature?
Function: Yes, if I could. Id like to men
tion that a small, yet informative
and very user friendly web page is being
designed about me as we
speak. Furthermore, if you would like to join me
, or have any
questions about me, you can contact either
Quip or Warpus their
email addresses are at the bottom of this doc
ument. Lastly, the
first function artpack will be released on the
1st of may, 1998,
which is in about 2 weeks. Dont forget to check it
Scene: Well, there you have it ladies and g
entelmen. Function, the group
that can talk.
And now, not so random, formatted, informative informat
Function function
galaxy - bot, maint
ained by n-t1de
ftp neoncrayon.ml.org/anonymous/pub/art
@warpus warpus@g
hax0rs519, dark,
@Quip quip@tjm
, mist
The Jade Monkey
- 604730-2467
If you have any questions about Function
, please refer to one or more
of the contact methods listed above, and we will pr
ovide you with the relevant
A to-date memberlist has been included in this a
rchive as
members.ans, so check it out. Remember, this pack
is our first route of
advertisement, so the memberlist is very small.
Quip and wa
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