this image contains text
november 1st, 1998. funct
ion6 infofile.
meaningless quote ta
ken from a random source
scientifk we are sorry the function pa
ck has been
delayed.. quip choked to death during spum cookie
cold feet
Dee1 Function is out?
Quip dee no, he wants the october one
Dee1 Ah.
Quip dee1 but expect the function pack to be out tom
Dee1 Right on.
Quip it should be.. killer
wheres the beef?
Interpret that as you may, but the fact is, the time ha
s come.
Members are not submitting, motivation is failing to ex
Warpuses are disappearing, and so on. Function was d
ecent for
a while, but I guess forming a group around the same
time as
Legion, Zenith, and Avenge, wasnt the bright thing t
o do.
All of the more productive members joined the more pr
groups, and that in turn, seemed to effect Function.
So sorry folks, but Function ceases to exist.
At this point
in time, we had three submissions for the pack - 3 lo
gos by
Quip, and Warpus had not been a part of the scene for
a good
4 months. On Halloween, Warpus and Quip co
incidentally showed
up on IRC at the same time, and discussed Function.
We decided
that even though Function was dead, wed still go out
somewhat of a bang.. so heres the first pack all ove
r again,
with the same art as the first pack, and even the sam
e DIZ as
the first pack. The first pack was good, so please r
this art at your leisure.
If you wish to apply to our carebear penetrating group,
take your application and stick it in your ear
new members 0
departing members 12
Flame - He draws really neat logos, and
used to draw pics,
but not contacting us for months on end just
cut it.
Fuzzy - He was our Internet
guy. He designed our web page
which was blatantly deleted by one big fat moron
named Silent Knight.
Gravedancer - This guy ruled, and sub
mitted a lot, but he
disappeared. Hopefully well see him drawing
ansi somewhere else in the future.
Haji - Mostly an ascii arti
st, but an amazingly good one.
Ironghost - Was promoted to senior st
aff in the past month,
but Function is dead now. Haw haw. Anyways
I hope he keeps drawing, because he has a really
cool abstract style.
Nitnatsnoc - One of the most ori
ginal ansi artists that I have
had the pleasure of knowing. Although hes a busy
guy, I also hope to see him continue his exploration
through the medium of ansi in the future.
Putrid Carcass - His logos are very
crazy. I wish he would draw
more often
Quip - This guy is just absolute
ly incredible. I have no idea
how he does it, but he has practically re-invented th
ansi medium as we know it. Props.
Samurai - I love this guys shading.
Too bad he doesnt have time
to draw anymore. Ahh well.
Tarot - Neat European artist. Lots o
f potential, but I think he
spends a little too much time getting drunk with
Ville - Who??
Warpus - Specialty: the disappea
ring act.
2+2 is not, in fact, 5.
in conclusion
Thanks for liking Function! Although the group didnt
work out
very well, we had lots of fans. Unfortunately those f
ans didnt
have enough decency to quit Legion I mean..
err.. and join
I dont know where the rest of the members are going,
but you
can see my upcoming work in upcoming Ice pac
ks. Its about time
I joined an extremely well organized group. As for
Warpus, hes
going to focus on school, and maybe a little tracking
on the
side I dont know what hes going to do towards ansi
. I havent
spoken to Ironghost about killing Function a
s of now, so.. ask
him yourself.
And to the members of Function, past and present -
thank you
for expressing your interes
t in our group. It was fun while
it lasted, but its becoming a burden
on the senior staff right
now, and its time to move on. Think o
f it as a learning
thank yous
your mom
She likes Function too.
header by iro
nghost and warpus. infofile by
header touch-u
ps by quip
ion6 infofile.
meaningless quote ta
ken from a random source
scientifk we are sorry the function pa
ck has been
delayed.. quip choked to death during spum cookie
cold feet
Dee1 Function is out?
Quip dee no, he wants the october one
Dee1 Ah.
Quip dee1 but expect the function pack to be out tom
Dee1 Right on.
Quip it should be.. killer
wheres the beef?
Interpret that as you may, but the fact is, the time ha
s come.
Members are not submitting, motivation is failing to ex
Warpuses are disappearing, and so on. Function was d
ecent for
a while, but I guess forming a group around the same
time as
Legion, Zenith, and Avenge, wasnt the bright thing t
o do.
All of the more productive members joined the more pr
groups, and that in turn, seemed to effect Function.
So sorry folks, but Function ceases to exist.
At this point
in time, we had three submissions for the pack - 3 lo
gos by
Quip, and Warpus had not been a part of the scene for
a good
4 months. On Halloween, Warpus and Quip co
incidentally showed
up on IRC at the same time, and discussed Function.
We decided
that even though Function was dead, wed still go out
somewhat of a bang.. so heres the first pack all ove
r again,
with the same art as the first pack, and even the sam
e DIZ as
the first pack. The first pack was good, so please r
this art at your leisure.
If you wish to apply to our carebear penetrating group,
take your application and stick it in your ear
new members 0
departing members 12
Flame - He draws really neat logos, and
used to draw pics,
but not contacting us for months on end just
cut it.
Fuzzy - He was our Internet
guy. He designed our web page
which was blatantly deleted by one big fat moron
named Silent Knight.
Gravedancer - This guy ruled, and sub
mitted a lot, but he
disappeared. Hopefully well see him drawing
ansi somewhere else in the future.
Haji - Mostly an ascii arti
st, but an amazingly good one.
Ironghost - Was promoted to senior st
aff in the past month,
but Function is dead now. Haw haw. Anyways
I hope he keeps drawing, because he has a really
cool abstract style.
Nitnatsnoc - One of the most ori
ginal ansi artists that I have
had the pleasure of knowing. Although hes a busy
guy, I also hope to see him continue his exploration
through the medium of ansi in the future.
Putrid Carcass - His logos are very
crazy. I wish he would draw
more often
Quip - This guy is just absolute
ly incredible. I have no idea
how he does it, but he has practically re-invented th
ansi medium as we know it. Props.
Samurai - I love this guys shading.
Too bad he doesnt have time
to draw anymore. Ahh well.
Tarot - Neat European artist. Lots o
f potential, but I think he
spends a little too much time getting drunk with
Ville - Who??
Warpus - Specialty: the disappea
ring act.
2+2 is not, in fact, 5.
in conclusion
Thanks for liking Function! Although the group didnt
work out
very well, we had lots of fans. Unfortunately those f
ans didnt
have enough decency to quit Legion I mean..
err.. and join
I dont know where the rest of the members are going,
but you
can see my upcoming work in upcoming Ice pac
ks. Its about time
I joined an extremely well organized group. As for
Warpus, hes
going to focus on school, and maybe a little tracking
on the
side I dont know what hes going to do towards ansi
. I havent
spoken to Ironghost about killing Function a
s of now, so.. ask
him yourself.
And to the members of Function, past and present -
thank you
for expressing your interes
t in our group. It was fun while
it lasted, but its becoming a burden
on the senior staff right
now, and its time to move on. Think o
f it as a learning
thank yous
your mom
She likes Function too.
header by iro
nghost and warpus. infofile by
header touch-u
ps by quip
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